Dec 17, 2022Liked by John Botica

It gets worse. The controlled opposition - the Liberal Party - via leader Peter Dutton, have today vowed to work with the Marxist Labor government here to limit free speech online. Yes, the old 'conspiracy theory' and 'disinformation' narrative, cloaked as a national security issue, to herald in more censorship.

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Max nailed it of course. This is longtime "bizness as usual" here in the US to bring up some rabid foam in the growl-here-now-maws of the "gullibles"-- they prefer "mass" culls (shootin's) but they'll git creative with mini events like trying to paint Paul Pelosi's hippie/BLM-fan rentboy as some kind'a right wing "MAGA" conspiracist attempting a po-liti-cull killing of Nancy (Speaker of the Haus--or slurrer if ya ast me...). This 'un flopped but I think they all share scripts... one day it's the anti-vaxXrs, another day it's the MAGA white supremacists.... All've the "cereal" killers here... same production studio.... Hope folks see it fer what it is...

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by John Botica

So being a Sovereign people is frowned upon by Media now i guess?;

The useful idiots will be slaughtered just like the rest of the sheep unless they start pulling their heads out of their arseholes

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The Tyrants needs to use whatever devious excuses they canto remove us dissenters from upsetting their De-population and ultimate Slavery Plan! It's all part of the WEF's New World Order!

Big Pharma takes advantage of it's unrealistic 'TEMPORARY NO LIABILITY CONCESSION' that was given way back in 1976 for Swine Flu. That 'EXPERIMENTAL VAX ended in disaster because just over 50 US citizens DIED = POST VAX. Needless to say the EXPERIMENT was cancelled deemed to being "TOO DANGEROUS"!

This time BIG PHARMA are continuing to kill millions world wide, by assuming that the 'TEMPORARY' (1976) concession really means 'PERMANENT'.

With IMMUNITY from LIABILITY they can carry on killing humans with no consequence. It's now being used as a LICENCE TO KILL. Why aren't Governments contesting the IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY issue? COMMON SENSE must return to the mayhem that is called the Covid VAX ROLL-OUT.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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