Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica


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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

Well said.

Blunt and to the point.

Thank you.

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Thank you! I promise, if nothing else... one can always count on me for being "blunt."

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

Totally agree!

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How could world Governments be so gullible to accept the Covid message (no worse death toll than Flu - until you add in all the other fudged stats claiming "DEATH by COVID"). And accept the 'experimental CURE' had no guarantee against injury or/and DEATH? The answer is now so patently obvious it's embarrassing! They're all in on the mass depopulation plan in the guise of Covid and its DEADLY CURE - the injection incorrectly referred to as a VACCINE! They even accepted the unwarranted injections but also the LIABILITY! Insane or what?

It's been around 100 years since medicine has been about people's welfare. Profits now drive medicines.

"Let's create more viral illnesses and make more profit"? DEPOPULATION by injections called 'Covid' (ineffective but deadly) 'vaccine'!

Does anyone still trust Pfizer or the other deadly poison distributors?

‘LIABILITY’ for Vax DEATHS must be reintroduced for Big Pharma = just COMMON SENSE!

‘Realists’ that spread TRUTH that does not line up with the distorted (WEF) oppressive opinions are referred to as spreading ‘mis-information’, ‘dis-information’, etc. Any form of ‘alternate accurate opinion’ derived from joining dots is now OUTLAWED!

There will soon be just a few of us left that refused the DEADLY covid injections. But we can fight dirty – like them!

F*^k PayPal for thinking they could introducer $2500 fines for telling the truth – before Adolf Schwab (WEF) gave them the ‘go-ahead’.

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer!)

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As well as the $$ you might include the involvement of the US DoD and probably at least all the five eyes countries' military (I am referring to Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt's revealing research) under the guise of "global biosecurity emergency" - more to come no doubt

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I think that pretty much goes without saying. We’re talking about a “global tyranny,” encompassing all the various facilities generally available to global tyrannies. I’ve touched on all the various players at one time or another in various articles.

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True but there's no dichotomy though.

A criminal decision may still be a poor decision. In fact, criminals usually make many more stupid mistakes than normal people.

I reckon Fauci, Tedros & Co. were likely misinformed by their Wuhan contractors who overreported the potency of their brew. Leading to a panic inadequately big, which many people could see through pretty soon.

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Fauci wasn’t “misinformed” about anything… he’s up to his armpits in this. Check out ‘Fauci’s first Fraud.’

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

On the money John Fauci totally complicit and probably 50 - 100 others!

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

That'd leave only enormous chutzpah as an explanation for why the panic was oversized the way it was.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

No, it is a deliberate depopulation event.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

Not mutually exclusive, again.

Perfect villains exist only in movies.

Real criminals make all sorts of stupid mistakes because of poor information, inadequate self-assessment, etc., etc.

It can be a crime AND a mistake at the same time.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by John Botica

The brew was developed at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

It was sent to Wuhan to put the finishing touches on it.

All funded by Fauci and NIH.

Funding NIH documents prove it.

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