Just another of the many facets of "FORCED MASS COMPLIANCE"
It was always intended to go this way.
This was always intended to go this way from the very beginning. Ukraine was always being setup for a gigantic fall, by the “big players.” Zelensky was always a puppet leader, setup to ultimately crash and burn…. (I think he’d be feeling extremely nervous and more than just a little vulnerable at this point).
People can’t wrap their head around the seemingly bizarre notion… that the Covid Plandemic; the Ukraine/Russia conflict, and “Gaza,” are “ALL connected.” The Covid years 2020-2022 were nothing short of an exercise in “FORCED MASS COMPLIANCE.”
When you see every single political leader; A-list celebrity; Corporation and Media Talking Head influencer of the western world, wildly promoting a “fully masked; vaccinated and haplessly compliant public” to wave little blue and yellow flags in support of a NATO instigated conflict …. you just know… the fix is in!
The former Biden administration would have gladly seen this conflict continue until every single fighting age.. (and well above fighting age) Ukrainian citizen was dead in the ground.
The thing the leftwing pundits will never acknowledge, is the fact that NATO placed so much pressure on Putin, he had absolutely no option but to send his troops in. And, as per usual, they’re letting their hatred of Trump override what little commonsense they have.
Plus, I must say… regarding Zelensky’s visit to the Oval office, he really should have considered wearing a suit. And, well… perhaps keeping his mouth shut.
It’s like Trump said… “you have no cards in this”.
Just consider this “one part” of the “bigger picture” that we’re actually up against…
When the “controlling powers that be,” can successfully convince the greater percentage of the world’s population... to willingly have themselves repeatedly injected with a... (brand new; never before used; hastily rushed out; nowhere near safety tested; "gene altering technology"... with no information or guarantees offered whatsoever in regards to possible negative outcomes... nor any promises of follow up support; recognition, accountability; responsibility, or "liability" should things go horribly fucking wrong!) Then, on top of that.... ALSO CONVINCE THEM... to brand & smear, "all and any," who in any way dare to question any part of the above stated, with "their own SAGE psychological nudge-unit created catch phrases and labels".... well, that's some “REAL POWER” right there!
“Five minutes spent watching videos on Rumble and suddenly you’re an expert in immunology!”
How often we saw supposedly “intelligent people” throw that one at us as some type of “GOTCHA!” statement!
End of the day, that’s pretty much the best they could ever come up with.
Thanks, perfect Meme of Xi maskless!
It is always about the individual asserting his/her own authorization over against any collective and supporting autonomy and do no harm.
I can wrap my head around it. Nothing is “ coincidence”. Everything we’ve experienced is connected and part of a very elaborate, well orchestrated plan. At least someone else gets it. It’s tiresome being told I’m crazy.