Please Note: This is a TRUE STORY!
It’s late 2022 and the entire world has effectively been turned into a giant concentration camp. A concentration camp run by dull bureaucrats, billionaire oligarchs and self proclaimed and appointed elitists and their criminally complicit corporate stakeholders.
This has long been planned and is now fully functioning and operational!
“We the people” are the largely unwitting inmates.
Over a period of some thirty odd months, we have been progressively and quite thoroughly separated from our most basic fundamental human rights. And much like caged guinea pigs, are being experimented upon with provenly toxic, potentially deadly, gene altering chemical concoctions—by LAW!!
Unfortunately, many of our fellow inmates—who long ago tragically fell victim to governmentally orchestrated menticide—fail to recognise in ‘anyway whatsoever’, the daily atrocities being openly perpetrated against them and their loved ones. Unbelievably—they appear to in no way grasp, that they are in fact the abused captives of their “own democratically elected government.” Unsurprisingly, it’s those “special inmates” who were unofficially made “camp trustees” who appear to be the blindest.
Fortunately, many of us are far more aware.
(Heck!— Let’s not beat around the bush here)—
Fortunately, many of us are far more “INTELLIGENT!”
Despite having endured over two and a half years of highly concentrated, governmentally orchestrated, military grade psychological manipulation and mind control techniques—we somehow (unlike our sleepier friends)—managed to retain the ability to exercise the most basic fundamental aspects of commonsense and reasoning. Therefore, we know full well—that something is wrong. Something is very—VERY—WRONG!
Whilst many of our lesser thinking friends continue wallowing around in a clueless vacuum of hazy dizzy-headed confusion— “WE” on the other hand, are desperately seeking to speak to the governor!! Or at the very least, someone in a position of authority with the means towards organising some form of legal representation! For “WE” are fully aware—that “WE” are all being ROYALLY SCREWED OVER!!
But the cruel unthinking guards (themselves also largely victims of menticide) absolutely refuse to cooperate in any way whatsoever! In fact, they’re not even listening to us!
A different type of concentration camp
Unlike the infamous Nazi concentration camps of the 1930s/40s— we weren’t transported to this concentration camp in horrible old smelly cattle carts.
No, in fact—we didn’t need to be transported anywhere! And apart from a few strange looking bleary-eyed individuals loping about in medical looking face masks, and the odd empty looking blank and expressionless stare here and there—everything appears to look pretty much as normal in this concentration camp.
Most of us still live in homes.
Many of us still hold down paid jobs.
We still have TV, sports, soap operas and even quiz shows!
Heck, we can even catch a movie or take a nice long lazy Sunday stroll in some leafy suburban park somewhere!
Yep, we can pretty much do anything we please in this new concentration camp!
Making “our own decisions” regarding medical choices.
Deciding what is best for our “own children’s health and safety.”
Questioning the safety and ethics of government mandated medical interventions.
Criticising, or in any way even questioning “official government policy.”
Presenting any type of alternate information, opinion, data, statistics, or ‘anything whatsoever’ that runs contrary to “official mainstream/government narrative.”
Pointing out bleedingly obvious absurdities in official government policy, rules and regulations.
Criticising Big Pharma in any way whatsoever!
Demanding that one’s sovereign human rights be honoured and respected.
Retaining ownership over one’s own bodily autonomy.
Requesting that the principles set out in internationally recognised and established human rights treaties such as the “Nuremberg Code” be adhered to.
Retaining the right not to be trampled upon by horses— fired upon with rubber bullets— or having your skull bashed in by a police truncheon for standing up for your human rights.
Retaining access to your own funds should you attempt to protest any of the aforementioned.
You know, just basic stuff like that. Otherwise, everything’s pretty much as normal!
You see, this a ‘different type’ of concentration camp!
This is like no other concentration camp ever before seen in the entire history of the world!
This is a ‘whole new concept’ for a concentration camp!
This is a concentration camp specifically built for the 21st century!
It’s the very first of its kind! And very likely—the VERY LAST of its kind!
This concentration camp was designed and built to last!
This concentration camp is quite likely to be here— FOR THE REST OF ALL TIME!!
ABC Fact checker 'CONFIRMS'—
In Western Australia, children can legally be held down, 'stripped of their underwear' and force vaccinated!
“Whilst the legislation gives emergency officers considerable powers, it also provides safeguards, including that the powers can ONLY BE USED on the AUTHORISATION of the CHIEF HEALTH OFFICER.”
NOTE: That’s a little like saying— "It must first be authorised by Dr. Josef Mengele!"
*See ABC Fact Checker.
They just gotta big elevator and shoved Hell up to us as it was easier than bringin' us all down to the basement-- but make no mistake, we're there! (As fer flames, just wait'a few months--cities'll burn when everyone runs outta fuel... or mebbe the nukes'll send us all out in a blaze!). Horrific what ya wrote--it skews a tad different here as each state still maintain's a little "thread" of sinew from former rights--but it's all tenuous. Hospitals out-n-out murdered folks--forced killer vents n' remdesivir on'em and collected big $$$ fer it too. So almost no health freedom here for the unjabbed... They had nice CAMPS set up fer us too--here in New Yawk the deal was they could lock'ya up without reason and without an END DATE!!! So insane was this that a court turned it over...
BUT a course they're gonna appeal... our EVIL governor Cathy the Pharma-HO Hocul is a disgrace -- a quarantine camps too cozy fer her, I'd recommend a penthouse in Hades! (
I hope some fightin' back Down Under get Up an' Over and squarsh the bass-turds--gotta do the same here too! So many folks 'r asleep at the wheel (literally!)--we need them in the's indeed fer our LIVES.
Denver Aiport