You are right... they don't even know what they (in the media). are doing. The Prophet Daniel wrote this in the 6th century BC... "Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand." That pretty much explains it!

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ha! spot-on an' I 'specially loved the Turd-O one (not bein' a fan of either twit but 'specially not've Fidelito, no sirree: https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/resign-you-ratfink-resign-turd-o ) But yup, NOBUDDY'll talk about the DEATHS an' the DISEASE---folks jus' up an' die ('er git veeeeelllly vellly ill) an' they 'splain it away but surely they just see it. To wit (waxin' darkly here...) my own "mummy" ( http://tinyurl.com/2v4b7fuc ) is now CERTAIN she wuz jus' "dehydrated" when she had her "bad spell" of seizures an' strokes an' fergot how ta walk an' spent 2 months in the hoss-spit-all (lucky they didn't kill 'er!) Her hoary-bull huzz-band the dok-turd has convinced her it warn't the jabs (many) she took... kinda like the ol' sayin', "it wasn't the cough that carried her off, but 't'was the coffin they carried her off in" Right.

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"Long Covid" is most likely just a name given by liars to the news media for the "cattle."

Even Pinocchio nose that!

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Thanks for the video. Tight meme!

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