Further to Part:1 of Operation: Blame it all on “COVID” where I put forth my prediction that the “controlling powers that be” will actively embark on a worldwide campaign towards blaming “all and everything” on the supposed virus—I was somewhat unsurprised to see that they are now claiming Covid-19 is causing “DNA damage to people’s hearts!”
Of course (as sure as the sun will rise in the east), they’ll next be claiming that morticians are finding rubbery synthetic like blood clots in the bodies of deceased victims of this intensely promoted (PCR false-positive numbers driven) bogeyman virus.
Those of us who’ve been tracking this thing from the very beginning, know full well (as has long been claimed by countless professors of micro and immune biology), that it’s the “vaccines themselves” that are causing most, if not ALL, of the horrific societal health devastation we are seeing mounting up all around us!
Unfortunately, if you believe what the likes of Immunologist/Molecular Biologist Prof. Dolores Cahill PhD has been saying—billions are quite likely to be dead before too long—both adults and children alike.
Personally, I think we could be in a bit of a serious pickle here.
Now that they're on a concerted mainstream media driven marketing campaign to blame all of the world’s medical woes on the ill effects of 'Covid-19'—many will no doubt believe it as though being the word of gospel!
And before you could say— “Some people are as thick as a stack of wooden planks in a boggy marsh”, most will continue to blindly follow the advice of their ever trusted “Big Pharma backed and sponsored health officials” to line up for regular vaccine booster injections, in order to best “protect themselves” from said virus! Totally oblivious to the fact—that it's actually the "vaccines" doing all the harm in the first place!!
It should not be underestimated just how powerful a move to “blame everything on Covid-19” could turn out to be. In fact—it could be somewhat of a master stroke in their plan!
It could well be used to effectively set things right back to the “very beginning” of the vaccine roll-out!
And what a brilliant tool it could be for the reigniting of hatred and persecution towards those dirty irresponsible unvaccinated?!!
As soon as they’ve got the bulk of the ‘apathetic, blind-assed, sheep-like numbskull population absolutely wide-eyed frothing at the mouth convinced’ that Covid-19 has now been “officially proven” to destroy the human immune system— damage the DNA of hearts— cause life threatening blood clots and all manner of debilitating illness and death!— well, the sky’s the limit!
There’s no telling how insanely hysterical things could suddenly become!!
They could ramp the fear levels through the roof!!
Really get those vaccines moving!!!
And what about those dirty scoundrels refusing the vaccine?
I can just hear it now—
“I reckon we send em to concentration camps?!!”
“How dare they put our lives and those of our children at risk?!!”
“Look!! He’s not wearing his mask!! Call the cops!!”
“Because these monsters refuse to take the vaccine, my child is dead!!”
The possibilities are endless…
Well, something to think about anyway.
Here we are... they've now added "dementia" to the list of.. "caused by Covid."
Every day they're adding a new known 'jab injury' to the list of "caused by Covid-19." In the end... it's all going to be blamed on the "unjabbed." And it'll work too.
When tanks come rolling down the streets of American cities and subdivisions and the “FBI” rounds up any and all dissenters the people will have difficulty ignoring the fact the world has fallen to Fascism. Even the thickest bricks may come to understand. This may be in a setting where Europe has already fallen. History in action.