They just gotta big elevator and shoved Hell up to us as it was easier than bringin' us all down to the basement-- but make no mistake, we're there! (As fer flames, just wait'a few months--cities'll burn when everyone runs outta fuel... or mebbe the nukes'll send us all out in a blaze!). Horrific what ya wrote--it skews a tad different here as each state still maintain's a little "thread" of sinew from former rights--but it's all tenuous. Hospitals out-n-out murdered folks--forced killer vents n' remdesivir on'em and collected big $$$ fer it too. So almost no health freedom here for the unjabbed... They had nice CAMPS set up fer us too--here in New Yawk the deal was they could lock'ya up without reason and without an END DATE!!! So insane was this that a court turned it over...


BUT a course they're gonna appeal... our EVIL governor Cathy the Pharma-HO Hocul is a disgrace -- a quarantine camps too cozy fer her, I'd recommend a penthouse in Hades! (https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/ho-ho-ho-hochul)

I hope some fightin' back Down Under get Up an' Over and squarsh the bass-turds--gotta do the same here too! So many folks 'r asleep at the wheel (literally!)--we need them in the fight...it's indeed fer our LIVES.

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Denver Aiport

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Perfect description 9f our new concentration camps

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Is the picturefrom thosecreepy denver airpirt murals?

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Hey John I saw in your bio that you are a musician well that drew me in as I am a bassist your writing is astonishing to say the least I bet you’re one hell of a musician too what instrument do you play?

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Thanks Mike. I play guitar… (there’s a few clips on Youtube)… although I have been known to noodle on bass as well here and there. A rock band is nothing without a great bass player! Drums and bass are the vital foundation of any great band.

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You’re on the money John Gotta have a good bass player and drummer or the band is doomed funny story I saw Zeppelin in 1970 Bonham was so drunk he kept falling on his drums terrible show. Anyway nice playing on the videos and that Tele with the maple neck is sweet keep playing and keep writing we need you!

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Yes, I’ve heard bootleg audio of that Zep show.. dreadful! That Tele was a custom made by the owner of that small German blues club (the Village). Incredible guitar! Such great bite it had… fantastic tone. I was going to have him build me one… however 9,000 euros was just a little out of my range.

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“Once and awhile a son, a daughter, gets away”

Gary Snyder

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Right on bro.

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Excellent post. The brass tacks and barbed wire need to be made crystal clear. The woke persist in their Snow White slumbers unaware they are the Stalag inmates.

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Well said, John. And how apt that you should feature the demonic mural from Denver International Airport.

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WOW.....I heard a lot of bad about Denver International Airport. With a mural like that, no wonder. :-(

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Western Australia seems to have been possessed by the Devil!

How is PUSSY Trudeau still given credence for his Tyranical but pathetic (narcissistic) rules?

World Health Organisation = Now labelled as “Divisive and unreliable”.

F**k YouTube if they think they can get my cooperation and be 'controlled by the Tyrants!

Also; 'F**k PAYPAL' for 'jumping the gun' without Adolf Schwab's authority, with threats of $2500 fines for customers who dare to criticise the DEADLY injection program set up by the NWO.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready!

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Ho my good, I think mangle is dead, we must be in trouble, who is it going to authorize it now?

Sorry, but could not resist, thank you for sharing.

Here something worth researching in order to understand were and by who did all this madness originated from. “If you can survive my typos”.


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There is strong evidence that the millions of mask-wearing zombies were hatched in pods following an alien invasion. Fight Medical Tyranny. Watch and SHARE POD PEOPLE BARBECUE on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr5y3gndykM

Watch all Turfseer's music videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU&list=PLvrDA-UtzN9zSEsaUJ5mvG-zfekakATKJ

Subscribe to my new Substack newsletter where you can listen to more songs and music videos along with bonus material including ezines and blogs. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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I might suggest... if you're going to indulge in some blatant 'self promotion'. At least have the common courtesy of perhaps giving a "like" to the article you're seeking to exploit. You'll go a little further that way.

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I'll try to do that in the future. I am sorry you categorize what I am trying to do as "blatant self-promotion." I don't get paid for what I do and I've gotten a lot of positive feedback from those who like my songs and who believe they are useful in the fight against medical tyranny,.

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Do you think I get paid for doing this? 98% of us don't earn a zak! We're all doing our bit to bring down this tyranny! Plus, I was a jobbing muso for some 35 years. I've practically lost count of how many songs I wrote, how many bands I played in, how many dingy joints I played in... how many tours, hotel rooms, nights without food... how many times I was ripped off by promoters, agents, venues, record labels... etc etc... You know how much money I made? Not even worth mentioning.

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Correct. That is what I am trying to do...bring down this tyranny. This is my way of doing that,

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Oct 31, 2022Edited
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For the rest of time FOR THE WEST this will happen, the West whose peoples have allowed this wholesale abrogation of its patiently built-up political framework 'protecting' citizens' human (ie. civil) rights. They're not 'human' rights, they're the rights of specific nations that acknowledge & enshrine such civil rights in their national constitutions, usually guaranteed morally in principle by the national religion. So civil rights are in effect a subset of religious rights. 'Human' rights denies any role to religion, which in most societies would be seen as an existential betrayal of the national foundational faith. The West does seem doomed, taken down by a matrix of 'deep fake' notions stripped of any deeper faith-intense meaning that would give them some measure of cultural longevity.

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