Riveting read, John!

Ok, I’ll buy in that perhaps a majority of elected officials are trying to cover their keisters now that they realize the repercussions of their swallowing (and dispensing) heinous BS. But don’t you agree that the goal of their puppet masters is democide?

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Absolutely I agree. I didn't even think that worth mentioning! It's pretty much common knowledge what certain shadowy figures have in mind for us.

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I’m glad I’m old now. I’ll fight for my family but sensing the odds aren’t great.

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After much research John, I strongly feel the AIDS crisis in the 80's was a trial run by Gates "son of well known eugenicist" Bill Gates Snr,. Soros, Ted Turner and many other nefarious actors to ascertain the populace reaction. Just as the 2008 financial crash was a trial run for what's now unfolding.

I also feel that every historical so called vaccine has been an inversion and was the cause of everything they were touted to prevent.

The Department of Defence US has a hand in this genocide.

As well as achieving their depopulation agenda, the adverse affected are customers for life.

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Despite mountains of evidence to light the way, the majority of the population in the United States, has no idea what’s taking place. If they did they would not be lining up for their 5th shot.

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As I suggested at the end of the article... 'some people are just too stupid to survive.' I believe as Mattias Desmet suggests... there's 30% that are totally beyond saving. Believe it or not, I think a large percentage of those who know they've been had... still go along with everything to save the embarrassment of admitting it! They'd actually rather risk their lives, than admit they were duped like fools!

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The people I know, are diehard believers that mainstream TV, newspapers and the government, are telling the truth. What I try to share with them is simply unbelievable to them.

One neighbor, who has had all the shots, including the flu and shingles shots, shortly after all the Covid ones, keeps telling me they didn't affect her! She never feels well though.

Others flat out tell me they believe in vaccines, as if I were a science denier, because I've been on a holistic path since my teens. They were not healthy to begin with, so a magic injection to keep them safe, is very attractive.

I think Mattias Desmet is being very generous with his 30% number. I believe it is more like 80%. Time will tell, unfortunately.

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Excellent Article !!

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Thanks Deb.

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Wow, quite the excellent rollercoaster ride!--almost a play-by-play graphic account of the global whiplash throttling we've been put through these 2.5 years of Hell and of all those attempting to run this race to its inevitably gory finish from those higher ups able to manage the stick shift (knowing at least which gears are in play) to the larger lump of well-paid cluelessly idiotic engineers told to run things "on automatic."

I agree, these psychopaths and their sugar-pop-brained jockeys will ride their blinded death ponies right into the paddock (at ongoing warp speed) to end in inevitable bloody explosions. No brakes applied. Even those who just woke up to see their steeds were drugged (and the race was fully rigged from the start) will not hop off their planned-out pony ride to the death...

Of course things are NOT going well and they have "messed up" Royally! (nod there to the late Cannibal Queen Lizardy Liz II may she not RIP)... But nevertheless they will, of course, carry on at 90 kph, steering on remote, directing we the unwilling passengers like Di & Dodi into the 33rd Masonic Pillar of Babylon (or Isis or whatever it was in their deluded code of babylonian baloney babblydygook column in the tunnel).

Some of us will manage to JUMP and we'll hope Ol' Chitty will fly us the hell away (to somewhere quiet where we've stocked cans of emergency tinned tunafish and dried nori sheets). Nothing is certain though because, well, ya know, Big Boy, and the amount of iodine in the nori is not enough to save us from melting under the mushroom...

So from where we stand (or hover), those of us who are awake that is, the picture is not nice for if nothing else, All the Pretty Little Horses are done for. "Well gaw--lee!" (as the truly terrific Gomer Pyle would say)--quite something to wrap one's mind around fer sure!

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Great read John, thank you. I would like to mention other "Hazards" :

All bloody "experts" who haven't taken enough care in their due diligence of duty to keep themselves up to date and, those professors and medical experts who

look right into camera and lie, still lie. When the data (re: deaths and injuries)

started coming out, like Shizer's dump" I thought that "experts" would pay attention and take it as a chance to stop this nonsense (with some excuse, like

"Well, we didn't know") but if anything, they've just ramp it up. The is no

peddling back now. What about those who managed to make a dollar or two?

How about conflict of interest? What a pile of human garbage. Mustn't

forget G.Hunt, who in very likelyhood was aware of it from the start.

Oh, dear lord, what an insane, criminal mess we are going to face in the wake of it all.

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Absolutely! Greg Hunt is another I’d definitely add to the list of ‘those who know exactly what the game is and their part in it.’ Yes, they’re dug in too deep now to back out. They’re literally digging their own graves. The truth can’t be held back forever. It may take a while… and some of them may be dead by the time the truth outweighs the lies. But the truth WILL eventually outweigh the lies.

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I Don’t Mind

All Of The Tubes And Cables

Sticking Out Of The Vaccinated.

I Am Just Wondering

If I Can Hook Up Two Of Them Together

To Make A Lava Lamp.

Or Use A Monitor Between Them

To Play Pong.


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Well written brother! You've hit it right on the head!

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Thanks Jack!

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All roads lead to "rundeathisnear"

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Spot on. Critical mass is fast approaching - maybe family gatherings with loads of empty chairs? Especially kiddie chairs. And when it does blow it will happen with incredible speed and suddenly black will become white and vice versa. Btw. there is an um 'anonymous' blog which details general steps for good health, some of which have been actively covered up for decades:


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Two names you should look into before you make claims of "them" being "useful idiots" John;

Jane Halton

Greg Hunt

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Yes I’ve looked into these people… (I’m well aware of both mentioned).. but the intricacies of every single person involved in this murderous sham is not exactly the central point of this particular piece. (I’m definitely going to add a note to that paragraph.) What did you think of the rest of the article Mark?

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I thought the article was a good thought provoker John even if those in denial probably won't read it. Yes, They are shit scared but only for what the future (or lack thereof) holds for themselves.

There is so much more to the current shit sham than meets the eye and I for one tell as many people as I possibly can about the real underlying issue[s] in Australia and for Australia;

As far as I can see, The real issue is the usurping of Our Parliaments by Body Corporate;

IF we still had Our Constitution[al] Of The Commonwealth Of Australia and a LAWFUL court system that was bound by Our Constitution and not in-itself a private entity working for another private entity, none of the shit show would of been "do-able" by any un-elected bureaucrat or foreign entity such as the WHO and WEF;

Whereas The People ARE The Commonwealth Of Australia before Hawke changed The Constitution Of Australia (1900 UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) WITHOUT referendum of The People; The Australian Constitution (as it now Known) is an UNLAWFUL document;

Yes, the needle[s] for a virus that doesn't exist was [is] a HUGE issue for those that are still STUPID enough to "roll up their sleeves" but the FACT that Australia has been stolen from underneath [us] is the Real Issue

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