Well, here we are— just one week into the new year 2023, and already we’re seeing signs that maybe—just MAYBE… something’s beginning to happen. Something is beginning to change!
It would appear that the “clowned of the world” are—(however slowly)—beginning to put the numbers “2” and “2” together! On their OWN!! And, as unbelievable as it may seem— the still quite blurry image taking form in their collective mind’s eye— does in fact appear to be taking on the distinct shape of a number “4”.
Yes! There are ever so slight, “barely perceptible ripples” being observed on the galvanometers—that is—on the ‘sweat gland activity sensors’ of the *CCADU (*Covid-Clowned Awareness Detector Unit).
And what did it take to get those “Covid-Clowned” galvanometers twitching? An NFL match of all things! But not just any NFL match! An NFL match in which an ‘absolute superstar of the game’— 23 year old Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills, after having performed a rather routine ‘average impact’ front-on tackle, suddenly collapsed in a heap onto the turf suffering severe cardiac arrest!
The paramedics worked on him with CPR for some twenty long minutes. A hushed and silent stadium, his team mates, club officials and a live TV audience looked on in absolute shock and horror—many prayed.
His heart stopped and started several times, until an ambulance ultimately took him to hospital where he remains in a critical condition, his young life hanging in the balance. They postponed the match.
In rugby league football (a game quite popular in Australia, the UK and New Zealand amongst other countries)—players have been performing these front-on tackles (with much less protective equipment) for around about a hundred and fifty years or more! Copping great big full tilt bone crushing crash tackles—ferocious hits!—week in, week out! And 99.9% of the time, these players will always make it back out onto the field for next week's game, albeit a little worse for wear—a little sore and bruised of course—but they certainly don’t, if ever— collapse into a heap from cardiac arrest!
And it’s not as though this Damar Hamlin incident was a one off event! That’s what the mainstream media would have the clowned masses believe. That’s what they’re trying to portray! In fact it happened to another former A-grade NFL player “Uche Nwaneri” just the other day!—only he died! Just 38 years old! No big media hullabaloo about that one? (I wonder why?)—
Former NFL player who called for “COVID jab resisters to be jailed” dies suddenly at 38.
The “cover up explain-aways” are kicking into gear!
Listen to this doctor’s ludicrous explanation for what happened to Damar Hamlin—
And just listen to this ABC news story for some “A-Grade denial!”—
Anyway, we all know exactly why this happened! And why it’s been happening all over the world since around early 2021! The list of fit young and healthy sports people dying—(many on the field of play)—is growing ever longer, each and every single day! It’s well into the thousands now! And not just sports people—TV news presenters, musicians, well known celebrities, entertainers of all descriptions, even doctors!—are dropping like flies all over the planet!
If that many “well known people” are dropping dead (many live on TV)— just imagine how many are keeling over in “average Normalville suburbia?!”
And don’t think for one single minute the “clowned masses of denial” aren’t beginning to take notice of all this—because they are! There’s no way in God’s green earth they’re not beginning to notice!
That little voice in their head that began as a ‘wee questioning whisper’—is starting to get ever and ever louder as each day passes! Ever and ever louder as the patronising gas-lighting politicians, health officials and a fully compromised mainstream media, consistently assure them— “It’s all just lies!”— “It’s nothing but evil “dis” and “misinformation!”— “All just a bunch of rubbish being spread by wicked people who’re hellbent on doing you harm!”— “All just evil lies being spread by science denying anti-vaxxers and thousands of scientific medical professionals who’ve suddenly gone rogue and decided for no reason whatsoever to destroy their entire careers in order to spread misleading falsehoods!”
No doubt these poor people are getting mightily confused!
But not everyone is getting it!
Seems a large percentage of the human race have essentially begun losing their minds. They are fast going off the rails!
Really weird things— "insane things!"—are beginning to pop up everywhere!
I mean just look at this recent nut-job post from a “still practising doctor and ardent vaccine enthusiast”— (It’s the stuff of Jim Jones’ People’s Temple in the jungles of Guyana just before the cyanide-laced punch mass suicide!)—
Or this—
(“TerraFabulous” is at the very least, a total lover of totalitarian rule.)
No doubt things are bound to get very interesting indeed!
Regarding the “Great Twig”
The death and illness seems to be somewhat escalating now. It’s beginning to accelerate!
Over the course of the last twenty four months or so—those weirdly disturbing calamari-like rubbery clot formations the morticians and embalmers have been pulling out of corpses, have no doubt matured and grown into some size of troubling significance—to the point that they are ‘only now’ starting to really go to town in blocking up all those major arteries—in millions and millions of people! Young and old alike!
I wonder if an incident such as what happened to NFL superstar Damar Hamlin were to happen— oooow I don’t know..?— Say, half a dozen more times over the course of the year..? Would a sudden worldwide mass panic begin to set in?
Would the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM finally get a look in?
Would we begin hearing a chorus of hundreds of thousands all over the globe suddenly screaming out a song of blue-faced bloody terror?!—
HELP!!! HELP!!!!
Because that’s what it’s going to take to bring an end to this insanity!
Can you just imagine the sheer blind mass panic that's inevitably waiting up ahead somewhere?
I often wonder what it's going to look like?— When a good few billion people arrive at the inescapable realisation— that they "willingly injected themselves and their children" with a near certain “death sentence.”
Willingly had themselves injected with a ‘surprise lottery draw’— where the distinct chance of "sudden death" lies behind every corner of every single minute.
The ignorance, denial and mass cognitive dissonance is absolutely mind blowing. Therefore, it simply MUST BE DERAILED!!
The penny will inevitably drop in the collective mind of the masses. It's bound to happen!! It's just a simple matter of "when."
The question has many times been pondered... "When is the press going to start telling people the truth about the vaccines and the catastrophic damage they’ve caused and continue to cause?"
Answer is—
They will never report the truth about it. Never EVER! At this point in the game, this is nothing less than a massive crime cover-up operation. These people have way too much to lose should they ever come clean about what's going on. They have to continue propelling the lie, no matter what! Way too late to turn back now.
But I'm starting to believe the media won't even need to tell the people the truth! All it's going to take is a handful of really big superstar sports names to suffer cardiac arrest, heart attack or drop dead on the playing field, and the masses (regardless of how stupid they are and how embarrassingly clowned they've been) will start to put it together themselves. They'll have no option but to put it together!
And that folks— is when the fun really begins!
As for the evil doers guiding this ship of insanity—we've got to stop engaging these criminals on their own terms! We’ve got to stop trying to debate them on the grounds of “science.” It’s a total waste of time and energy!
This is not about “science”—it’s about “CRIME.”
We should best spend our time cruelly mocking their so obvious and idiotic attempts at covering up what so many are fast beginning to see for themselves!
We should just keep calm—sit back, relax.... and let their own ever increasingly ludicrous lies and explain-away attempts expose them in the light and ultimately see buried their corrupt and evil asses!
It’s a pure case of— “Give ‘em enough rope!”
Have you heard about the latest scary variant they’re pushing?—
“KRAKEN” (Do you believe this shit?!!)
Yeah— the clowned masses are gonna put it together soon enough!
Kraken—Whack ‘em and stack ‘em!
People are going to start smelling the coffee very very soon. Because there's going to be MUCH MUCH MORE OF THIS! There’s going to be MUCH MUCH MORE UNEXPLAINED DEATH AND SUFFERING!
The millions of clowned butter heads who fell for this had better be prepared for some real hard-line reality to kick in!
Because when it finally does— when that penny finally drops— there's going to be a whole mess of PAIN, SCREAMING, TERROR AND BLIND-ASSED PANIC going on!— The likes of which we’ve never seen in the entire history of the world!
We all know what this is— but so many are still unwilling to talk about it.
Soon— they'll have to talk about it!
John you quoted "I often wonder what it's going to look like?— When a good few billion people arrive at the inescapable realisation— that they "willingly injected themselves and their children" with a near certain “death sentence.” "
1. Turning to God (could be the impetus for mass world-wide Christian revival)
2. Seething anger at all authorities
3. Mass stupidity to continue believing the lies out of pure denial (your Dr Twitter doctor post)
4. Taking matter into their own hands for revenge against any viable targets
Thank you John you nailed it again sir.