Wow. And a dedicated nurse... sich sad, truly tragic, stories are now the norm here'bouts too. NOBUDDY is helpin' these folks--they are ON THEIR OWN (an' some are even bein' dismissed as bein' looney tunes fer connectin' the dots ta the jabs.) So a 12 year old member of our homeshool co-op just DIED of cancer. 12. A'nuther friend just lost her only brother--him, already a widower havin' lost his wife ta "covid" an' now him dead at age 48--so their 8 year old son has his aunt as his mom now. Imagine. This is so AFU there are no words--really none. 'Nuthr friend has neuropathy an' is part blind--can no longer legally drive since booster #3--an' her dad at 69 just keeled over a DIED. She wrote me she had the "rare" reaction ta the booster per her dok-turd who should lose his license--forever!

AmeriCon is joinin' the Aussies in bendin' over ta Big Pharma, silencin' these crimes against humanity--an' of course gettin' folks ready for the NEXT one. With unemployment here skyrocketin' I guess bein' a funeral director is the only boomin' bizness..

As fer that climate binary fluidity bullcrap (ha!) -- may they all git EQUITY an' be the FIRST invited in the Quarantine Camps! (heck, they'ze already in-duck-tron-ated)...

No more is it Clown World--it's KILLER CLOWN WORLD!

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Well put John. We need tougher Hate Speech laws like they've introduced in Scotland to protect us from Disinformation ! Yes, that "Doctor" John Campbell is my hero - so many people got "Vaccine" from his incessant pushing for it - and masks as well.. We are so lucky to have such honourable politicians and doctors to protect us and force "free" jabs on people. Friendly police too dressed in nice welcoming black attire. Yes we are so lucky !

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Apr 11Liked by John Botica

ozzie polies must dance to the tune their masters play ... good God please help us all return/ turn to goodness truth and love for ALL

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Apr 11Liked by John Botica

It's amazing that they've all had a brainectomy as well. Apparently the injection removes all gray matter from your head. A bright 6-year-old should be brought into the newsrooms so that these reporters can be schooled in what is causing long covid.

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>The disproportionate impact of climate crisis on the LGBTQIA2S+ community


I'm so old that I remember when Greenpeace was concerned with nuclear waste. Now they're producing it.

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Your article prompted this response - my personal experience with Australian so-called "medical care".


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Apr 11Liked by John Botica

No one who is responsible for the crime against humanity that is called Covid nor those who STILL SUPPORT THE LIES will be held accountable until they meet the Lord, Jesus Christ on their day of judgement. That is because there are way too many of them and those responsible are all so corrupt that each knows if one goes down they all go down so they protect each other and are in positions where they know they won't ever be held accountable.

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Where there is a will, there is a way to heal. After disassembly, you need to chelate it out. Take it from ex soldier who's been dealing with this technology for 20 years.


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Have seen a post on Bitchute this week calling for the elimination of B*ll G*tes in a very open manner.

Have also seen a post calling for the arrest of Tony the elf by two prominent public figures.

Not before time even if a bit too late for all that have been so affected.

But by the same token if these things were to go ahead it would awaken so many more to the perils of having received the jab. Sheep always follow !

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