If nothing else, it's incredibly amusing watching the lunacy of the last three and a half years beginning to ever increasingly unravel into the hellish nightmare we always knew was coming. Personally, I'm starting to enjoy it to be quite honest. I'm getting some real hefty belly laughs as I listen to the mainstream financial analysts, all cluelessly clutching at straws, trying desperately to make learned analytical sense and reasoning out of the diabolical chaos that's sending generations old businesses to ruin and families out into shelters and soup kitchens!
The problem is that the propaganda is so good that the drones have a knee-jerk reaction.
I was asking a liberal why they wouldn't vote for RFK instead of Biden, and they said the reason was that he sounded funny and he was a vaccine skeptic. When I pointed out that I don't trust the government agencies such as the CDC, NIH, and FDA anymore, the person went into a spiel about how vaccines save lives and keep people from dying.
But that person must have seen the gene therapies' death counts, right? Or are they buying the line that quacks, I mean doctors, don't know why people are dying?
Don't bother even trying to debate these people using facts, figures and commonsense... they're hypnotised. There's no reaching them at this point. They're gone.
you're on the money John; There's no point in debating "them" any longer;
Sunday up at our local IGA, there was a woman, (somewhere in the 60-70 year old range) wearing the oxygen depletion device on her face so i thought i would do her a favour and let her know how bad the things are for the body...she said she is wearing it because she now has cancer! I tried to tell her that i was sorry she was going through that and that wearing the mask would not be helping her as it is robbing her of a fresh oxygen supply...
well, then the shouting started as she yelled out that , quote, "he is attacking me, manager, get this man out of the shop, he is attacking customers, he called me a snowflake, he's stopping me from doing my shopping"....i said "i'm just trying to help you but if you don't want help, fine, snowflake"
i walked to the counter with my stuff;
along comes the manger who then tells me that i can't talk to people in "her" shop "about that mask" and "she (the old bat) has the right to do what she wants";
i asked does that same right not also apply to me then?; no answer but the glaring eyes were full of rage...i told her that i don't want to argue with anyone, i'm just trying....she cut me off and asked if i "wanted to keep shopping here or not"...
this IGA has been my go to for groceries for the last 17 years and i've had many conversations in this shop...now i have to keep quiet apparently;
In all honesty, as the woman was minding her own business, and you came up with the bullshit that's been proven false by people like me, who lived twelve hours a day in a mask for twenty years, ( welding in a coal burning power plant will do that to you) you were rather out of line. A( you were wrong, and 2) what business is it of yours. Btw, I live in Florida,where we don't wear masks. Except when I'm welding, grinding, burning. But really, dude, she wasn't bothering you. So you look to me to be a bit of a prick.
And I agree, you aren't going to get through to "them". So why bother.
I don’t generally like to get involved in other people’s arguments, especially arguments between my readers/subscribers…but having said that, I have to say… I thought it a little out of order your referring to Mark as being a “prick”… especially considering you weren’t actually there in that IGA supermarket therefore could have no real way of knowing exactly how that situation unfolded. Bottom line— One of my readers was relating a personal story— you stepped in and accused him of being a prick. Not really cool. On another point… there are numerous studies clearly showing that there are indeed harmful affects for the extended wearing of face masks. Steve Kirsch has many of them listed here…
maybe you should mind your own business as well then, Prick; ya can't have it both ways;
"People" like you have proven nothing about not only the "effectiveness" of paper and cloth masks over the nostrils and mouths, but also that they somehow don't starve fresh air;
simple biological process breathing; Fresh air comes in, stale air goes out. fresh air comes in, stale air goes out...
when your (our) stale air (breath) is exhaled into the closed confines of a cloth/paper mask, all you have to breathe in is stale air...and i thought this was all very simple;
all of this has been proven by many clinical trials but apparently YOU know better;
being a welder and painter myself, i know that the only protection we can get from the fumes is via wearing a positive air flow hood; if one can still smell the fumes, then there is no protection;
So, not only do you appear to be an uneducated and arrogant dickhead, you also appear to be very much a PRICK.
Actually little prick,I didn't come on here and brag about what an idiot I am, straightening out that old lady. That was you. Don't like being called on it, don't brag about it. Second, you're full of shit on the mask thing and you know it. You can't walk around ina coal fired power plant in scba. That stands for self contained breathing apparatus for you dummies. So yeah, and if you don't want to get black lung, or mesothelioma, you wear a mask. So full of shit, little prick. Now those masks we wore weren't those dirty bra cups you were referring to. Just so you know.
did you not read the part where i said i was trying to help the lady?
you can change your story however you see fit, but you can't change mine, shit-stain.
you also can't change the countless clinical studies into face masks that concluded not only are they useless but they are also dangerous when worn for more than 10 minutes at a time;
i think your time among the coal dust has affected you more than you care to admit.
John you have written the most perfect paragraph I have seen on Substack.
"It's simply buckled over tears to the eyes hilarious listening to these over-rated self-glorifying bean counters, as they frustratingly battle with the inescapable gnawing realisation, that their academically acquired knowledge and understanding of the general historical rules and patterns of fiscal fluctuations and self-regulated market evaluations, are in no way jiving with their cheep-ass shtick... to the point of fast slipping from the grasp of their imagined expertise!"
I can only sit back and make no comments anymore to those around me. The "dumbness" is done like a fine dinner.
Yup, the "fin-ant-shell" pundits are the MOST hoot worthy critters around an' as ya rightly said all their "academically acquired" knowledge" means zippo bananas cuz they'ze gonna lose their pants (an' their shirts too). Their word salads are quite tossed these days! No amount'a dressin' kin cover it. While it all "faws down" (as we're wartchin' in real time), I do indeed think laughter is the best medi-sin--tho' yer "face of the 2020s" is likely the biggest medi-SINNER on record worth more than a few "laffs"--the rat bastard just snagged a fine rat's nest at "tony" Georgetown U. "Willard" looked right cute in comparison. Harari is another rat--both'a these putrid pip-squeaks actually look like rodents! It's some solace knowin' rats don't swim well tho... these are swamp creatures, sure, but I'm hopin' they'll git in over their heads an' drown--metaphorically of course (I hope the event will nevertheless be broadcast!)
The problem is that the propaganda is so good that the drones have a knee-jerk reaction.
I was asking a liberal why they wouldn't vote for RFK instead of Biden, and they said the reason was that he sounded funny and he was a vaccine skeptic. When I pointed out that I don't trust the government agencies such as the CDC, NIH, and FDA anymore, the person went into a spiel about how vaccines save lives and keep people from dying.
But that person must have seen the gene therapies' death counts, right? Or are they buying the line that quacks, I mean doctors, don't know why people are dying?
Don't bother even trying to debate these people using facts, figures and commonsense... they're hypnotised. There's no reaching them at this point. They're gone.
you're on the money John; There's no point in debating "them" any longer;
Sunday up at our local IGA, there was a woman, (somewhere in the 60-70 year old range) wearing the oxygen depletion device on her face so i thought i would do her a favour and let her know how bad the things are for the body...she said she is wearing it because she now has cancer! I tried to tell her that i was sorry she was going through that and that wearing the mask would not be helping her as it is robbing her of a fresh oxygen supply...
well, then the shouting started as she yelled out that , quote, "he is attacking me, manager, get this man out of the shop, he is attacking customers, he called me a snowflake, he's stopping me from doing my shopping"....i said "i'm just trying to help you but if you don't want help, fine, snowflake"
i walked to the counter with my stuff;
along comes the manger who then tells me that i can't talk to people in "her" shop "about that mask" and "she (the old bat) has the right to do what she wants";
i asked does that same right not also apply to me then?; no answer but the glaring eyes were full of rage...i told her that i don't want to argue with anyone, i'm just trying....she cut me off and asked if i "wanted to keep shopping here or not"...
this IGA has been my go to for groceries for the last 17 years and i've had many conversations in this shop...now i have to keep quiet apparently;
yep, They're gone.
They're complicit now.
Yes they are.
In all honesty, as the woman was minding her own business, and you came up with the bullshit that's been proven false by people like me, who lived twelve hours a day in a mask for twenty years, ( welding in a coal burning power plant will do that to you) you were rather out of line. A( you were wrong, and 2) what business is it of yours. Btw, I live in Florida,where we don't wear masks. Except when I'm welding, grinding, burning. But really, dude, she wasn't bothering you. So you look to me to be a bit of a prick.
And I agree, you aren't going to get through to "them". So why bother.
I guess we all learn the hard way. No reason to chastise him for merely trying to help, that's part of the problem here.
I don’t generally like to get involved in other people’s arguments, especially arguments between my readers/subscribers…but having said that, I have to say… I thought it a little out of order your referring to Mark as being a “prick”… especially considering you weren’t actually there in that IGA supermarket therefore could have no real way of knowing exactly how that situation unfolded. Bottom line— One of my readers was relating a personal story— you stepped in and accused him of being a prick. Not really cool. On another point… there are numerous studies clearly showing that there are indeed harmful affects for the extended wearing of face masks. Steve Kirsch has many of them listed here…
maybe you should mind your own business as well then, Prick; ya can't have it both ways;
"People" like you have proven nothing about not only the "effectiveness" of paper and cloth masks over the nostrils and mouths, but also that they somehow don't starve fresh air;
simple biological process breathing; Fresh air comes in, stale air goes out. fresh air comes in, stale air goes out...
when your (our) stale air (breath) is exhaled into the closed confines of a cloth/paper mask, all you have to breathe in is stale air...and i thought this was all very simple;
all of this has been proven by many clinical trials but apparently YOU know better;
being a welder and painter myself, i know that the only protection we can get from the fumes is via wearing a positive air flow hood; if one can still smell the fumes, then there is no protection;
So, not only do you appear to be an uneducated and arrogant dickhead, you also appear to be very much a PRICK.
Actually little prick,I didn't come on here and brag about what an idiot I am, straightening out that old lady. That was you. Don't like being called on it, don't brag about it. Second, you're full of shit on the mask thing and you know it. You can't walk around ina coal fired power plant in scba. That stands for self contained breathing apparatus for you dummies. So yeah, and if you don't want to get black lung, or mesothelioma, you wear a mask. So full of shit, little prick. Now those masks we wore weren't those dirty bra cups you were referring to. Just so you know.
did you not read the part where i said i was trying to help the lady?
you can change your story however you see fit, but you can't change mine, shit-stain.
you also can't change the countless clinical studies into face masks that concluded not only are they useless but they are also dangerous when worn for more than 10 minutes at a time;
i think your time among the coal dust has affected you more than you care to admit.
Go get a brain scan; moron.
We elites are gonna do what Hitler could only dream of.....
Sorry. That was a rhetorical comment Duchess ?
Silly me
What did Hitler dream of. ?
Some days you have to laugh or you'll cry!
OMG ....another bag of popcorn !
John you have written the most perfect paragraph I have seen on Substack.
"It's simply buckled over tears to the eyes hilarious listening to these over-rated self-glorifying bean counters, as they frustratingly battle with the inescapable gnawing realisation, that their academically acquired knowledge and understanding of the general historical rules and patterns of fiscal fluctuations and self-regulated market evaluations, are in no way jiving with their cheep-ass shtick... to the point of fast slipping from the grasp of their imagined expertise!"
I can only sit back and make no comments anymore to those around me. The "dumbness" is done like a fine dinner.
Yup, the "fin-ant-shell" pundits are the MOST hoot worthy critters around an' as ya rightly said all their "academically acquired" knowledge" means zippo bananas cuz they'ze gonna lose their pants (an' their shirts too). Their word salads are quite tossed these days! No amount'a dressin' kin cover it. While it all "faws down" (as we're wartchin' in real time), I do indeed think laughter is the best medi-sin--tho' yer "face of the 2020s" is likely the biggest medi-SINNER on record worth more than a few "laffs"--the rat bastard just snagged a fine rat's nest at "tony" Georgetown U. "Willard" looked right cute in comparison. Harari is another rat--both'a these putrid pip-squeaks actually look like rodents! It's some solace knowin' rats don't swim well tho... these are swamp creatures, sure, but I'm hopin' they'll git in over their heads an' drown--metaphorically of course (I hope the event will nevertheless be broadcast!)