I've had COVID and am constantly getting colds.
Did COVID harm my immune system?
Am I now at risk of other infectious diseases?
Mainstream media will soon be running a whole stack of stories just like the one above. You can be absolutely sure of it—100% guaranteed!
We’ll be seeing them popping up regularly on TV and radio chat shows, newspapers and digital media of all descriptions. They’ll be rolling out their so called “experts” ten to the dozen! Just you wait and see!
And these so called experts will explain to all of us, in the ‘EXACT SAME ultra easy to understand terms’— how recent (totally undisclosed) scientific studies have discovered that Covid-19 and its never ending and ever increasing array of viral variants and mutations—have actually ‘damaged our immune systems’ and ‘their ability to fight infection!’
As alluded to in a prior article—despite their being “fully aware” that these so called “vaccines” do in fact cause damage to one’s immune system (likely permanently), and as a result, have done (and continue to do) horrific damage to the health of the world’s population, having already killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions—they will carry on regardless, with a determined push to give the overall impression— that although things seem to be largely getting back to “normal”, we must stay ‘ever vigilant’ and not be too quick to let our guard down, as we are still engaged in an ongoing battle with a deadly virus, and that vaccines are our “one and only proven solution” towards keeping safe!
Not only does the mainstream media continue in burying the truth, spreading scientific falsehoods, censoring all outside peer reviewed research and data and keeping a tight lid on the reporting of the horrific vaccine carnage piling up all around us—but not one world leader or public health official has made the scantest attempt in explaining, or even acknowledging, the unexplained 40% death increase showing in insurance industry statistical data worldwide! Despite the fact this alarming spike appeared directly following the vaccine roll-out!
They’ve pulled out just about every ludicrous trick in the book in trying to cover up and explain away the true reality of what’s going on—
SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)—
PPSD (Post Pandemic Stress Disorder)—
Forget about what thousands of well respected, highly skilled and experienced medical professionals and top ranking professors of microbiology and immunology are saying about the true horrors of what these injections are doing to human beings all over the planet! As far as the powers that be are concerned— it’s “Covid itself” that is crippling the human immune system and causing all the deaths! That’s all we need to know!
And largely untested; leaky as all hell; hastily rolled out; synthetic based gene altering mRNA technology is our only true chance of survival!
I think now this truly is a RUNAWAY TRAIN!
As predicted! They're now saying "Covid" is causing "DNA damage to the heart." And that's what's supposed to account for all the unexplained deaths in the world. They're always 15 steps ahead of us with their "on the fly propaganda." Of course the sheep will fall for it 100%. This is never going to end. https://www.smh.com.au/national/queensland/unlike-flu-covid-19-attacks-dna-in-the-heart-new-research-20220929-p5bm10.html
yup. totally John. The cabal is going FULL STEAM AHEAD with the agenda, regardless of how it exposes the jig, so why do they even bother with these RIDICULOUS 2-bit pathetic attempts at explaining away mislead-diversions (S.A.D.S. et al / fabricated Readers Digest Family Circle-grade fraudulent disinfo explainaway scapegoat campaigns) !??! . Vomicrocious, all of their shenanigans. They are THE WORST. UGH. Always good to read your posts, kindred spirit!