The US is in much the same boat, different lake, even with their guns. I don’t see a whole lot of news (read “none”) of anyone taking out Antifa or BLM during the riots...or going up against Gates or Fauci...or standing their armed ground when Chaz went in or militarized police rounded up the true peaceful protesters. Why all the big talk about the second amendment when it’s not actually used?

But yeah, the sheep are gonna sheep and baaaaa their way to the slaughterhouse not realizing a f*cking thing. And I don’t think there are quite as many lions as most ‘truthers’ imagine. Sure as hell not in my neck of the woods, anyway. Where are all these people supposedly waking up??

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Um well, you mentioned Seattle,na bastion of communism. So yeah, there was never gonna be a fight there. How come you don't read about antifa and burn loot and murder in Florida? I guess when they protested Saint George,the only ones showed were mostly old folks. And they weren't violent, just misled. Unfortunately in blue states, you're right. Too. Any quislings. But what y'all don't realize is that 99% of the legally armed, don't talk much. I'm part of the 1% that no longer gives a mad fuck.

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And who have you shot lately in defense of your freedom or the health of a loved one?


My point exactly.

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So thanks for your service. Why do you bullshit?

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You’ll never get it.

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you need to prove bullshit is being used; ya can't just say bullshit because that's the way you want it to be viewed;

in the real world, we need evidence before we can decide what is fact and what is fiction.

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I’m waiting to see what “bullshit” he’s talking about. Just a typical empty blurt when there is no tangible argument to back it up.

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Well when you can't find food, or your money is worthless, I'll be thinking about your unarmed begging ass with martial arts or some stupid thing. That won't get you far for long. But whatever, you live in the " we're doomed" call everyone else sheep, and yet you will be right in line, forced up the ramp, on your knees. I will die first, but take as many as I can with me.

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Ah you’re fun. This has been a blast playing around with you but break time over. Thanks for reaffirming my opinion.

It will take brains not bullets to turn the tide in this world.

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ah, but combine brains and brawn (in whatever form) and then there is a formidable force;

other than that, carry on exposing the dumb for who they obviously are.

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Absolutely! Neither one alone is effective enough.

I do find tackling the brawn rather tiresome though. F*cking with their brains is more amusing. Tonight, however, I’m finding that I should harken to the adage “don’t argue with an idiot - he’ll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience”. 😂

Have a good one!

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It's been tried. Your way lost. Look around. Of course, you're probably in your twenties, so you haven't seen much, stick around for another fifty,if think you can.

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the fightin aint over until the last man falls, dickhead;

it appears you may already be ass-beaten as you wait for the cavalry to come chargin over them dere hills boy.

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18 year decorated vet, actually. That’s how I know that all this big talk from big boys with big guns - is all talk. If there was actual intent behind it, the country wouldn’t be in the pickle it’s in.

Tell me again about depending on another for my “beggin ass” safety.

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Except that you are obviously one that depends on others for your own safety. Sucks to be you. I guess the quislings are right here.

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Nah. I just do it my way, no guns needed.

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ya can't be doin things ya own way man, for gawds sake; ya need to be waitin fa pamission from the man befower we fight back;

dem dere cops will beat ya silly if ya do anyfin now.....

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Haven't had to, thankfully. What the fuck is your point?

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That all the big talk about being the last bastion of defence from tyrannical takeover just because you have guns - is all talk.

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i can see a lot of head scratchin' goin on over yonder....all while the horses bolt from the yard.

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where was Seattle mentioned?; are you coming down from the crack pipe?.

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I think he meant the Chaz thing. Who can tell with all the babble?

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100 percent agree.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

Well said. It’s like there is a sleeping spell on the people of Australia and the world at large. As long as we have our footy; freedom and truth and justice are clouds in a windy sky.

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We, PROUD Conspiracy Theorists, have proven on numerous occasions that 'Mis-information' is nearly always TRUTH!

The truth about NIH, CDC & FDA LIES & COERCION and denial of Vax causing DEATH has been rumbled and, now it's out there, we will prevail!

We, PROUD Conspiracy Theorists, will be proven correct once again!

Digital currency equates to Control and eventual SLAVERY by denial of FREE opinions - NEVER!

We must let 'them' know that WE WILL NEVER FORGET we rumbled their sinister planned Covid saga and the multiple deaths caused by 'their' evil depopulating injections, ludicrously called 'vaccine'!

There are now Too many of us educated 'Conspiracy Theorists' for them to con and coerce next time!

Make 'LIABILITY' apply to ALL MEDICINES and Big Pharma will go bust - Covid will disappear and we will return to our previous Free Society!

Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed and ready for Round Two!)

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A good rule of thumb is: No government has cared for its citizens, ever.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

Loved the Max Blumenthal speech. We need many more like him!!!

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i wonder who all of those "people" who gave the standing round of applause are and what they do to defy the Corporate pretend AusGovCO..

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I don't know where the hell that came from, but it was epic. Printing, re-reading and posting whereever I can. EXACTLY how I feel. Thank you

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Too bad y'all were convinced to disarm. Could have nipped this in the bud back when your police thought it's ok to crack the skulls of the unvaxxed and put you in prison camps. That's when you come out shooting. We aren't doing much better here in America, except for we southerners. I guess we wait and see.

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And how come you guys haven't come out firing yet? Believe me.... it would be a BIG MISTAKE if you did. Don't underestimate the depth of the masses hypnosis.

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After some of the video I saw coming from Australia, I'm pretty sure what happened to you and in Canada will not happen here. We the people are about ready to light off, and it's only gonna take a bunch of misguided stupid law enforcement trying to force us into doing something we won't,and it's started. And I'm pretty sure there are many young men in our military that will lay down their arms and walk away rather than shoot on their own citizens. What happened to y'all is exactly why we have a second amendment. And so many of us armed, heavily. That was atrocious. Granted, the state owned media will label us terrorists, but little by little people with brains are waking.

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As your fellow countryman..you are dreaming. Same thing will happen here...we have even more people asleep, and when the financial shit hits the fan, they will be ATTACKING YOU ARE YOURS, not the ones responsible. BET on it.

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america the land and ameriaca the people are laready being attacked; over 190 food processing facilities have gone up in a mysterious smoke haze over the last 2 years; much infrastructure is being systematically ruined; water-ways are being poisoned; electricty grids being "attacked", trains carrying life threatening chemicals running off the tracks, mostly in rural areas and near or even on rivers; cities being looted and destroyed; ineffectual police doing nothing to stop the criminals but arrest anyone who is white who dares defend themself;

nah, there's no problems in 'merica: but "IF there are attacks against we the people, we will defend ourselves 'cos we have the guns".....

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I guess if I saw a human intentionally destroying or manipulating train tracks to cause a spill,I would destroy them. Same goes for if I were to catch someone doing anything obviously destructive to those ends, on any infrastructure, yeah, they would be stopped. Forever

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i live in hope that any man would defend all that is his and of his community.

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Best send their best then.

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Author

We people who can "clearly see through this shit" are still such a minority... that, even if we had guns... if we came out firing... we'd have the whole of the hypnotised country calling for our blood BECAUSE..... in their delusion...they FULLY BELIEVE WE ARE TERRORISTS! The army and police would clean us up in ONE SINGLE DAY! And that would be the end of any chance of turning this this thing around. It's nothing to do with not having "GUNS."

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

Honey, I live in a country with guns and all they do is shoot each other...never the people who so eminently deserve it.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

OMG this is fabulous.....oh bugger I have just run out of popcorn. Chat amongst yourselves while I go and get some more.

Sorry John, couldn't help myself. As I am becoming a very feisty old woman, I love a good argument. Keeps the adrenaline pulsing in this unvaxxed body!

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We, PROUD Conspiracy Theorists, have proven on numerous occasions that 'Mis-information' is nearly always TRUTH!

The truth about NIH, CDC & FDA LIES & COERCION and denial of Vax causing DEATH has been rumbled and, now it's out there, we will prevail!

We, PROUD Conspiracy Theorists, will be proven correct once again!

Digital currency equates to Control and eventual SLAVERY by denial of FREE opinions - NEVER!

We must let 'them' know that WE WILL NEVER FORGET we rumbled their sinister planned Covid saga and the multiple deaths caused by 'their' evil depopulating injections, ludicrously called 'vaccine'!

There are now Too many of us educated 'Conspiracy Theorists' for them to con and coerce next time!

Make 'LIABILITY' apply to ALL MEDICINES and Big Pharma will go bust - Covid will disappear and we will return to our previous Free Society!

Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed and ready for Round Two!)

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the word TRUTH is another troublesome word;

Truth can be, and indeed is, manipulated every day; we each have our own individual truths that we garner through our own lived experiences, and that is the way it has always been;

many great philosophers were beholden to their truths as they tried to instill their ways or their version of truth unto others;

Sigmund Freud is just one prime example of how Truth can be manipulated into being;

"one mans truth is another mans fiction" springs to mind;

Truths, or The Truth, are rebutted in court rooms all over this earth by Law-Yers and Pros-Ecutors each and every day; many hours and sometimes even days are spent wasted on arguing the LEGAL definitions of words that make up one mans truth; what he state may very well be True, but where is the undeniable evidence that his version of the truth is indeed, The Truth? much "money" is made on the word truth in the LEGAL/LAW realm while debating which truth is to be believed;

however, in this same realm, physical evidence is very rarely rebuked; Facts are born from physical and undeniable physical evidence; yes there are times when evidence is rebuked in court(s), but again, this rebuttal lays within the LEGALITY of presenting this evidence to the court(s); the evidence itself is not rebutted but the play on words of the LEGALESE is used to either accept or deny the evidence;

"was the evidence obtained LEGALLY", "are all the T's crossed and i's dotted on the LEGAL documents", does this man have the LEGAL requirements to collect this evidence?"...and on the LEGAL arguments go;

once "approved", this evidence becomes Fact and all in the room are then beholden to the Fact(s); any man or woman attempting to re-interpret or deviate away from the evidence proven Facts, are soon proven to be in perjury (purgatory) of the Law;

the joke that is now the courts of the world aside, the word truth has been indoctrinated to us all as meaning fact, which is not factually correct;

let's stick with fact(s);

"one mans truth is another mans fiction".

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The vaccines have killed many people = TRUTH

Ivermectin was illegally banned and deliberately and falsely labelled "horse paste" = TRUTH

Vital information is being deliberately suppressed by governments = TRUTH

etc, etc ,etc

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This guy is all about proving how incredibly intelligent he is. Truth.

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this guy is all about proving just how incredibly dumb and ignorant he is; as is evidenced in his factually baseless comments; Fact.

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The vaccines have killed many people =FACT, all backed up by documented government data;

Ivermectin was Unlawfully banned and deliberately and falsely labelled "horse paste" = FACTS backed up by much documented and recorded physical evidence gathered by researching government data bases;

Vital information is being deliberately suppressed by governments = FACT; there is much documented and video evidence surrounding the suppression of official government documents which show the harms caused by.....";

etc, etc, etc

"i swear i am telling you the truth" does not have the same meaning as "i swear i am telling you the truth and i have the evidence to prove it"; and that is a Fact!.

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Author

"Truth" can be backed up by "facts"... that's what makes it "TRUTH." Why do you spend this much time debating semantics? Truth, or Facts, are one and the same... if they're "TRUE."

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it is not merely semantics John;

Truth gets argued about all the time, particularly in courts;

does a prosecutor tender to the court the truth, or does he tender the facts?;

does what you know to be truth win in a courtroom when you (we) have no evidence to back up your (our) claim of "truth", or does any presented Factual evidence against you win the courts approval?; your (our) truth gets trampled on by facts;

my truths are not your truths.. we all walk our own paths; we all learn our own truths; most of us are "TRUE" to ourselves and those we care about;

Facts garnered from physical evidence are indisputable;

Truth and Fact are not one in the same;

only when Facts are proven by evidence, can Truth telling be claimed;

Fact comes before truth;

why do i do this?, because words matter more than most of us people will ever become aware of.

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John, John, John

maaaate....whilst i agree with most of what you state, there are a few troubling descriptors that you really do NEED to address;

lets start with the word CITIZEN; do you know exactly what the word means in the LEGAL realm into which our judicial system has been USURPED into?; it is not all that it is cracked up to be and the indoctrination of the great and mysterious Australian CITIZEN-SHIP see many otherwise decent and intellectual people floating away lost at sea, or the HOLY-SEE;

please, look up the word CITIZEN in a Blacks Law dictionary; while you're at it, look up the word PERSON as well;

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is a VESSEL (commercial/corporate entity) that starts it's "LEGAL jurisdiction" starts 200 metres off shore and extends to 200 miles off shore; it is COMMANDED by ADMIRALTY-LAW (Rules of the VESSEL) where the CAPTAIN/CEO deems the rules necessary on the corporate owned CITIZEN-SHIP; one must be REGISTERED on the CAPTAINS-LOG (ELECTORIAL ROLE) to be able to PERFORM any FUNCTION on the CITIZEN-SHIP called AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT; only a CITIZEN can be REGISTERED on the ELECTORIAL-ROLE; a CITIZEN can then VOTE for members of the BOARD;

see JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION for much more in depth analysis on this crucial to all subject; https://ugetube.com/watch/what-is-australia-by-justinian-deception_vGI73BpIEER79L9.html

the LEGAL realm finds it's LEGAL-DEFINITIONS of words in the Blacks Law Dictionaries; in other words, the Blacks Law dictionaries define who and what we people are seen as in a privately owned and privately functioning LAW-COURT that has no obligation to listen to any living man or woman who is not a sworn member of the BAR or the ABA; one MUST be a sworn member of the BAR/ABA to PRACTICE-LAW in their COURTS;

it has been said and indeed proven (in UK court(s) that the Blacks Law dictionary(s) are the books of necromancy; they are the Language of the :DEAD:, which is what we people are considered/deemed to be in the LEGAL realm; Ever taken notice that most of the terminology in "Courts" is the same as that used on a ship?;

you mentioned here the never ending distractions being played for the amusement of us people, well i believe that what i have briefly outlined above is what "they" are distracting us people away from; [T]hey have absolutely no authority on land and use skullduggery to PIRATE all that is Lawfully ours;

there are a good many of us who are using lawful, not LEGAL, means to deny this implied ADMIRALTY authority to have any bearing on us that are living on land.

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When a cop is about to bring his truncheon down upon your skull... everything you've just stated becomes the stuff of mere semantics. I used the word "citizen".. because it's a word "most people" understand and relate to in the "direct context" of the particular article of which they are reading.

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no copper will be bringing any truncheon down on my skull; i will defend, and have, defended my right to defend my rights; we all have the Unalienable right to defend our life; no one man has more right to life than another man; hit me, i hit you back; simple!

you are correct in that semantics matter naught to the majority of the brain dead mercenaries pretending to be police who are hired by the corporate pretend governments, but occasionally they do listen when we know our rights and a bit about Law; many coppers have walked away from i once they have been told that i know where i stand in law; most are not at all happy about it, but stiff cheddar to them; i always record any interaction with "them", which is also a deterrent against them using violence;

i honestly thought you were all for educating the masses John; what is accepted as "the norm" is no way to help inspire people to research how they can help themselves out from under tyranny;

people also comprehend the word people; they comprehend the word man; they comprehend the word woman;

if you cannot be bothered to look up the word, then that is your folly, not mine; all i can do is lead people to the dinner table, they don't have to eat.

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I don't particularly see my job here as being an "educator of the masses." I never claimed to be that. I'm merely just another one of many thousands of writers here on Substack. I see my role purely as bringing something to the table... whether folks want to consume what I bring....that's purely up to them. You have certain critiques of my writing style... that's perfectly fine. It's not a problem with me whatsoever. If my work doesn't fit all that well into your basket... find a writer whose work does. There's lots of 'em out there Mark! Good to see you're getting a bit of a start on your Substack too.

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it is not that i have critiques of your writing style perse' John, rather i am merely attempting to lead you and your readers into researching some of the LEGAL traps that AusGovCO. (in particular) lead us all into;

i enjoy reading what you have to say and the articles you dig up that many would not otherwise witness;

i have been a long time reader as you well know; if i did not like what i read, i would not keep comin' back;

i'm of the belief that if we only look into the work of those that we agree with all the time, then we limit ourselves as to what we learn;

i know from experience that when i hold a spanner a certain way when i am trying to undo a stubborn nut or bolt, i will no doubt end up with injured knuckles if i don't reposition my hand.

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Where did you learn that horseshit? No really, I see this from a bunch of places, and apparently y'all are lawyers or something, but whatever y'all say is true, isn't. If it were, that would be the law that's enforced. It isn't. And if it were, I want you to give me the name of one lawyer that will argue that case.

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asking, "give me the name of one lawyer that will argue that case" is only showing just how very ignorant you really are;

no lawyer is ALLOWED to argue any of this in a Court of Law as they have sworn an oath to a private entity known as the BAR which allows them to PRACTICE-LAW in the private and corporatised BAR LAW-Courts; this is a Fact, whether you like it or not; if you cannot be bothered to research into this, then you have no logical or factual way to rebuke what i say either;

there are many tens of thousands, if not millions of us standing up against the LEGAL BAR and proving they have no authority over a living man or woman; we can-not be heard (recorded) in their BAR COURTS as we don't PRACTICE-BAR-APPROVED-LAW; we stand in Rule of Law, not Colour Of Law.

"horseshit" will not cut the mustard.

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so because you have no comprehension of what i am speaking about, it must be horseshit then;

just because you keep your ignorant head buried deep in what i suspect to be a huge pile of shit, does not mean what i and many other have come to learn is not facts;

if you knew that there is a major difference between what is Law and what is LEGAL, you would know why Law is not enforced;

it's a waste of my time attempting to educate you as you are obviously quite happy in your ignorance; you keep on obeying your LEGAL masters; you keep your eyes glued to your TV set; you keep paying for your own enslavement; make sure you drop to your knees whenever you are told to do it;

ignorance breeds greater ignorance; instead of attempting to put what people are telling you down, why don't you get out of your own head and do some research? then maybe you will be able to come up with a better argument than simply saying "awe, that there's horseshit mister".

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You're a Dick. I don't own a television.

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"constitutionally conservative man"....

me thinks you best be learning about your constitution and then perhaps you might know the difference between Law of the Land that is America and what the Law of the Sea, ADMIRALTY LAW is that is being played out onto each and every one us that are in a Commonwealth Nation;

in saying that, have fun redneck plowboy.

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