Everyone knows full well what's going on. I mean really, how much more evidence do we need?!
Despite the inescapable knowledge we’re most likely smack bang in the midst of the greatest crime in all of human history—so many cannot bear the thought of the truth being revealed— let alone accepted!
It would be far too painful a reality to face! Not to mention the legal ramifications should the truth be “revealed and accepted!”
These people know full well they’ve messed up! Messed up BIGTIME!
They know exactly what they’ve done, and what they continue to be a part of!
Can you just imagine the sickly feeling building up deep down in the pit of their stomach knowing that in the end— they’ll very likely be faced with a good few million people screaming absolute blue-faced bloody murder for their arms to be ripped off and their eyes torn out of their sockets!!
So, what to do..?
Carry on as though everything’s perfectly normal!
“Nope, nothing unusual happening round here bud!”
“All seems fine to me…”
“What on earth are you going on about man?!”
“Stop talking such nonsense!”
“Just drop that rubbish will ya!”
“For God’s sake don’t you know we’re in a pandemic!”
Yep, just carry on!
Carry on ‘til everything goes up in f*cking flames!!!
Pretty much right from the beginning of this whole sorry saga, I knew we were all in deep, DEEP TROUBLE!
After having seen Bill Gates explaining to a doe-eyed mainstream news reporter what a grim situation we’re all faced with— and just how urgently the world was in need of a universal vaccine, I clearly recall thinking to myself… “we’re never, ever, getting out of this thing.”
I knew from that moment on, life as we once knew it—was OVER!!
When you’ve got a greedy psychotic philanthropath such as Bill Gates appearing on every major news network in the world in a ‘single week’; essentially laying down the groundwork for a ‘nowhere near yet fully developed medical protocol’ to be pushed upon the entire population of the planet— you just know WE’RE IN BIG BIG TROUBLE!
I recall nervously pacing back and forth up and down the hallway, muttering to myself…
“that’s it— ”
“we’ve had it— ”
“they’ve got us exactly where they want us— ”
“They’ve finally done it— ”
“This is 9/11 all over again! — Only worse!”
And who could forget Bill and Melinda Gates’ private little— “we know something you don’t know” in joke?! (Just focus on Melinda’s face as Bill leans in towards her right before the punchline.)
And what about this… Dr. Fauci & Co. devise their plan for ‘Universal Vaccines’
Early March 2020
A good friend of mine who was already no doubt caught within the grips of a rapidly growing worldwide hysteria, insisted upon sending me this live link to the The Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus monitoring system just so I could be absolutely certain of the sheer enormity of this global health emergency.
After two weeks of keeping a close eye on this real-time digital virus tracker that the entire world pretty much got its ‘all too readily available’ statistically based ‘case data’, I wasn’t in the least bit surprised to see— (just like a long-odds racehorse zooming past the pack on the inside rail) that the “USA” (of all nations) shot straight to the top of the list as being “THE” most infected country on earth!
Que Gomer Pyle voice: “SURPRISE SURPRISE! Who could-na seen that one comin’ sergeant?!”
Anyway… for me, it was perfectly clear to see where this was all headed!
When the vaccines were rolled out, the imbecilic madness and worldwide hysteria went into full tilt hyper-drive! Nonsensical rules and regulations and just good old fashioned nut job lunacy, became the general order of the day!
Wherever you went, there was inevitably some totally off the wall non-scientific idiocy to contend with. It became an all too painful mind numbing game of dealing with government and civically enforced and regulated public safety routines. All of them totally ludicrous! And many of them still in place today!
Here in Australia (as I’m sure is the case in much of the rest of the world), the "unjabbed" are still terrified at the mere thought of going into a hospital! Even for basic treatment!
The government and media not only did a wonderful job in brainwashing the greater populace via intensely targeted, military grade, 'SAGE nudge unit orchestrated' psychological manipulation and hyperbolic fear laced propaganda— but also managed to get rid of all frontline medical staff refusing the jab! ‘Regardless of their experience, medical qualifications and given expertise!’
Despite all the hard work these highly dedicated medical professionals put in towards caring for their patients in the initial stages of the supposed “pandemic”— immediately following the vaccine roll-out, they were thrown out like rubbish!
Just the thing you’d do in the middle of a worldwide medical crisis! Right?
As a result— the political powers that be, completely crippled and decimated the entire medical system by placing it firmly in the hands of either ‘totally deluded fear riddled menticided lunatics’, or the now ‘bitter and twisted’ who buckled to the pressure of immoral (and no doubt totally illegal) industry coercions and government enforced mandates!
First line of the Nuremberg Code:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
As an "unjabbed" you just know, should you be admitted into hospital for perhaps life saving treatment— you’ll be placed largely in the "caring hands" of people who either HATE YOU for being a dirty, dangerously reckless and irresponsible selfish lunatic— or GRUDGINGLY DESPISE YOU for your courage and conviction in standing your ground against medical tyranny! Something (for whatever number of reasons) they were not in a position to do!
What are the odds for ending up in the hospital cool room?
I don’t know? Perhaps I’m just being paranoid?!
So, here we are over two years later in September of 2022.
Perfectly healthy people of all ages dropping dead left right and centre all over the planet for ‘no apparent reason.’ And not one ‘mainstream friendly medical professional’ has the foggiest clue as to what may be causing these mysterious deaths?
The best they’ve managed to come up with thus far…
Too much exercise
Too little exercise
Irregular sleep patterns
Christmas lights
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
Post Pandemic Stress Disorder (PPSD)
Over exertion whilst gardening
Too much pizza
Yes, yes— all valid reasons I’m sure!
But strangely, the one thing they HAVEN’T suggested, is that maybe, just maybe— it’s the F*CKING INJECTIONS!!!
Of course the mainstream media doesn’t report on a single solitary bit of this strange medical phenomenon. And if and when they do— they just refer to one of the above mentioned, or just put the mysterious deaths down to good old fashioned “died of natural causes.”
In spite of the veritable mountain of irrefutable evidence that has long been revealed regarding the known dangers of these so called “vaccines” and the devastation they’re causing throughout the world— our so called ‘leaders and medical experts’ continue pushing these deadly mRNA concoctions upon every single living man woman and child like ruthless salesmen!
The above facts alone, should be more than enough to scare the absolute willies out of every single one of us!
And given the fact that anyone with at least half a functioning brain in their head knows full well, there’s not one single chance in God’s green earth that our elected leaders and health officials aren’t 100% fully aware of what’s been uncovered and the catastrophic damage that continues to be done—leads us to a very troubling and mighty uncomfortable conclusion; because it can only mean ONE of two things—
They’ve realised they messed up big time and they’re doing all they can in trying to cover it all up and make like nothing’s happening.
They’re flat out trying to kill us!
I go with No: 1.
Because I fully believe that many of these ‘useful idiots we call leaders’ were, (until quite recently), 100% convinced they were engaged in leading an heroic battle against a never ending viral onslaught! Because that was the supposed “expert information and advice” they were receiving and acting upon.
*(Please note: I’m well aware that many of these people are “directly involved with the very upper echelons of this global operation”—but the “intrinsic involvement of every single player”, is not the central focus of this particular piece. I may attempt to go further into that in some future article.)
Sure these “useful idiots” were getting some healthy financial kickbacks for pushing the pharmaceutical products of their scheming corporate overlords. And yeah, they were also fully aware they were involved in a ‘deliberate media propelled deception’ towards keeping the population on high alert and in a permanent state of anxiety. But at the end of the day (most of them at least)— were fully convinced it was all built on the back of a ‘genuine public health emergency.’
They just thought to themselves— “Hey, not only are we making a good bit of dough on the side here, but in the end— we’ll all be seen as heroes for keeping the public safe!”
In short: The larger percentage of the politicians; the bureaucrats; the doctors; the medical clinics; the media; the employers— all of them! Fell for the bullshit being passed down from way up top!
Now that they see it’s all going pear shaped, they’re collectively doing every single thing in their power in order to save their sorry asses from being nailed to the wall!
Three people I would definitely exclude from the above proposed scenario, would be Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau, New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern, and the French president Emmanuel Macron. Along with all the other “planted” ‘World Economic Forum (Young Global Leaders)’ I’m absolutely certain they all know “EXACTLY” what the game is— and their part in it.
As for the estimated 30% bovine citizenry still fully believing we’re in the midst of an ongoing public health crisis; hanging on every word of their trusted leaders and health officials; lining up for quarterly boosters; willingly masked up to the eyeballs and telling everyone else to do the same— well, unfortunately it’s just too late for them. If they haven’t got it yet, they never will! At this late stage in the game, all they’re doing is holding us back! Besides, some people are just too stupid to survive.
At the end of the day, it’s going to be up to “us”, the remaining 50% or so, to tear the mask off the faces of those denying the bloody reality of this global deception!
This whole thing is being held together by three major elements — LIES, CENSORSHIP and a WHOLE STACK OF DENIAL! And once these elements have been fully exposed and the evil manipulators revealed—all that will remain, is the painfully undeniable “TRUTH!”
As for the seeking of justice for the millions of innocents who lost their lives, or were permanently damaged as a result of this orchestrated nightmare— I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
Riveting read, John!
Ok, I’ll buy in that perhaps a majority of elected officials are trying to cover their keisters now that they realize the repercussions of their swallowing (and dispensing) heinous BS. But don’t you agree that the goal of their puppet masters is democide?
After much research John, I strongly feel the AIDS crisis in the 80's was a trial run by Gates "son of well known eugenicist" Bill Gates Snr,. Soros, Ted Turner and many other nefarious actors to ascertain the populace reaction. Just as the 2008 financial crash was a trial run for what's now unfolding.
I also feel that every historical so called vaccine has been an inversion and was the cause of everything they were touted to prevent.
The Department of Defence US has a hand in this genocide.
As well as achieving their depopulation agenda, the adverse affected are customers for life.