Sorry to learn that you need these butchers who call themselves doctors...

I hate to preach to the choir and you know all the following.

The pseudo-medical paradigm has been inventing diseases at a rate of about one a week in the last 100 years...

Most "medical treatments" are not worth a penny; in fact, they are best to be avoided. They cannot diagnose, but they invent illnesses, and find conditions that you don't have... They "diagnose" from symptoms and they "treat" the symptoms without having the slightest idea what they are doing. Their poisonous chemicals that they fraudulently call "medications" cause "side effects" that require new "medications" with further "side effects." They can also perpetuate a condition, that is, prevent nature from taking its course and let the body heal itself. They prescribe chemicals that cause dependencies, which is far from being limited to painkillers. They are pushing "new treatments" (they get money for trials) and sell your biopsies and removed tissues. They misdiagnose and overdiagnose. They collect and sell your DNA.



I usually say, "Here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes."

The disaster of modern "Medicine":


Compartmentalized "Medicine" turns "doctors" into agents of Evil:


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Totally agree! The only thing I take is a blood pressure medication. Plus a statin to lower cholesterol (yeah yeah, I know...). Only because I haven't found more natural ways to do it.

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Sorry, I may say things here that don’t apply to you, but I’m saying them nonetheless for our readers.

You may not have encountered the latest developments about cholesterol. To make a long story, it’s a myth. The drugs for it, however, are poisonous…

Fiddling with blood pressure is also dangerous. The establishment lowered the thresholds here to 130/80 in 2021, which is criminal.

You drink a glass of wine or smoke a cigarette, your blood pressure goes up. Or just look at the doctor. For me, having to watch more than two seconds of TV does it. Same goes for being overweight or getting a bit older for some people. Taking chemicals only causes dependency on the drug that has “side effects.” The causes must be addressed…

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Actually, I elaborated on this yesterday in one of my best articles:


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Ray, I agree. While I was reading this, I remembered that you recommend "a midwestern doctor." I think what he pushes goes against your position in the comment. He persistently brainwashes people into thinking that crimes, butchery, and "medical" batteries is a so-called "medical blindness." Certainly a fraud.

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Definitely, but he allows me to collect subscribers from his site. Not everyone enjoys being brainwashed. After Steve Kirsch's, I collect the second highest number of my readers from his site.

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I guess my main point was that recommending the entire journal means endorsing someone's opinions. I frequently check "recommendations" to quickly make a determination about the author. When someone endorses frauds... well, tell me who is your friend.

Of course, it is the norm of life for the majority as the entire world is functioning on pandering, fawning, etc., and people would do anything for money. But I know there are a few that cannot be bought.

Almost certainly, they still will allow you to "collect" your subscribers even if you were not recommending them. But even if not, I personally would never endorse something I know is wrong.

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Not quite. The system leaves room for an explanation for the recommendation. For Kirsch, I recommend that he allows opposing views and that one can reach a lot of commenters on his site.

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Kirsch is absolutely outspoken about the vax deaths and injuries. He gets right in their face and demands answers. That’s good enough for me!

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He's been playing the antagonist forever, but never accomplished anything except for collecting followers to his fake cult. His principles are an abomination:


I personally think he is heckling people into violence by telling them how stupid and useless they have been by "allowing" all those things to happen.

That's a despicable strategy against people, whose only independent actions were limited to refusing the muzzle, the "tests," and the lethal injections. Even when not wearing a muzzle, six thugs dressed up as highwaymen often jumped on them all over the world. In India, the thugs nearly killed a few people. As for Oz, you have seen the sets on the stage...

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Non-compliance is a weapon and courage is contagious. Keep doing what you're doing, John. As I write, Australia's Chief Medical Clown will be declaring Monkey Pox an 'incident of national significance'. Anything to distract people from the real problems: trillion-dollar debt, energy and food poverty and Marxist ideology pervading every single public agency.

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100%!! We should all be doing whatever we can to throw a monkey wrench of resistance into the gears of this globalist machine of totalitarian control. People think this stuff is all going to eventually go away. No.. it’s all being normalised.

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"soon followed by a long anguished sigh of bitter hopelessness and dreaded despair. " - That's exactly how I feel. All I see is a complete lack of intellectual honesty, moron-ism, endless lies, and pretense that people cannot recognize crimes, deception, and other lawlessness.

As an experiment, I tried to comment on the substacks with tens of thousands or more views. Zero zombie-people were bothered to look. It is just not possible to get through to people or oppose/expose the gov effectively because everything is just a farce.

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But THE most clowned individual in the entire western world would have to be ‘Noam Chomsky’. He who wrote the best seller… ‘Manufacturing Consent’. Ok… maybe we can put his newly found love of fascism down to old age.

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Chomsky always has refused to believe anything outside the “official” fairytale of 9-11 and believes the C-19 “unvaxxed” should be banned from society. And he is considered a champion of freethinking progressives? Baloney!

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I’ve got a couple of particularly pigeon-headed FaceBook friends that I’ve become really disgusted with. One is a 4 times published author and former teacher of history. The other, an 8 times published author, journalist and radio host. These two fellows are THE MOST ABSOLUTE CLOWNED individuals I’ve ever come across in my entire life. It’s a tragic situation.

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