Fear and Loathing on Planet Kooksville!
Some recent musings... (just in case you missed them).
Hello there, dear Shouting in space readers!
I do hope the new year 2025 has been reasonably kind to you thus far and set you off to, well… at the very least, a moderately acceptable start!
Rather than joining in on the ever growing plethora of articles being pumped out on the return of one, Donald J. Trump to the Whitehouse… I thought I’d send out (for your reading entertainment), a little stitched up compilation of some of my more recent Substack Notes.
But regarding Donald Trump’s return, I feel I must say this…
The thing for us to keep a super close watch on, is whether or not Donald keeps RFK Jr. hanging about—now that he’s back in office! And, if he does… how much freedom will he be given in regards to exercising his duties in his given role—in so much as… “saying it, exactly as it is?!” — I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Anyway, on with the show!
You certainly didn’t need to be any kind of genius. Any kind of academically gifted Mensa like master of critical analysis! You didn’t need an IQ that could rival the likes of Albert Einstein… to clearly recognise… that what was actually taking place in our world between the years 2020/2022... (right there before our very eyes)… was an all too bleedingly obvious - frighteningly formulated and calculated, worldwide criminal collusion! On an absolute mind warpingly monumental scale! On a scale, never ever before seen, in the entire recorded history of the modern world!
Oh well…
So, there we all were, my enlightened aware and awakened friends, (both newly gained and otherwise)— for all intents and purposes, hopelessly trapped in the surreally vicious snare of an extraordinarily weird and bizarre situation— desperately trying to connect with, all and any like-minded individuals, who would dare to join us in our seemingly impossible quest, of trying to make sense out of the clearly visible unbridled madness that was all too rapidly unfolding and threatening to devour us whole!
It seemed that the entire world had collectively lost its marbles—and it was only “us”… we delusional lunatics – we troublesome dissidents – we tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists and science denying anti-vaxxers! We Neo-Nazis; anarchists and ultra right-wing extremists! It was only us… (a mere 5 to 10% of the population in total)… who appeared to possess… (for whatever reason), the ability to recognise even a single bit of what was actually going on!
Needless to say, trying to come to grips with the mind-altering bafflement that the rest of society appeared totally blind and oblivious to the horrors that we were witnessing, and trying so desperately to communicate to them— still haunts and taunts the majority of us, nearly five years later to this very day! Not to mention the anger and bitterness we feel toward those who so smugly and cruelly dismissed us as though being a pack of naughty schoolchildren!
These things are not so easily forgotten... let alone, forgiven!
“Is my old friend, a secret Covidian?” - A Handy Tip!
They don’t openly snigger and poke fun at you in front of others. No, that’s way too obvious! Plus, they can never be 100% sure that they’ll be backed up by fellow Covidians!
There’s a “certain few” — (mainly those whom you haven’t had too much communication with over the last few years)…
If ever you should bump into these people… say, at a function, or just some place in the general town square… there’s a certain detectable animosity… (almost a look of outright hatred) just barely visible; hidden there, just behind the eyes.
They’re generally not as warm and chatty as they once were… (particularly prior to 2020).
The “hypnotised Covidian cultist” thing, is 100% real! Don’t fool yourself into believing that it isn’t!
They want to hang onto the belief that they were somehow “heroes” and in their eyes, we… were/are… nothing more than dangerously irresponsible lunatics who refused to do their part!
Re: The use of Social Media, and IT in general…
For a long time now, it’s become somewhat habitual for us to simply (almost unconsciously) say… “just Google it”
That’s not by accident!
The controlling powers that be, deliberately made it so as to become part of our simple everyday common vernacular.
Try Googling…
“Can directed energy weapons start fires?”
“Have vaccines killed millions of people?”
“Was 9/11 an inside job?”
See what comes up!
The Reuters “fact checkers,” cabalistic discreditors and smear campaigners are all over it!
Regarding Social Media and “Getting the Message Out.”
The algorithmic “powers that ought not be,” have us all locked into our own little private echo chambers. Those who “really need to see our posts,” rarely, if ever do.
We should never underestimate the sheer power these bastards exercise over the controlling of the “official narrative.”
It’s often been suggested…
“Forget about FaceBook and YouTube! - Only share stuff from Rumble; X and Odysey, etc!
Sure, but there’s a distinct problem here…
Most of the people who checkout stuff on Rumble, Odysee and the like… are already, (at the very least)… “partially awake.”
The problem we face in getting the truth out to the “government media hypnotised”…. is getting them to accept that the information presented on these alternative platforms, is not all just a bunch of extreme right-wing propaganda and disinformation!— as they’ve been literally trained to believe by their God-like government appointed “experts” and mainstream media heroes!
Which US city most willingly (almost fanatically!) complied its way into tyranny during the Covid fiasco? - L.A.
Which US city experienced the most outrageously devastating fires ever seen (during its winter months), but largely refuses to acknowledge that something really sinister may have taken place? - L.A.
Which US city is pegged to be the first official “15 minute Smart City” in the USA by 2028?
You guessed it! - L.A.
Los Angeles planned for "2028 Smart City"
(neatly coinciding with 2028 LA Olympics).
But of course, the "fact checkers" have debunked it, claiming it’s all just "misinformation."
News Media - Twists & Turns!
Read the Daily Mail article below concerning Mel Gibson’s personal observations on the L.A. fires, and notice how these sneaky bastards “deliberately manipulated his words!”
In the FOX News interview with Laura Ingraham, Gibson actually said…
“Is it real?”
(Note the rhetorical question mark - he was simply pondering a question).
But they quote him as having said…
“it IS real.”
A simple swapping round of the two words, “is” and “it”… creates a whole new meaning to his statement!
Also note that they take it upon themselves to label his statement as “bizarre.”
Is this “unbiased journalism,” or “slanderous opinion” ?
Anyone who fails to see the broader picture in all this, is an absolute butterhead! Never in the entire history of the world, has the mainstream media been more deliberately deceptive and skewed against the interest of the people.
Apart from a few such as Mel Gibson… (although, he lost his home too)… it would seem that many of those deep-state loving Hollywood artists and celebs who were so proudly barking out the fascistic orders of their totalitarian globalist masters throughout the “Covid Plandemic phase”— are now being paid back for their unwavering loyalty!
Nice to see that Bono's finally found what he's looking for!
How does this f*cking prat sleep at night?!
Meanwhile, Down Under…
Why do Aussies hate this woman so much? Did she not get her vaccine or what?!
Or is it just your usual case of the average Aussie can-kicker, basically hating on anyone who... is not only successful, but appears to be their… "own person" ?!
Setting the scene for “Medical Clown World”
Act: 1
A doctor (or scientist), attired in slightly rumpled lab coat - stethoscope slung loosely about his neck - looking very much like a Clint Eastwood “Dirty Harry” type character —
“That blue arrow! D’ya see it? Huh?! D’ya see what it’s pointing to? Well, do ya?!! It’s pointing to that little pink dot! D’ya see it?.. right there! Kinda looks like a little jellybean or sumthin’ - Well, let me tell ya punk! It’s that little pink dot, jellybean or whatever the hell it is! It’s THAT that’s causing all the trouble!!
Who’d a believed it huh?! All that devastation! All that pain and suffering! All that confusion! All that DEATH! All down.. to a little PINK DOT!”
Ah altered reality...what's not to like? seems there's a vast number of 'highly educated' people whom subscribe to the altered reality doctrine even as it continues to kick 'em fair between the legs
We non-subscribers wonder how and why these 'highly educated' subservient-to-altered-reality inductees appear to be walking around with a dangerous and volatile menace lurking not far from the very outer layers of the flesh sack they walk around in
Be wary of Smiles; Look close and you can witness a smirk of uneasy arrogance; The lips don't match what the eyes are saying...
Constant kicks to the mid section will either kill a man/woman's spirit, make them come to their senses or completely piss-them-off and make them ready for battle at a blinking moments notice
Matters not that the One standing before the inductee has never caused them harm but indeed tried to warn them about the incoming kicks to the nuts,; Nope, what matters is the inductee has someone, anyone to vent their pained anger onto; Whom better to feel some anger and pain than the Ones who defied and continue to defy the altered reality indoctrination; "Why should them selfish bastards not feel the same anguish I feel"...
Lucky the bread and circus' continue to roll out the red carpet for anyone who can still afford a ticket; Distractions of any kind are sorely needed; Even the altered reality seems to be caving in on itself as ticket holders walk past rows of tents with the grovelling unwashed huddled around a fire cooking the remnants of some reasonably fresh 'road-kill' (shhh, it's a Rabbit not an alley cat)
Those inductees who can't afford the ticket but still have a roof under which to shelter will sit in front of the Huuuuge Wall-Mounted programming device to watch the circus as "news updates" and Advertisements for the next 'must-have' roll across the screen...