Happy New Year 2025 from the Belly of the Beast!
They've reached their halfway mark and things appear to be running, right on schedule!
Well dear readers, here we are in 2025! And apart from having sporadically posted the occasional Substack Note here or there (whenever the urge should take my fancy)… I haven’t actually gotten round to publishing any type of completed longform article in quite some time now, since late November 2024 in fact. The reasons for this are plenty and varied...
First and foremost (not to reveal too much of my private life and daily concerns)… I’ve been going through somewhat of a rough patch of late. Mainly on account of my wife, i.e., ‘my trusted partner and best friend of the last 33 years’, insisting upon our separation!
Although I knew it was brewing and potentially on the cards for some time, it caught me quite unawares all the same! Danged if it didn’t hit me like a shotgun blast to the innards! As a result, I’ve been fairly occupied of late, with the difficult task of… not only finding a new abode in which to lay down my rather shellshocked; confused and weary head… but the arduous process of getting said head, “back together,” and, well… (as I’m sure you can imagine, dear readers)… just generally getting my life back on track, in some form or another.
Just to be sure... despite my wife and I already having been enveloped with our fair share of personal and relationship issues prior to 2020—the trauma suffered as a direct result of the “Tyrannically Driven Plandemic Covid Madness” and the ensuing psychological ripple effects it played upon me (both personally and otherwise)—certainly didn’t help!
Someone who’s been quite close to me throughout my life… (someone who has since become a fully fledged dedicated Covidian)… a blood relative, and a man who once spoke of “government/mob collusion in the assassination of presidents — the attempted displacing of dictators in Cuba and the toppling of skyscrapers in New York for the benefit of military industrial pursuits, etc, etc…” WARNED ME! — (and I paraphrase)…
“John, be careful! If you choose to go down that conspiratorial tinfoil hat path, it will only end in tears and heartbreak! — I strongly advise you keep your head down and just aim to be happy.”
Of course, (as per usual)… he was right!
Now with my wife gone, I’m pretty much all on my lonesome. Outside of work and the occasional hook up with a few old and trusted friends—I don’t have too much personal interaction with anyone these days. Funny, I’ve always kind of known deep down that it would more than likely end up something like this.
I’ve always felt destined to wind up a hobo sleeping in a park somewhere. If not for my will to work an honest job and earn a living, I’m quite certain this could well become my reality.
It would appear that I’m a man who foolishly chooses to follow his heart. A man who does what he feels to be “right”… regardless of potential consequences!
Anyway… enough about me and my pitifully bleak sorry-assed life! How ’bout this crazy as all f*ck screwed up world that we’re in, eh??!!
Seems as sure as the crushing wheel of globalised totalitarian order continues to ever so slowly and determinately cast its shadowy pall of death and captivity over all of us, that we, in equal part, become so ever more divided in our opinions; viewpoints and overall understanding of what exactly it is that we're dealing with and the best ways toward a unified stifling of its progress!
We’re allowing our once relatively cohesive and singly focused union, to become ever so more divided in its overall unified intent—to the point of its being ground down into a finely chopped sawdust!
Sawdust ain’t gonna cut it!
“Oh yeah! Alright! Trump’s back in! He’s gonna save us! He’s gonna make it all better!!”
“NO, YOU FOOL! Trump’s with the bad guys! He’s cabal!
“No, no! You don’t understand! Trump’s got his secret underground white hat MAGA militia! Don’t you know they’ve already killed Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates?!
Give me a f*cking break! Don’t be hanging any hopes on Trump; Musk, or underground secret white hat militia! It’s all a buncha BOLLOCKS!!
Focus on the SLEEPING MASSES! It’s our only chance of stopping this thing! They can’t do it without the assistance of the BONEHEADED SLEEPING MASSES!
And the “powers that ought not be” are mighty determined to kick off round two!
If they can set this latest bullshit viral scare fully into motion… the same old sheep (that is…the ones that aren’t dead yet)… will fall right back into line; fully masked up to their f*cking eyeballs and proudly goose stepping to the orders barked out by their pandemic heroes! By their medically militarised knights in shining armour!
Yippee they'll chant! WooHoo! A chance to be heroes again!
2025 was their first targeted major milestone on the way to their completed mission set down for 2030. And folks, believe it, they’re right on target!
And let’s not forget… they kicked off the 2020 plandemic with a “Mass Fire Ceremony” that being the Black Summer Bushfires of 2019-2020 in Victoria Australia.
Now, to celebrate their 2025 half way milestone to their “Agenda 2030” deadline.. they’re belting Los Angeles! Where the hell else better than the devil’s own playground of Hollywood?!
It’s pretty much the way of the new normal world now. They’ve all but got this damned thing in the bag!
The people have been psychologically battered into unconscious submission. The vast majority don’t even realise they’ve agreed to comply with endless lies and untruths. It no longer matters to them. Not one single bit!
The world has officially sold its soul to the corporations!
Although this thing started a long, long time ago—it’s been ever so rapidly escalating… especially since the fall of the Iron Curtain, to the point of its now having become an absolute monster hellbent on murder and destruction! A monster that feeds its ever complicit prey on a steady controlled diet of lies and deception.
Make no mistake about it! The monster’s only task now is to stamp out and totally obliterate all “inner dissent!” There is no longer anything that can be even regarded as being “external dissent.”
We (the spreaders of TRUTH), ARE that inner dissent!
Be on your guard good people. Because things are about to rapidly escalate. Things are gonna get mighty hairy!
When you come right down to it… we are all now literally just five short years from being totally devoured by the acidic gastric juices in the belly of the beast!
The beast has devoured many and keeps on devouring John; Sadly, your most trusted inner circle succumbed to the relentless divide and conquer campaign; I am genuinely sorry to read of your woes Brother
Like you, I am a 'heart on the sleeve' type of guy and this campaign of horror has ruined my relationship of 20 years; We're still under the same roof but we're not 'together' anymore save for the odd 'I still care about you' moment; Her attitude and mine are now miles apart; I can't 'let go' where she is all rainbows and jellybeans as if nothing seriously farked up happened in 2020 and nothing seriously farked up is still happening now as we fast approach the final destination of agenda 2030
If I had the courage and ability to forget all of my physical ailments, I would of packed up the bike with my camping gear and headed bush away from man and all the craziness that he causes months ago; Maybe not a park bench situation but a camp bed keeps calling... I want to again be one those 'I don't give a toss about the outside world, I'm doing fine just here' types; I did have a decade or so of that peace so I guess I ought be thankful for that but now that peace eludes me
Seems I am caught up in a fight not of my making and I can't let the ones who punched me in the back of the head walk away scott-free...
So sorry to hear about your predicaments... I know, it's not comforting a whole lot, but you were certainly not alone. I used to shake hands with people not wearing a muzzle in stores, telling them it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane, and there was a father with two daughters, 10 and 12, who confided me that his wife was divorcing him, because she was a convidian... In the last five years, I've also lost touch with many of my remaining friends and family (due to our age, we tend to check out more often than other age groups).
During these years, I have learnt that asking one question at a time and no more than one a day might lead to people realizing facts:
Anything more only turns them off or make them set up more defenses for their delusional beliefs. Patience sometimes works.
Also, only compatible cultures can cooperate, and when cultures clashed in history, the stronger one usually eliminated the weaker ones and "inherited" their advances...
These days, incompatible cultures are mixed in the "West," and there are lots of psyops going on that divide even those who might, to borrow Rodney King's phrase, otherwise "get along: