Do you believe this crap?!
One and a half months I've waited for this 'GP referred specialist appointment' to have an infected toenail looked at... only to discover the lunatics still require visitors to don the face mask of "humiliation and visually identifiable compliance!"
They're not even mandating the mask in most hospitals these days! In fact many even advise "AGAINST" healthy people wearing them! But these hypnotised brain-f*cked morons take it upon themselves in enforcing it!
Dr Annette Wegman's rooms (Citywest Dermatology Burwood) confirming your appointment for Mon 11-Mar-2024 at 2:00 PM.
Please reply Y to confirm N to cancel or call 9744 0477 to rebook.
WE REQUIRE ALL PATIENTS AND ANY SUPPORT PERSON TO WEAR A MASK. We request support persons be limited to 1 person only and other children (unless they are the patient) should not attend.
If you are unwell please call us to reschedule your appointment.
You will need to bring a referral from your GP for this appointment.
Thank you
After having read through the demands stated in their SMS... I replied with the following question (just to be sure)....
"Do you still require the wearing of the mask? Or is that no longer applicable?"
(*Listen to their voice mail reply above)
Anyway, here was my reply to them...
"Go to hell! I refuse to have my human dignity and self respect trampled upon just to appease your idiotic delusions!
Wake up to yourselves!
Snap out of it!
It's been 4 years already!
Oh, the irony….
‘Conscience Before Conformity’: What the White Rose Students Can Teach Today’s Young Scholars
COMMENTARY: Hans Scholl, like his sister Sophie, had found in St. John Henry Newman and other Christian writers the resources and inspiration to make sense of the brutal world around him.

Who needs MAD MAGAZINE?!
German man who received 217 COVID vaccinations becomes focus of new immunisation research
So, they're expecting us to believe some German doofus took it upon himself to get jabbed 217 TIMES and suffered absolutely no adverse reactions..? Nor were there supposedly any abnormal responses detected from his natural immune system..? Yeah right!!!
I know of a particular bozo who head over heels fell in love with the vaccines! He was absolutely chomping at the bit desperate to get a 5th jab into him! He simply couldn't wait to get those billion or so juicy spike proteins triggering off in his cellular structure like firecrackers! He was desperate to send his immune system into a crazy endless tailspin! He wanted to break through the blood brain barrier good and proper, and ultimately, well... bite the dust!
He was frustrated and quite perturbed that he couldn't find a doctor, nor clinician, ANYWHERE who was prepared to give it to him! (too dangerous you see...) But this dopey German guy somehow manages to get 217 of them whacked into his arm without a single medico noticing..? ABSOLUTE BULLSHEIZEN!!
This is the sort of insane shite they're now putting about in order to convince the "already hypnotised Covidians" that these things are perfectly safe! Their desperation in keeping this lie afloat, knows no bounds!
The mere fact they’re still pushing this stuff on the public (and their children) despite all the alarming peer reviewed information that’s come to light…should be more than enough to absolutely terrify everyone! But it isn’t… no one cares to listen… so, good luck to ‘em I guess?!
Bombshell Study: We now have 100% Scientific Proof why the Jabbed are Dying Suddenly
Here’s what the (AAP independent Fact Checker) says.
Watch the interview with Dr. Chris Shoemaker and decide for yourself…
Soon enough the government/corporate media controlled and sponsored “Fact Checkers” will be jumping on ‘pro-Palestinian’ social media posts with things such as the following…
Israel is committing controlled systematic genocide in Gaza, which has caused the death of countless thousands of innocent women and children. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced and many are also starving.
FALSE. (Misinformation)
Our experts have found, there is no evidence supporting the baseless claim that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Any men, women or children that were killed, were either directly connected to Hamas, or killed in crossfire by Palestinian fired weaponary. Also, there is no validity whatsoever to the false claim of displacement and starvation. There is still an abundance of fresh food and housing available in Gaza, most of which has been donated by Israel.
*That’s EXACTLY the type of claims they’re making about the millions of vaccine deaths and injuries. But then, that’s EXACTLY what you get when you willingly and unquestioningly comply your way into globalist controlled tyranny.
So, good luck! Seems we’re ALL anti-vaxxers and spreaders of disinformation now!
Whilst the mainstream media and politicians work double time in burying and covering this all up—so many actively choose to remain under their illusory gaslighting spell and say nothing?! Appalling behaviour on both parts! They should be ashamed of themselves one and all! If not just for their sheer cowardice, ignorance and stupidity!
One would have to have the brains of a walnut not to see what’s happening here!
The tragic reality of where we “actually stand.”
It’s time we stopped doing the hopium and face up to facts.
THE most chilling aspect of all this is the mere fact that—“WE know,” that “THEY KNOW,” what these so called “vaccines” are doing! There’s no way they don’t know! But they keep pushing them onto an unsuspecting global population regardless!
Why on earth are they doing this?
Because it’s their ONLY OPTION! That’s why!
They can’t suddenly turn around and say…
“We regret to inform you— the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out must be ceased immediately! Worldwide and without delay!
Public health officials worldwide, have received conclusive and totally irrefutable scientific evidence, that these injections have killed and permanently debilitated millions of people of all ages globally! And they will continue to do so unless immediately halted!”
They CAN NOT, and WILL NOT do this!
Not ever!
They can’t!
It’s too late!
They have no option whatsoever but to continue on with the murderous lies, denials, silence and cover-ups—and let millions, perhaps BILLIONS— DIE! There’s simply no alternative course of action available to them at this late point in the game.
Read full article here…
Meanwhile Down Under…
The Orwellian Nightmare Continues!
So, even though the “illegal mandates” were dropped a long long time ago… these nurses are STILL BEING SACKED for refusing the jab!
Tell me we’re not dealing with a deeply disturbed brainwashed CULT here!
These people have essentially LOST THEIR MINDS! These are highly disturbed people! Bitter and twisted people!—who are now simply paying out (getting revenge) on all those who refused to partake in the same ludicrously dangerous and idiotic activities “THEY DID!”
And the reason so many of our “friends” see absolutely nothing wrong with this—is because they.. “secretly agree with it!”
You know why they AGREE with it?
Thank you for your time.
I’ll leave you with yet another brilliant article by Margaret Anna Alice.
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