The beast has devoured many and keeps on devouring John; Sadly, your most trusted inner circle succumbed to the relentless divide and conquer campaign; I am genuinely sorry to read of your woes Brother
Like you, I am a 'heart on the sleeve' type of guy and this campaign of horror has ruined my relationship of 20 years; We're still under the same roof but we're not 'together' anymore save for the odd 'I still care about you' moment; Her attitude and mine are now miles apart; I can't 'let go' where she is all rainbows and jellybeans as if nothing seriously farked up happened in 2020 and nothing seriously farked up is still happening now as we fast approach the final destination of agenda 2030
If I had the courage and ability to forget all of my physical ailments, I would of packed up the bike with my camping gear and headed bush away from man and all the craziness that he causes months ago; Maybe not a park bench situation but a camp bed keeps calling... I want to again be one those 'I don't give a toss about the outside world, I'm doing fine just here' types; I did have a decade or so of that peace so I guess I ought be thankful for that but now that peace eludes me
Seems I am caught up in a fight not of my making and I can't let the ones who punched me in the back of the head walk away scott-free...
So sorry to hear about your predicaments... I know, it's not comforting a whole lot, but you were certainly not alone. I used to shake hands with people not wearing a muzzle in stores, telling them it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane, and there was a father with two daughters, 10 and 12, who confided me that his wife was divorcing him, because she was a convidian... In the last five years, I've also lost touch with many of my remaining friends and family (due to our age, we tend to check out more often than other age groups).
During these years, I have learnt that asking one question at a time and no more than one a day might lead to people realizing facts:
Anything more only turns them off or make them set up more defenses for their delusional beliefs. Patience sometimes works.
Also, only compatible cultures can cooperate, and when cultures clashed in history, the stronger one usually eliminated the weaker ones and "inherited" their advances...
These days, incompatible cultures are mixed in the "West," and there are lots of psyops going on that divide even those who might, to borrow Rodney King's phrase, otherwise "get along:
Thanks, Ray. As you’ve so cleverly pointed out… “…. asking one question at a time and no more than one a day might lead to people realizing facts:” Yes, totally! I meant to include in my article, that we should be mindful of just how easily those in the dark can become overwhelmed with the receiving of too much information, too soon. Very important that we try our best at drip feeding it to them in smaller doses.
Look, John, my heart is with you. There isn't much else I can do, except posting facts and leave the decisions up to my readers, which is what you have always been doing...
My link is pretty exhaustive and it might help our readers (yes, you and I know, but some of the readers might not...).
The key, in my experience, is asking questions instead of pontificating. That involves listening to the crazies and find out where their weaknesses lie...
In the meanwhile, both you and I had to draw our boundaries. Here is mine:
I hope, you'll recover from the shock soon enough (in my life, it usually took 3-4 months, and it's basically PTSD, when you are betrayed by those who you thought had loved you:
"That involves listening to the crazies and find out where their weaknesses lie...
Translated: "Anyone who dares question me will be labelled crazy, a bot, a troll, a shill, an agent of deceit and then blocked" "Then I shall go forth and try to ridicule them further by 'writing' a whole new topic specifically about them and slander their name further as much as I can while they can't defend themselves" "Then I shall block anybody else who dares defend said 'crazy' one"
This is Rays version of 'Free-Will'... isn't it Ray?
Oh if only we all had the wisdom and supreme intellect of 'the source'...
It certainly did... being among 'people' these days is like waiting for a bomb to go off; The air is thick with tension and not many smiles or "g'day mate, how's it going"?
We only have to look at all the violence going on in the cities and towns for evidence of the volatility
I am in the same situation but we are still on the same property, thankfully living separately. No divorce until I commit adultery ( he is religious) One little extra burden to carry.
I live as a hermit as I prefer it that way for my own sanity.
The covid situation just deepened the rift.
Downcast eyes and ahem coughs when I voiced my opinion on covid…….same when I mention the twin towers or JFK etc.etc.. Such a stupid woman conspiracy theorist, always down the rabbit hole.
When the truth stares you in the face there is nothing anyone can do to change your mind. You cannot ignore it to make it go away if it makes others uncomfortable.
It takes every bit of our emotional resilience to live amongst those who did not wish us well and who choose to ignore all the facts in front of them. Human pride is an unbelievably stupid thing. It comes before common sense.
But the deniers took none of that resilience away from us by sticking to what we knew as being the correct path to follow….no jab.
Now this is where I get into the ….woo woo …(as Clif High would say).
I think we have been “chosen”…..for what I do not know, but “chosen” just the same.
You have been chosen John.
Perhaps we are the strongest of character on this earth. You cannot unsee the truth.
I have never known a feeling so strong as the strength of will to not have the jab. It is almost like it was placed in me. As I said….woo woo !
While it does not heal the heartache of your personal life , you have to know that you have had a special gift of relaying the warnings to others.
I realise that you are a very down to earth man and probably not into "woo woo" but you are here for a reason.
John, you mentioned you have some friends. That will help ease the pain. It helps to find a girlfriend that is on your page, the sooner the better.
I met a new lady friend about a year after my breakup, but even so, It took about four years to come to terms with my last relationship fiasco. I was very angry, but now I'm alright. Having that ladyfriend sure helped.
Thanks, Tony. You’re a good man, and I’m glad things eventually turned around for you! I’m not particularly in any screaming hurry to go leaping back into any kind of serious relationship, but if the right lady were to come along, I certainly wouldn’t go running. Deep down (despite all the various twists and turns in my life) I’ve always felt kinda lucky. Wishing you the best mate and thanks for your input. 👍😎
I expect there will many wives crawling back to their doomer husbands when shit hits the fan and they realize the only person that knows what the fuck to do, was the guy she thought was crazy.
That wasn’t quite the case with my ex… she (although not anywhere near as intensely driven as myself) “eventually” became fairly aware of what was going on re the covid scam, etc,… to the point of losing friends as a result. I’m certain it works the other way round as well… it’s not always the guys who are aware.
"it’s not always the guys who are aware" you got that right John; I'm in a very small town and most (I'd say 98%) of the 'men' are jabbed to eyeballs; They love grubberment and will not entertain any evidence I try to present them that prove the whole box n dice is counterfeit....and they Hate me with a passion for being a 'denier'
and as such, so do the women in their lives
Whilst myself and the woman are no longer 'together' she stood her ground about (most) things 'covid' and lost a great job ($100K+) because of it...and she lost quite a few 'friends' as well; Her jabbed up family don't treat as loving as they once did so no doubt in my mind this has something to do with her (now) rainbows and jellybeans approach to 'life' as she tries to deny and ignore all the crap that is being forced unto us all
Isn't it interesting that those who were paid and pushing the jab now have the DEWS raining down on them. They were told by our kindred spirits that this day would come when they had out served their usefulness.
15 minute Hollywood here they come !
Have to agree with you Daisy, that John must keep on writing. His wit is great for the message. Got to love an Aussie with a brain and a sense of humour. Push on John . We are all here for the long run.
And about the music or frequencies, Royal Rife had it nearly sewn up until big pharma put a stop to that.
wull that sucks monkey balls John, truly so sorry ta hear that in the midst of our "As the Stomick Churns" acid & bile bath that all we human beans 'r gettin' trapped unwittin'ly in what'cha accurately identify as the "belly of the beast" -- yer other half up an' gives ye the heave ho... Lousy timin' that... but there is sumthin' ta say that when yer down & out with a blow like that the only way is UP (or as the Pythons say, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"... while we're all bein' globally crucified!)
I'd surmise that ALL that's goin' on has put stress on couples, famblies, marriages an' of course friendships (many of which I lost fer good due ta bein' one of the non-compliant super-spreaders that miraculously didn't ketch anythin' ta spread--'sides my own patience, spread mighty thin when I did attempt ta 'splain stuff ta friends as it fell on deaf ears... All've us are in a kinda crucible. My own better half an' I have had our diffs downwind of the plandemic fallout--most recently, since they're freezin' us out here in the US (we're gettin' temps of ZERO degrees where we are which is totally abby normal), the issue of the heatin' bill an' which rooms git heat an' which don't is a bone of contention I never thought I'd have ta pick! So yup... if there were a few cracks in the veneer this new earthly hell goin' on surely put some new pressures on the weak spots...
If it feels like it helps, keep on writin'--yer good at'it so perhaps that's both a distraction and a blessin' in disguise at times like this- Also mebbe you'll find more time for yer music (it's a good way ta convert yer energies frequency-wise anyway). I'm findin' it interestin' that a few of the musicians we know that were jabbed ta the gills are keepin' healthy an' the only thing I'm seein' in common is they're all playin' roots music, bluegrass, & irish--always a fiddle in thar... Interestin' no? Mebbe too far inta the woo but I'm convinced there's sumthin' to it. My younger girl just started mandolin an' I'm encouragin' it (she's been a gee-tar gal but I think a little high pickin' is good fer her too...'specially when she's feelin' ornery!)
Anywhoo... I'm with ya, nobuddy is comin' ta save the day but I still believe those 've us with good heads on our shoulders'll be okay cuz we've already shown we ain't gonna comply an' most've us are not rich enuf fer them ta care when they got the "majority" covered.
Agree too that if we kin git the dunderheads 'round us ta even BLINK long enuf ta see that it's these fires set by those that see us as marshmallows, then mebbe they'll join us in attemptin' ta exit the belly of this beast we're all festerin' in (?).. If we make a big enough noise it'll likely be by the Blow Hole (lol)--thinkin' of Monstro the Whale an' how Carlo Collodi (a master mason no less) had little Pinocchio start a fire of his own ta git Monstro ta sneeze so he could exit ta safety that way (an openin' right where the pineal is too!)... I'm not fer startin' "real fires" (heck we got DEWs doin' that already) but perhaps metaphorical ones... I'd like ta say with "our pens" (mighty) cuz "keyboards" lacks the right ring to it but anyway... keep on writin'--I think that counters divide & conquer an' keeps us at least slightly SANE! Oh an' Happy New Year!
Thanks, Daisy! Always appreciate your input… and advice! Yes, I really should get back into music. I’ve finally pulled my Les Paul goldtop out of its case and started noodling upon its strings again… it’s at least a start! Interesting observation regarding jabbed musicians and roots music. Here in Australia, I find most of the Covidian musos tend towards forming ‘U2 tribute bands’ and the like… whereas the non-jabbed/awakened and aware, seem go more for trad blues, or hard rock.
my pleasure John, sendin' ya good thoughts an'... DANG WALLY you gotta Les Paul GOLDTOP?! Wow that's a fine instrument -- sounds tee-riffic yer in such good comp'ny albeit non-human an' of the moosical variety (u must be really good...that's one serious geetar)... Ha ha U2 tribute bands.... oh my cringe! But yup... I think there's sumthin' to it... even stuff I love that's more minor / darker, proggy, etc... I'm takin' in smaller doses as I've been readin' about how important 432 frequency is an' a lotta the old roots stuff...trad stuff... is in it. Bluegrass fer sure. Western Swing, yup. Even rockabilly (imma fan). Hard Rock varies--"major" tone stuff (oldies) likely good. Also classical... but not the dark stuff either! True! more non-jabbed are skewin' that way musically but also as I said, we know all these totally jabbed folks (didn't think once 'fore takin' 'em) that are doin' ok but I think it's cuz they're playin' constantly an' it's all that roots stuff... Also, this subset of folks we know in music still "seem" a lot more connected with humanity where so many we know have lost empathy, perception, intuition... this little group (we go ta the jam sessions too as my younger one joins in) has been... less affected even havin' undergone the "interventions" an' I credit the music! (sounds are electrical after all--they kin move objects!) Keep on playin' (an' writin'!)
really enjoyed so now I'm gettin' "why" the Goldtop ;-)
Now, don't quote me--but I think this might still be in 440 per the 20th C tavistock changes made (but that may be just in "post?") but even 'lectric geetars kin tune to 432.. The "howz" are waay outta my wheelhouse but they say that even blood pressure on loud rock LOWERS with 432... it's a thing... like in "Pepperland" we gotta save the music! (so said the Lord Mayor ta Young Fred!)
whoa! that's amazin'--jus saw this... if anyone would'a known it would'a been him... (mebbe he was tryin' ta keep off the malign energies from outside that did'im' in...along with all those talented 27 clubbers...)
so right, 440 was rock standard--now some tune to 432 fer the "benefits" (all music tho' has it's benefits!), but even if ya recalibrate to 432, the music (key, etc) stays the same... interestin' stuff--it's becomin' a thing now... not just for music--even tunin' forks can be set to a resonance--AND they say that's the one those tibetan brass tone bowls have (guess they knew sumthin'! that's like what, a few thousand yrs old?)
Cool...gotta love some Steppin Wolf and 'Magic Carpet Ride' is up there with one of all-time favourite songs; Thanks for taking me back in time both musically and memory wise
I know Thirroul well; Spent many a Friday night in that very Pub; Or was it at the RSL?
I had a mate who had a little 'love shack' (B52 Ohmage) at Coledale and we spent many weekends down there chasing waves along that particular section of the South Coast during the 90's; Had some great days at Thirroul...
Late to the party here; I rarely get notice of new comments or replies on many platforms these days and seems SS has joined the 'shut it down' brigade... anyhoo
I believe in the "what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" ditty but the danger of self-destroying anger lurks close under the strength of wisdom garnered from hardship(s)
We need to (try) stay vigilante to the difference between justifiable anger and just being 'pissed-off' at everything which in this farked up, back-to-front, upside-down, poo-pile of a worldly situation is very easy to fall into
I've spent the better part of the last 4 years being 'pissed-off' and now I think I've stepped into the recognition of that folly...hopefully I have garnered some more wisdom from that darkness and keep myself planted in rays of light
"Lord, please grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference" Amen
Anger is 100% self-sabotage in many ways but Stress is the biggest side effect of anger and it literally eats us from the inside with gut issues, lack of peaceful sleep, tension aches and pains, loss of concentration...
Anger is at times justified but walking around constantly pissed off will eventually kill us.
You’re leaning well 😎! I’ve found that I can click my Dorthy heels together three times and I have the power to not give it my attention 🥳. Then I can Channel the emotion more creatively and sic that little dog Toto on the monsters 😂.
No I don’t have all the answers, just sharing a tactic 😉
Hey John, real sorry to read about your personal struggles. I’m old now and have been dealing with similar darkening circumstances for more years than I care to remember. I have no advice to give since I’m up and down with my own crap, but this actually helped my mindset today:
I didn’t see this post until today; not sure why. Substack can be very weird sometimes.
I’m so sorry you’ve been going through what is often equated with the death of a loved one in terms of the emotional impact. And particularly as you’ve been psychologically traumatised, like all who saw through the giant Convid, by what’s gone on since 2020. It’s hard to find solace when everything around you is in chaos.
What has given me solace and comfort beyond compare is finding my way back to Jesus and putting my faith in Him. I’m currently reading Matthew and there are so many teachings in that Gospel that offer comfort in trying times.
The beast has devoured many and keeps on devouring John; Sadly, your most trusted inner circle succumbed to the relentless divide and conquer campaign; I am genuinely sorry to read of your woes Brother
Like you, I am a 'heart on the sleeve' type of guy and this campaign of horror has ruined my relationship of 20 years; We're still under the same roof but we're not 'together' anymore save for the odd 'I still care about you' moment; Her attitude and mine are now miles apart; I can't 'let go' where she is all rainbows and jellybeans as if nothing seriously farked up happened in 2020 and nothing seriously farked up is still happening now as we fast approach the final destination of agenda 2030
If I had the courage and ability to forget all of my physical ailments, I would of packed up the bike with my camping gear and headed bush away from man and all the craziness that he causes months ago; Maybe not a park bench situation but a camp bed keeps calling... I want to again be one those 'I don't give a toss about the outside world, I'm doing fine just here' types; I did have a decade or so of that peace so I guess I ought be thankful for that but now that peace eludes me
Seems I am caught up in a fight not of my making and I can't let the ones who punched me in the back of the head walk away scott-free...
Thank you, Mark. 👍
Hang tough Brother!
So sorry to hear about your predicaments... I know, it's not comforting a whole lot, but you were certainly not alone. I used to shake hands with people not wearing a muzzle in stores, telling them it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane, and there was a father with two daughters, 10 and 12, who confided me that his wife was divorcing him, because she was a convidian... In the last five years, I've also lost touch with many of my remaining friends and family (due to our age, we tend to check out more often than other age groups).
During these years, I have learnt that asking one question at a time and no more than one a day might lead to people realizing facts:
Anything more only turns them off or make them set up more defenses for their delusional beliefs. Patience sometimes works.
Also, only compatible cultures can cooperate, and when cultures clashed in history, the stronger one usually eliminated the weaker ones and "inherited" their advances...
These days, incompatible cultures are mixed in the "West," and there are lots of psyops going on that divide even those who might, to borrow Rodney King's phrase, otherwise "get along:
Thanks, Ray. As you’ve so cleverly pointed out… “…. asking one question at a time and no more than one a day might lead to people realizing facts:” Yes, totally! I meant to include in my article, that we should be mindful of just how easily those in the dark can become overwhelmed with the receiving of too much information, too soon. Very important that we try our best at drip feeding it to them in smaller doses.
Look, John, my heart is with you. There isn't much else I can do, except posting facts and leave the decisions up to my readers, which is what you have always been doing...
My link is pretty exhaustive and it might help our readers (yes, you and I know, but some of the readers might not...).
The key, in my experience, is asking questions instead of pontificating. That involves listening to the crazies and find out where their weaknesses lie...
In the meanwhile, both you and I had to draw our boundaries. Here is mine:
I hope, you'll recover from the shock soon enough (in my life, it usually took 3-4 months, and it's basically PTSD, when you are betrayed by those who you thought had loved you:
Seen it, been there, too...
"That involves listening to the crazies and find out where their weaknesses lie...
Translated: "Anyone who dares question me will be labelled crazy, a bot, a troll, a shill, an agent of deceit and then blocked" "Then I shall go forth and try to ridicule them further by 'writing' a whole new topic specifically about them and slander their name further as much as I can while they can't defend themselves" "Then I shall block anybody else who dares defend said 'crazy' one"
This is Rays version of 'Free-Will'... isn't it Ray?
Oh if only we all had the wisdom and supreme intellect of 'the source'...
Covid destroyed the fabric of society.
I see it every day...
It certainly did... being among 'people' these days is like waiting for a bomb to go off; The air is thick with tension and not many smiles or "g'day mate, how's it going"?
We only have to look at all the violence going on in the cities and towns for evidence of the volatility
Watch out for those Branch Covidians.
I am sorry for your change of circumstances John.
I am in the same situation but we are still on the same property, thankfully living separately. No divorce until I commit adultery ( he is religious) One little extra burden to carry.
I live as a hermit as I prefer it that way for my own sanity.
The covid situation just deepened the rift.
Downcast eyes and ahem coughs when I voiced my opinion on covid…….same when I mention the twin towers or JFK etc.etc.. Such a stupid woman conspiracy theorist, always down the rabbit hole.
When the truth stares you in the face there is nothing anyone can do to change your mind. You cannot ignore it to make it go away if it makes others uncomfortable.
It takes every bit of our emotional resilience to live amongst those who did not wish us well and who choose to ignore all the facts in front of them. Human pride is an unbelievably stupid thing. It comes before common sense.
But the deniers took none of that resilience away from us by sticking to what we knew as being the correct path to follow….no jab.
Now this is where I get into the ….woo woo …(as Clif High would say).
I think we have been “chosen”…..for what I do not know, but “chosen” just the same.
You have been chosen John.
Perhaps we are the strongest of character on this earth. You cannot unsee the truth.
I have never known a feeling so strong as the strength of will to not have the jab. It is almost like it was placed in me. As I said….woo woo !
While it does not heal the heartache of your personal life , you have to know that you have had a special gift of relaying the warnings to others.
I realise that you are a very down to earth man and probably not into "woo woo" but you are here for a reason.
For this you were chosen. It makes you special.
Thank you.
John, you mentioned you have some friends. That will help ease the pain. It helps to find a girlfriend that is on your page, the sooner the better.
I met a new lady friend about a year after my breakup, but even so, It took about four years to come to terms with my last relationship fiasco. I was very angry, but now I'm alright. Having that ladyfriend sure helped.
Best wishes John.
Thanks, Tony. You’re a good man, and I’m glad things eventually turned around for you! I’m not particularly in any screaming hurry to go leaping back into any kind of serious relationship, but if the right lady were to come along, I certainly wouldn’t go running. Deep down (despite all the various twists and turns in my life) I’ve always felt kinda lucky. Wishing you the best mate and thanks for your input. 👍😎
I expect there will many wives crawling back to their doomer husbands when shit hits the fan and they realize the only person that knows what the fuck to do, was the guy she thought was crazy.
That wasn’t quite the case with my ex… she (although not anywhere near as intensely driven as myself) “eventually” became fairly aware of what was going on re the covid scam, etc,… to the point of losing friends as a result. I’m certain it works the other way round as well… it’s not always the guys who are aware.
"it’s not always the guys who are aware" you got that right John; I'm in a very small town and most (I'd say 98%) of the 'men' are jabbed to eyeballs; They love grubberment and will not entertain any evidence I try to present them that prove the whole box n dice is counterfeit....and they Hate me with a passion for being a 'denier'
and as such, so do the women in their lives
Whilst myself and the woman are no longer 'together' she stood her ground about (most) things 'covid' and lost a great job ($100K+) because of it...and she lost quite a few 'friends' as well; Her jabbed up family don't treat as loving as they once did so no doubt in my mind this has something to do with her (now) rainbows and jellybeans approach to 'life' as she tries to deny and ignore all the crap that is being forced unto us all
In answer to Daisy
Isn't it interesting that those who were paid and pushing the jab now have the DEWS raining down on them. They were told by our kindred spirits that this day would come when they had out served their usefulness.
15 minute Hollywood here they come !
Have to agree with you Daisy, that John must keep on writing. His wit is great for the message. Got to love an Aussie with a brain and a sense of humour. Push on John . We are all here for the long run.
And about the music or frequencies, Royal Rife had it nearly sewn up until big pharma put a stop to that.
We live in wicked times.
wull that sucks monkey balls John, truly so sorry ta hear that in the midst of our "As the Stomick Churns" acid & bile bath that all we human beans 'r gettin' trapped unwittin'ly in what'cha accurately identify as the "belly of the beast" -- yer other half up an' gives ye the heave ho... Lousy timin' that... but there is sumthin' ta say that when yer down & out with a blow like that the only way is UP (or as the Pythons say, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"... while we're all bein' globally crucified!)
I'd surmise that ALL that's goin' on has put stress on couples, famblies, marriages an' of course friendships (many of which I lost fer good due ta bein' one of the non-compliant super-spreaders that miraculously didn't ketch anythin' ta spread--'sides my own patience, spread mighty thin when I did attempt ta 'splain stuff ta friends as it fell on deaf ears... All've us are in a kinda crucible. My own better half an' I have had our diffs downwind of the plandemic fallout--most recently, since they're freezin' us out here in the US (we're gettin' temps of ZERO degrees where we are which is totally abby normal), the issue of the heatin' bill an' which rooms git heat an' which don't is a bone of contention I never thought I'd have ta pick! So yup... if there were a few cracks in the veneer this new earthly hell goin' on surely put some new pressures on the weak spots...
If it feels like it helps, keep on writin'--yer good at'it so perhaps that's both a distraction and a blessin' in disguise at times like this- Also mebbe you'll find more time for yer music (it's a good way ta convert yer energies frequency-wise anyway). I'm findin' it interestin' that a few of the musicians we know that were jabbed ta the gills are keepin' healthy an' the only thing I'm seein' in common is they're all playin' roots music, bluegrass, & irish--always a fiddle in thar... Interestin' no? Mebbe too far inta the woo but I'm convinced there's sumthin' to it. My younger girl just started mandolin an' I'm encouragin' it (she's been a gee-tar gal but I think a little high pickin' is good fer her too...'specially when she's feelin' ornery!)
Anywhoo... I'm with ya, nobuddy is comin' ta save the day but I still believe those 've us with good heads on our shoulders'll be okay cuz we've already shown we ain't gonna comply an' most've us are not rich enuf fer them ta care when they got the "majority" covered.
Agree too that if we kin git the dunderheads 'round us ta even BLINK long enuf ta see that it's these fires set by those that see us as marshmallows, then mebbe they'll join us in attemptin' ta exit the belly of this beast we're all festerin' in (?).. If we make a big enough noise it'll likely be by the Blow Hole (lol)--thinkin' of Monstro the Whale an' how Carlo Collodi (a master mason no less) had little Pinocchio start a fire of his own ta git Monstro ta sneeze so he could exit ta safety that way (an openin' right where the pineal is too!)... I'm not fer startin' "real fires" (heck we got DEWs doin' that already) but perhaps metaphorical ones... I'd like ta say with "our pens" (mighty) cuz "keyboards" lacks the right ring to it but anyway... keep on writin'--I think that counters divide & conquer an' keeps us at least slightly SANE! Oh an' Happy New Year!
Thanks, Daisy! Always appreciate your input… and advice! Yes, I really should get back into music. I’ve finally pulled my Les Paul goldtop out of its case and started noodling upon its strings again… it’s at least a start! Interesting observation regarding jabbed musicians and roots music. Here in Australia, I find most of the Covidian musos tend towards forming ‘U2 tribute bands’ and the like… whereas the non-jabbed/awakened and aware, seem go more for trad blues, or hard rock.
my pleasure John, sendin' ya good thoughts an'... DANG WALLY you gotta Les Paul GOLDTOP?! Wow that's a fine instrument -- sounds tee-riffic yer in such good comp'ny albeit non-human an' of the moosical variety (u must be really good...that's one serious geetar)... Ha ha U2 tribute bands.... oh my cringe! But yup... I think there's sumthin' to it... even stuff I love that's more minor / darker, proggy, etc... I'm takin' in smaller doses as I've been readin' about how important 432 frequency is an' a lotta the old roots stuff...trad stuff... is in it. Bluegrass fer sure. Western Swing, yup. Even rockabilly (imma fan). Hard Rock varies--"major" tone stuff (oldies) likely good. Also classical... but not the dark stuff either! True! more non-jabbed are skewin' that way musically but also as I said, we know all these totally jabbed folks (didn't think once 'fore takin' 'em) that are doin' ok but I think it's cuz they're playin' constantly an' it's all that roots stuff... Also, this subset of folks we know in music still "seem" a lot more connected with humanity where so many we know have lost empathy, perception, intuition... this little group (we go ta the jam sessions too as my younger one joins in) has been... less affected even havin' undergone the "interventions" an' I credit the music! (sounds are electrical after all--they kin move objects!) Keep on playin' (an' writin'!)
Here's a little clip of the last band I was in... I'm playing the Les Paul.
wow, THAT was AWESOME!
really enjoyed so now I'm gettin' "why" the Goldtop ;-)
Now, don't quote me--but I think this might still be in 440 per the 20th C tavistock changes made (but that may be just in "post?") but even 'lectric geetars kin tune to 432.. The "howz" are waay outta my wheelhouse but they say that even blood pressure on loud rock LOWERS with 432... it's a thing... like in "Pepperland" we gotta save the music! (so said the Lord Mayor ta Young Fred!)
bravo!!! thx muchly fer sharin', keep on playin' 👏🏼
Jimi Hendrix used to tune down one semi-tone…. that would quite likely bring his A string to around 432Hz. I’m not sure..?
whoa! that's amazin'--jus saw this... if anyone would'a known it would'a been him... (mebbe he was tryin' ta keep off the malign energies from outside that did'im' in...along with all those talented 27 clubbers...)
Glad you enjoyed the clip. Thanks! All I know is my guitar is tuned to “western pitch standard.” Which is the A above middle C, tuned to 440HZ.
Did indeed!
so right, 440 was rock standard--now some tune to 432 fer the "benefits" (all music tho' has it's benefits!), but even if ya recalibrate to 432, the music (key, etc) stays the same... interestin' stuff--it's becomin' a thing now... not just for music--even tunin' forks can be set to a resonance--AND they say that's the one those tibetan brass tone bowls have (guess they knew sumthin'! that's like what, a few thousand yrs old?)
Cool...gotta love some Steppin Wolf and 'Magic Carpet Ride' is up there with one of all-time favourite songs; Thanks for taking me back in time both musically and memory wise
I know Thirroul well; Spent many a Friday night in that very Pub; Or was it at the RSL?
I had a mate who had a little 'love shack' (B52 Ohmage) at Coledale and we spent many weekends down there chasing waves along that particular section of the South Coast during the 90's; Had some great days at Thirroul...
Thanks for inducing the memories!
John, you are not alone. Read Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's short poem "The Rainy Day"
AGREED 🎯: "Give me a f*cking break! Don’t be hanging any hopes on Trump; Musk, or underground secret white hat militia! It’s all a buncha BOLLOCKS!!"
Absolute Bollocks!
Hugs from frozen land John! Kahil Gibran:
“Pain is the breaking of the shell of your understanding “
You can toss a rotten fruit at me any time here🤪. Hard from the PTSD side of it. Better- stronger
Still sucks, change is hard. Could be a warm up for more ‘fun’ to come. You’ll probably have more insight and strength to deal with incoming 🧌
Late to the party here; I rarely get notice of new comments or replies on many platforms these days and seems SS has joined the 'shut it down' brigade... anyhoo
I believe in the "what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" ditty but the danger of self-destroying anger lurks close under the strength of wisdom garnered from hardship(s)
We need to (try) stay vigilante to the difference between justifiable anger and just being 'pissed-off' at everything which in this farked up, back-to-front, upside-down, poo-pile of a worldly situation is very easy to fall into
I've spent the better part of the last 4 years being 'pissed-off' and now I think I've stepped into the recognition of that folly...hopefully I have garnered some more wisdom from that darkness and keep myself planted in rays of light
"Lord, please grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference" Amen
Peace buddy! Watch out for that anger, hard - it can be a self sabotage thing, blinds one to possibilities and choices. Well articulated 💕,
Right back at Ya Susan
Anger is 100% self-sabotage in many ways but Stress is the biggest side effect of anger and it literally eats us from the inside with gut issues, lack of peaceful sleep, tension aches and pains, loss of concentration...
Anger is at times justified but walking around constantly pissed off will eventually kill us.
This I know from experience.
You’re leaning well 😎! I’ve found that I can click my Dorthy heels together three times and I have the power to not give it my attention 🥳. Then I can Channel the emotion more creatively and sic that little dog Toto on the monsters 😂.
No I don’t have all the answers, just sharing a tactic 😉 I reading correctly between the veiled curtain message?
I certainly hope so as whilst I don't click my heels 3 times, I do state thy case 3 times....
All about lovin’ n learning’
Great job mate
Hey John, real sorry to read about your personal struggles. I’m old now and have been dealing with similar darkening circumstances for more years than I care to remember. I have no advice to give since I’m up and down with my own crap, but this actually helped my mindset today:
Thank you. It’s pretty long and detailed… I’ll give it a good listen tomorrow, with a clearer head. Cheers! JB 👍
I didn’t see this post until today; not sure why. Substack can be very weird sometimes.
I’m so sorry you’ve been going through what is often equated with the death of a loved one in terms of the emotional impact. And particularly as you’ve been psychologically traumatised, like all who saw through the giant Convid, by what’s gone on since 2020. It’s hard to find solace when everything around you is in chaos.
What has given me solace and comfort beyond compare is finding my way back to Jesus and putting my faith in Him. I’m currently reading Matthew and there are so many teachings in that Gospel that offer comfort in trying times.
Matthew 6:25 KJV is a good place to start.
Crazy this--JUST after we wuz chattin' bout the same thang (432 tunin') it comes up in mah inbox! Frequencies!
check it out (not long, good stuff worth a look-see)
Thanks Daisy. Will check it out. 👍