Hadn't seen this--so sad, truly but this was all part'a the plan, mapped out deck-AIDS ago (yup, that too wuz a "killer" OP)--those that didn't die via one of the jabs 'er roosters would be made so ill & miserable they'd be clamorin' fer a "mercy killin' "--their own! This book darkly lays it out (written by a pal of Man in the Chair Doc Vernon Coleman:)


I hope (hope!) her tragic story gits out ta the idiots in hollyweird (an' beyond) that a) promoted that damned clot shots in the first place (they took the $$$ an' ran with it) an' b) made it a requirement fer employment! (many of us that decided to choose the "unemploy-mint" got dumped by our unions (due ta not workin') an' that meant no health insurance so the irony of it all is that most of us did better without that net (as in income! as in "healthcare")--poor kid may she RIP...

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Yep, too true Daisy! Absolutely it’s part of the plan! Wicked f*ckers they are! Love the Old Man in the Chair! I’ve watched and read many of his vids and articles. Thanks for the link.

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why sure!--Ditto on them wicked mf*ckers who think nothin' of all the young lives snuffed out... Re the book it's a short read but worth gettin' (if not from Scam-azon from the local library...) as it lays out a lotta grim but informative details...

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How heartbreaking and infuriating.

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