The tragic reality of where we “actually stand.”
It’s time we stopped doing the hopium and face up to facts.
So many claims are being bandied about—that the entire cast of villains behind this so obviously planned and orchestrated “never ending global health emergency” are all running scared—terrified for their lives!—knowing the curtain’s closing and the time is drawing near they finally be brought to justice and held accountable for the heinous crimes they’ve jointly perpetrated against us!
It all sounds so very positive doesn’t it?
Biden, Trudeau, Ardern, Gates, Drosten, Schwab, Fauci and Co… the whole damn lot of them!—all to be tried for mass murder and crimes against humanity! All ashamedly marched through the town square—where enraged masses pelt them with eggs and rotten vegetables!
Forget about it!
In your dreams!
Ain’t gonna happen!
They’ve got all their bases covered!
They own and control the politicians!
The governments!
The media!
The armed forces!
The police!
The entire medical system top to bottom!
The entire judicial system!
The judges!
The courts!
The town square!!!
They own EVERYTHING! and then some!!
This has gone well past the threshold of the point of no return!
As I’ve alluded to on a number of prior occasions—this is essentially a runaway train! A runaway train that’s primarily being driven by “two major factors”—
It’s the largest and most thoroughly executed and facilitated crime cover-up in all of human history.
The greater population’s mass cognitive dissonance, apathy and overall depleted sense of self-worth, have descended to such an appallingly abysmal low as to have rendered them totally unreachable!
Given the above two factors, all the psychotic scheming villains need do—is continue on their current path of blaming “the ever worsening and exponentially increasing unexplained death and illness” on the never ending bombardment of ever more colourful mutations and scary boogeyman variants, and the totally fictitious delayed effects of Covid! i.e., “Long Covid,” or “SADS,” or whatever else these professional snake-oil salesmen have been hawking to the human sheep for the past how many years?!
And of course they’ve got the added advantage of wielding continued power and influence over an “already mind-altered population” via their “reality affirming” global propaganda wing, in the shape of a fully bought and sold and totally compromised Worldwide News, TV, Radio, Social and Print Media Network—whose simple task it is to continue on with the blocking out and ignoring of ‘all and any’ dissonant voices and outside sources of information, and the non-reporting of a single solitary thing that’s happening in the world outside of their incessantly promoted ironclad official mainstream narrative!
All and any attempts at seeking legal justice and the criminal prosecution of these soullessly calculating malefactors, will all just wind up getting bogged down in one gigantic never ending science debate—which will go on and on, forever and a day—endlessly bouncing back and forth—until their fully compromised judicial system throws out every single legal challenge one by one… until there’s not a single legal challenge left to be thrown out!
They know the jabbed up sheep are fully asleep. Fully worn down and operating under a heavy blanket of three full years of highly targeted and concentrated psychologically orientated propaganda and military grade hypnosis and mind control!
They know these people are virtual putty in their hands! They know they could break the horrible truth out tomorrow, but the appalling fact of the matter is— these mind battered pigeons wouldn’t believe it anyway!!
They see these people still testing themselves incessantly—wearing masks—avoiding crowds—fearfully hiding in their homes—lining up for scheduled boosters! All on the caring advice of their much loved and trusted medical health experts!
Psychological Nudge Unit Manipulation.
Manufactured Consent.
Global Lockstep Governance.
Organised Medical Tyranny.
Campaigning of Fear and Division.
Arbitrary Invasion of Bodily Autonomy.
Organised Coercion.
Bending of Science, Data and Statistics.
Deregistration for non-compliance.
Rousing of hatred towards dissidents.
Organised Gaslighting.
Character Assassination.
Misplaced Altruism.
Blind Compliance.
Mass Cognitive Dissonance.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Mass Denial.
Mass Formation.
THE most chilling aspect of all this is the mere fact that—“WE know,” that “THEY KNOW,” what these so called “vaccines” are doing! There’s no way they don’t know! But they keep pushing them onto an unsuspecting global population regardless!
Why on earth are they doing this?
Because it’s their ONLY OPTION! That’s why!
They can’t suddenly turn around and say…
“We regret to inform you— the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out must be ceased immediately! Worldwide and without delay!
Public health officials worldwide, have received conclusive and totally irrefutable scientific evidence, that these injections have killed and permanently debilitated millions of people of all ages globally! And they will continue to do so unless immediately halted!”
They CAN NOT, and WILL NOT do this!
Not ever!
They can’t!
It’s too late!
They have no option whatsoever but to continue on with the murderous lies, denials, silence and cover-ups—and let millions, perhaps BILLIONS— DIE! There’s simply no alternative course of action available to them at this late point in the game.
We have to start facing reality—and REAL QUICK!
We (the truth and justice league) are an incredibly small island in a massive ocean of lies and cunningly controlled deception. This machine of global criminality controls all the various means towards silencing opposition—therefore, there’s not a single ghost’s hope in hell of ever convincing our friends of the reality of what’s being done to them/us!
Our tyranny loving jabbaroo friends have made their decision!
They’ve unquestioningly committed themselves to living by the insane dictates and mind-bending rituals of the “New Normal Cult!”
They’re not listening to us!
They NEVER WERE listening to us!
Many of them still fully believe they’re in a life threatening pandemic and everything we try to present to them is nothing but fictitious tinfoil tomfoolery!
That’s what they’ve literally been programmed to believe! And believe me—they’re STILL BELIEVING IT BIG TIME!
It’s saddening, if not just a tad hilarious— listening to ABC-AM Talkback Radio and the almost frantic discussions beginning to arise between those caught up in the mass formation. They’ve got an endless array of independent journos, medical and financial “experts” on as guests, all desperately trying to figure out and make sense of—what millions of we "conspiracy theorists" have been screaming about for the last three years!
On the other hand—
Many of our “mind altered friends of the mass formation” are only just now (after three long years), beginning to get these awkward disturbances forming in the back of their minds—that something just don’t feel right..? Something’s a little off in Dodge, but they just can’t quite put their finger on it…..?
Surely by now you’d think they must at least be wondering why so many of us are still going on with all this nonsense on social media?
Here’s a few things I’ve recently written on my personal FaceBook page…
Thousands of professors of microbiology, cardiology, immunology, neurosurgeons and heart specialists (all of them GOVT/MEDIA CENSORED)... were saying LOUD & CLEAR... the Covid v*ccines were going to cause a BIG BIG PROBLEM. A SERIOUS PROBLEM, on a MASSIVE SCALE! They weren't guessing at this! They were speaking from years of accumulated knowledge and experience! They knew it as well as if to say... "If you pour petrol on a live flame... you're going to get a BIG FIRE!"
"LONG COVID" is nothing but a cover up. It should be more than obvious to anyone with even half a brain in their head.
I don't know of a single "un-jabbed" person who's been gravely ill over the past three years. But I know a hell of a lot of JABBED & BOOSTED who have been, still are— and many who unfortunately, are no longer with us.
But anyway, ENJOY!!! And remember folks... It's always fun in CLOWN WORLD!
If my elected government is actively censoring and defaming “absolute top-line scientific medical professionals”… I actively seek these people out in order to hear what they have to say.
Why? Because I’ve GOT A BRAIN!! You do too… USE IT!!
I just SMS’d the below to Phillip Clark (host of ABC radio 702 Night Life). Interestingly, he readout all listeners messages live on air. All “EXCEPT mine.” I wonder why?
Hello Phillip,
The book ‘Covid-19 the Great Reset’ is not the stuff of fiction. It was “an actual published work” released in July of 2020, and authored by the head of the World Economic Forum “Klaus Schwab”… the man who coined the term… “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.” He wasn’t joking Phillip.
Apart from my usual small band of “like minded FaceBook friends & supporters”—
Not even to this!—
The lack of public concern over this appallingly ludicrous situation, really does my head in!
Daniel Andrews' Victorian state government.. with the full backing of former Deputy Chief Health Officer "Dr Nick Coatsworth"... has essentially decided... this poor woman, who is in DESPERATE NEED OF A HEART TRANSPLANT, is simply "NOT WORTH SAVING!"
Because she refuses to be injected with a PROVENLY DANGEROUS, highly toxic substance, which does absolutely NOTHING, but THREATEN ONE'S LIFE!!!! (*See in comments what your government doesn’t want you to know!)
In other words... they have decided she must "DIE"... purely because she refuses to surrender her bodily autonomy and be FORCED to partake in the rituals of this now MINDLESSLY OUT OF CONTROL CULT!!
YES... a CULT!
If you don't care about this... YOU YOURSELF, are a FULLY FLEDGED MEMBER OF THIS CULT!!
If you can't see the problem with this... YOU are a VICTIM OF GOVERNMENTALLY ORCHESTRATED MENTICIDE!
The time has come to accept the facts!
Seems all we can realistically do, is just sit back and watch it all turn to hell!
Most importantly— we must weather the storm and fight to keep our sanity!
And if you’ve been keeping a close eye on the seemingly ever escalating NATO driven “mass formation fanning of flames for nuclear warfare”—I think it’s becoming quite evident—the evil controlling powers that be, would sooner see our asses fried like chickens, than be held accountable for their crimes!
We have all sat here like sideshow alley ducks being picked off. We here in Australia have been like the "goodie two shoes" in class and followed the narrative. If I ever hear again "you have to do your bit" I swear I will throw up.
We have all sat waiting for a peaceful way to work this out but the people we are dealing with don't have a peaceful bone in their body. They just don't think that way and it is very hard for people to get their mind around that.........that some people can be that evil. They are straight up psychos who just want us all dead....yesterday !
Talking will never solve this situation. It will take aggression but no-one will step forward. So many US people tell us we were stupid to get rid of our guns (we actually didn't have that many anyway) but I don't see the slightest inkling of them using their second amendment which was created for this very situation. Wasn't tyrannical government the reason for the second amendment ?
CCP love this situation as they just have to sit back while the Globalists do their work for them. A CCP forces leader commented a few years back that they did not have to invade to win. They would do it by stealth slowly acquiring and that is exactly what they are doing. They own Darwin Harbour, huge tracts of farmland and stations. And wherever they acquire is generally a strategic base of some kind.
For example they bought a station in WA and put a jet capable runway on it (which was against the law) very close to a communications network. Is the runway still there...of course. There are no politicians strong enough to stand up. They own many small airports in AU, mines and places of value. And still our STUPID government allows it to happen. It is not by any means limited just to Australia.
Living in WA is very lonely for a non vaxxer. I am the only one of everyone I know and or family that is not vaxxed. My only son had just graduated from uni and job ! My heart is broken. Ours is the state of 90%, so they say. We have a population of approx 3 million.
This has nothing to do with intelligence. My ex was a consulting engineer before he retired and nothing but nothing would change his mind. He is STILL getting boosters. He still thinks I am stupid. You have to wonder what it was that made some of us so adamant that this vax should not be taken.
I think sometimes we should look at ourselves as the chosen as weird as it sounds.
I am an old woman who is getting crankier by the day but also getting to the stage where I think "whats the use of fighting?", but I will keep fighting even as a wordsmith as it not in me to give up.
But being wordsmiths will never win this fight.
Thank you John. Sadly I have to agree with your conclusion/s. It seems that all left for me is to stay put and to watch it to unfold. Was going to to say "shitshow", but decided not to. Never thought I'd be living in such critical to humanity times, only just got over the lies I unwittingly consumed in regards to global politics in the last hundred years. I consider myself blessed to have spent most of my life blissfully unaware of most of it. Today I despair and weep for the younger generations.