There’s no stopping this now, it’s essentially a ‘runaway train’… and despite the hard fought individual and collective efforts millions of us have put in… this thing is going to reach its natural and inevitable conclusion regardless. And those of us with our eyes open, all know EXACTLY what that ‘inevitable conclusion’ may well be.
The bovine masses are NEVER going to wake up— nor will they ever find out the truth of what’s happening. Even if they did... they’d never accept it anyway! They’re way too dug in now… far too invested in the “official narrative” to ever go back.
Way too many people, have way too much to lose, should the truth be accepted.
No one is going to want to admit they were so gravely deceived and fooled into participating in something so wicked and treacherous as to place their “own children” in mortal danger. They’d rather blindly and cowardly carry on living with a humongous lie, than face up to the awful truth.
There will be NO GREAT AWAKENING. There will be no successful ‘Nuremberg 2 trials’.. nor will anyone be prosecuted or held accountable. It’s totally IMPOSSIBLE.
This whole thing is ‘self perpetuating’… built purely on the notion that it’s all for the “greater good.” One only needs look at the millions of demented f*ckwits out there still willingly masked up to the eyeballs, compulsively ‘self testing’ and lining up for boosters to know that.
The bulk of the world’s population.. that includes the politicians, media, the medical community.. EVERYONE, has been brilliantly gaslit, “brainwashed” into believing that to speak ill of the vaccines and Covid-19 measures is not only reckless, but totally blasphemous! Therefore.. in reality.. there is no logical way to stop this self-propelling lunacy. Plus… as professor of psychology Mattias Desmet has said on a number of occasions.. “Totalitarianism is always built on the back of a mindless mass formation.”
This will silently continue on its current steady course, until billions are dead in the ground... and it will all go on ‘totally unnoticed’ and ‘totally unrecognised’, because the media will NEVER report on it… and anyone who presents evidence (regardless of its undeniable and irrefutable validity and the fact that it’s happening all around us) will be totally and continually ignored, mocked, belittled, ridiculed and treated as a tinfoil conspiracy loon.. (as we have been since the beginning).
There’s not suddenly going to be some giant massive surge in the rate of death. It’s just going to continue on as a slow grinding process of ongoing “unexplained death and illness” until it’s all too late! And of course.. the larger percentage of the mind-altered masses will still firmly believe that it’s all down to Covid-19.. (because that's what the media tells them). The ludicrously labelled ‘SADS’ (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) and other equally idiotic ‘cover-up attempt explain-aways’ means absolutely nothing to these boneheads.
All the personal tragedies are too isolated and disconnected.. there’s no single thread that can be picked up and connected to the broader picture. It seems almost futile to even bother trying to stop it now.
This is essentially a non stoppable, altruistically driven 'world suicide’. It’s a perfect plan. (I’m certain Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the Rev. Jim Jones would agree.)
Spot on, John. You've said the quiet part out loud. They're just going to move on, "nothing to see here". I've tried to have conversations with my vaccinated 'friends'. A funny thing happens: I do all the talking and they just look at me. There's a pause and we move onto the next topic. I can't get any engagement.
Fortunately, there's been a tsunami of analysis, insights, humour and creativity from many writers like yourself - a wonderful foil to isolation and the onslaught of propaganda and AI-bot communication.
We are now the best in our society and our mission is not to go insane from anger, withdraw from sadness or stop yearning for a better life.
I fear you could be right in my heart of hearts. Regardless, we should still keep trying to reach the seemingly unreachable masses. Millions or billions may perish, but we cannot let hope die too.