The totalitarian machine of dehumanisation
Something that really troubles me of late— is the inescapable knowledge, that this idiotic soul-destroying, humiliating government dictate for the mandatory wearing of face-coverings in all public areas; doctors waiting rooms; public transport; taxi ranks; domestic flights, etc, etc... is sticking, it’s solidifying— and fast becoming “normalised” within our society.
The truth of the matter is— it’s anything BUT “normal!”
This absurdly nonsensical dehumanising practice, is nothing less than a “RITUAL!” A ritual of self imposed “societal captivity!” A ritual of “submission!”
And if we don’t stand up to this quick smart— it’s ultimately going to end up a ritual of— “TOTAL AND UTTER CAPITULATION!!”
And, as is the case with most cult-like rituals— this insane self-regulated practice is totally ludicrous on its face! (no pun intended!)
Even though this mindless absurdity is being ‘forced upon us’ by our ‘own democratically elected government’— and has absolutely no merit of justification or scientific backing whatsoever— it’s very likely to be staying with us for good!
And what’s most disturbing— is the sad fact, that every single bit of this is down to society’s collective ignorance; apathetic complacency and cowardly inaction!
Do people NOT CARE they’re being openly and blatantly psychologically abused and humiliated by their own government?!
Have they no self regard?
Have they no SELF RESPECT?!
Understand! If we don’t put an end to this mind-numbing lunacy—”IT’S HERE TO STAY!!”
I’d like to think of myself as being somewhat of a reasonably intelligent guy, so to have to unquestioningly play along with this insanity, offends me as a person.
It affects me on a deeply human level.
It offends me as a “HUMAN BEING!”
I wish I wasn’t cut this way, honestly I do. Sometimes I wish I was just a simpleton— a total moron. A complete and utterly unaware clueless dunderhead! Life would be a whole lot less painful that way.
But! As painful as it may be… I still try my very best to throw the odd spanner in the works as often as possible— (here’s an example).
So what’s this masking business really about?
It’s about ‘training us’—
Psychologically breaking the bonds that ‘keep us together’—
Dismantling the very connections that ‘make us human!’
It’s about getting us slowly accustomed to the idea of being a collection of ‘disempowered, faceless, expressionless, non-communicative sub-human androids!’
(See Pavlovian conditioning)
Let’s be clear— none of this (since the very beginning) has ever had a single solitary thing to do with “public health and safety.”
Not the masking— not the vaccines— not the lockdowns— not the social distancing— not the perspex safety shields— not the red & green shop floor arrows, elevator stickers, hand sanitisers, QR codes, digital check-ins, PCRs and home testing kits, temperature checks, nor the public service announcement health and safety messages in supermarkets & shopping malls—
None of it! Not a single f*cking bit of it!!
On the contrary— it’s got everything to do with the “psychological breaking down of a people!”
It’s about breaking our ‘will’—
Breaking our ‘spirit’—
Breaking our ‘belief in ourselves’—
This, from the very beginning, has been nothing short of an absolute and utter technocratically driven quest for full and complete “TOTALITARIAN CONTROL!!”
*Christine Anderson of the European Parliament had a little to say about all this.
And let’s not forget— all this hoopla! All this chaos! All the societal devastation and unimaginable human suffering caused on so many levels— has all been as a direct result of joint-governmental responses to a “supposed virus” that is no more threatening than the average seasonal flu!
When, in the entire history of the world (Spanish flu aside), were we ever so collectively obsessed with illness, death and viral contamination — and on such an enormously idiotic, irrational and wildly hysterical scale?!
(Talk about turning your average sized chicken into a tyrannosaurus rex, say what?!)
And keep in mind— Since around March of 2020, this ‘enormously idiotic, irrational and hysterical worldwide obsession with illness, death and viral contamination’— has been actively promoted ‘ad nauseam’, via a hyperbolically driven, global mainstream media marketing campaign— which you could swear blind, was conceived and developed by a pack of wild-eyed ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ style bankers and advertising gurus— who whilst high on crack cocaine, were getting their instructions from psychotic eugenicists and ‘sick as all f*ck in the head’ trans-humanists, who “themselves” were chuffing on huge pipes of crystal methamphetamine!
All for our health of course!
All things considered, it seems the dark and sinister powers that be, are getting their plans across the line without too much of a bother.
There appears to be no substantial resistance to the progress of their twisted ideological initiatives. Other than “us” of course! But who listens to “us” anyway?!
This digitised trans-humanistic debasement of all humanity looks to be doggedly grinding forward, regardless of our desperate and impassioned protestations!
If the globalist owned and controlled mainstream media doesn’t report on anything remotely resembling “the truth!” And the ‘World Economic Forum’ beholden Silicon Valley technocrats (who own and control near all of the popular social-media platforms used today) continue on their current mission of censoring, smearing, defaming and generally trying to destroy ‘all or any’ who speak out against this globalised takeover of everything we regard as sacrosanct, dear and being true to our lives— it’s as though nothing of any real significance is going on about the place at all. Right?
It’s as though everything is perfectly normal and in complete order. It’s just business as usual! Just another sunny day in Loonyville! And everyone knows— what we see on the 6 o’clock news is “reality.” And who questions “reality” but crazy people! Right?!
It’s like...“Whoa Bob! What’s all this shit ya talkin about totala-teetotalers, digital-current-seas and dick-potata-chips?! Jus forget all that rubbish pal! Ya goin to the ballgame on Sunday or what?!” Effectively rendering all efforts towards pushing back against this globalised hegemonic machine of totalitarian dominance and control— One hundred percent fruitless!
Despite the absolute flood of 100% verifiable and irrefutable evidence that’s come out fully exposing this global pandemic health emergency deception— everything just seems to stay exactly the same! It’s like these pelicans don’t ever want this to end!
For instance—
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recently put out an official statement, basically saying… the vaccines don’t work and there’s no difference between being vaccinated or unvaccinated (as for.. “no difference,” I would strongly beg to differ!)
But anyway… will it stop the discrimination against the unvaccinated?
Will it stop employers grilling prospective employees about their ‘vaccine status’ at job interviews?
Will it stop these lunatics pushing the boosters like ruthless salesmen?!
I think NOT.
So what can we realistically do about this?
What to do?— What to do?—
Well— that’s the multi-billion dollar Big Pharma absolutely raking it in like Pablo Escobar question on all our lips!
My advice (as mentioned earlier)… is to do your very best at throwing a big fat greasy spanner into the works wherever possible!
Make it hard for these silly bastards blindly holding down the fort for the cabal!
Force them to question the lunacy!
Don’t just follow their orders off the bat— put up a stack of gnarly resistance before reluctantly covering up your face with that cloth!
Let em know you’re pissed about it!!
And be sure to let em know, “THEY TOO” should be pissed about it!!
And say it loud enough for everyone within earshot to hear! Because there are always those people standing in the wings, who silently and begrudgingly admire your courage— and wish like all hell, they too had the raw gumption to stand up for their rights! Just as you did!
And who knows… inspired by your bravery, “they too” may one day muster up the courage to rail against this soul destroying horseshit!
Yes, good article, thanks. Have always thought King Klaus in his ridiculously royal-spiritual garb (a great oxymoron) and kleptocrats like Gates and Fauci (readily identifiable as functionary bureaucrats) have the actual intelligence of gerbils (if that) and represent craft evil forces. Masks indicate our collective subservience to tyranny. They laugh at us for our lemming like behavior. Get a grip!
Thank you, John! It cannot be emphasized enought that NOBODY has the right to turn others' lives into a hellhole. The criminal and manipulate ideology of "saving lives" must go! Saving lives for what? Slow death and slavery until one kicks the bucket?