Jan 18Liked by John Botica

Abso-freaking-lutely, John! I don't know what's worse, folks believing in the mass hysteria of the covid hoax, folks lining up to get their death jabs, or the catastrophic cognitive dissonance / mental illness that makes those things possible. We tried and we tried and we tried. Cue he four horsemen of the Apocalypse, oh don't bother, they are already center stage. Heil Fauci, heil Gates, heil the deep states, heil the wef/who/alphabet soup of Satanist murderers, or what!?

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Jan 19Liked by John Botica

Wel John, a mighty bleak assessment of where we are. I’m not quite that pessimistic just yet but getting there. I never realized the level of moronicity prevalent in the human race. I guess it’s a good time to be an old fighter.

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Jan 18Liked by John Botica

you are absolutely correct John; there is no helping those that do not want to be helped; 4 years of trying to help others has led us a not-so-merry song n dance against the perceivable brick walls of denial;

it's time to admit that we have done all that we can and stick up our hands for replacements to run on the field...cue the soon-to-be never ending lines of Lawyers and Barristers seeking 'compensation' for the bereaved and injured who will be fleeced by the very same BAR members and their 'courts' of :ADMINISTRATIVE; wealth redistribution;

what we have to do is steal ourselves for the inevitable onslaught of not only being blamed for all the misery and harm that the injectees of an Experimental Synthetic Drug are currently enduring and will be experiencing into the foreseeable future, but also against the exponential number of deaths we will be witness to;

me thinks that IF the injectees finally do awaken en-mass to the intentional harms AusGovCO and ITS STATE subsidiaries caused unto them, all hell will break out; civility towards one-another will cease; no-one will take responsibility for being conned into harming themself and will instead blame their friends, families, co-workers and employers for their ills; narily a one of them will set their sights on the real perpetrators of harm and death in AusGovCO and StateGovCO...it's much easier to blame the kin.

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Well yikes - her expression pretty much tells the story. Bitten by a crazy mind-virus.

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Jan 19Liked by John Botica

Very few people will admit the vaccine is causing deaths and sickness in unprecedented numbers. Very few. Until they do it’s going to continue unabated

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Next will be the persecution and squeezing of the digital ID 'refusenicks.'

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Yup, I think ya nailed this point in time where were are...right inta the coffin fer those that cling ta salvation in the safe+effective world of the jabs, the masks, the protocols. Lullin' them inta the safe slumber call've the banshee! Sigh. Speakin' ve banshees, I love the aviator who seems resurrected from a tomb in a Tim Burton movie. Few humans so resemble a rabid weasle cosplayin' Jack The Ripper as much as Prof. Tracy Oh that Smarts (ouch!) -- But we see now, with folks of her ilk, that our "author-itty" figgers better emody The Joker than any trusted source've sanity I've seen.

Yer right John, we cannot will not convince anybuddy ta "SEE" truth an' many've the deluded (an' de-looted) will DIE. Just DIE. It's heppenin' now. We know so many folks fightin' major cancers--the big C seems ta be a badge of PRIDE. We know a lady who told us she's PROUD to be BALD an' "own her Cancer" (Like an alligator handbag wot?) ... a cancer which would've been avoidable if she hadn't taken all'er jabs n' roosters... tho' of course they see NO CONNECTION. Meantimes, I have tried ta gently tell her an' others 'bout fenben, mistletoe, laetril, an' cuttin' out sugar (cancer just luvs sweeties...)--but it all gits no thanks--in fact it gits blank stares or no reply when emailed. THEY ARE GONE. Even if they ain't dead yet they are GONE.

Fer the rest've us--we reject CBDCs (an' fight when they try ta seize!) an' we keep a few extree cans've tinned fish, emergency candles, an' tubes'a toothpaste in a box fer the day we expect ta come where SHTF an' it all shuts down an' we HOPE some of the fools that "follered orders" by pushin' buttons an' closin' out bank accounts will git some regretsy an' slow the train 'fore it crashes inta the station...

Meantimes, collect books, music, anythin' real fer the "next big thing"... I'm still countin' on makin' it thru!

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What a tragic mess we're in! No departments of justice to underpin fairness, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. As gargantuan as that is, the bigger portion lies directly beneath, out of plain sight. Therefore, to undergo a structured retreat, is most likely the wisest move. Erwin Rommel knew he had been overwhelmed, and "retreated" against orders even, but the general KNEW the game he played well enough to know when it's time to pull back. A continuance of the same battle would end in defeat.

Ever since it became evident that the present-day military branches showed no sign of ire, I instinctively sensed that the game was pretty much over. No military support, no hope for a win. So it's the military complex against the lightly armed citizenry, which probably is under-supplied, and under-trained not to mention brainwashed, that if undertaken, would be crushed.

But that's only my biased opinion speaking. As a Christian, there is VERY little Scripture in the way of "fighting" militarily speaking. I can't think of a single verse, but can think of a few in objection to it. And we should all know that such a battle is futile to say the least, other than to drive home the spectacle of we who are willing to DIE for the cause of freedom and justice. That's commendable, but there is another tack to take. We can trust in the Word of God, and equip ourselves with Truth, and obey His Commands. Not fearing those who can take your temporal life. We die regardless, but our hands are bloodless. By putting our complete faith in the trustworthy ability of our "Commander in Chief," we demonstrate our Christianity. And I believe that God honors such a thing. He Himself will deal with those who are under the enemy's supervision, as He did with the Assyrians and the Chaldeans. Those Pagans defied the Deity of Creation openly and brazenly, and paid the ultimate price.

We are in a similar situation of late. The Satanically induced coalition to which we now point as complicit, murderous conspirators are anything but Christ-like in heart and mind. They will most assuredly pay for their planned chaos and mayhem, though it might be postponed. We must not lose heart as time passes and nothing seems to come about. God will MOST CERTAINLY win this! He will vanquish all wickedness for ever and this present darkness will someday be just a "thing" in the remote past; an unsavory time in earth's history. Over-shadowing this will be the joy, the freedom, the love, the beauty, the liberty, the very presence of Christ, and the new world "order" that God sets up, will pervade the scene and the senses of all those present.

Who can place a right value to a single soul? Every person is priceless! Only God can rightly weigh it. And to think that millions; possibly BILLIONS of souls were murdered outright, carelessly; brazenly defying His Commandments to love one another as yourself. This episode of genocide is NOT going un-noticed by the Lord of Hosts. He WILL return, and it will NOT be a fun day for those wicked men.

But for those who put their trust in a Commander who has NEVER lost a battle, and humbly admit that without His blood being shed for our sins, we too would be just as lost!

Happy Sabbath Day!


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Jan 19Liked by John Botica

My tiny fragments of hope comes from the low booster uptake and the referendum result.

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Jan 19Liked by John Botica

Yeah, pretty much sucks. Yet, if ‘the beauty of the Lotus grows from the pond muck’ , nature tends wind towards its own harmony and life that respects aligns with it.

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Jan 19Liked by John Botica

Bloody well said. However, I need to believe there will be justice, and that they can be stopped. If only for the sake of my own morale and sanity. Because without it, there is honestly nothing left to look forward to. Nothing worth living for. This death cult is even turning the trees into 'genetically altered zombies' FFS. The insects are disappearing (except 'Zee Bugs' 🦗🦠🐛🪱 and 'Zee Flying Hypodermics' 🦟🦟🦟) collapsing the food chain from the bottom up. 😪 Who wants to live on a planet devoid of life and the wonders of nature? I don't.

Bad enough that the people we loved are either dead, dying or subhuman, half machine, robotic barbie dolls, who blank out and stare into space when you utter the trigger words their new circuitry can't compute.

So whilst I agree - I'm going with Darwin's theory until it becomes brutally clear that there is no hope, and we are only left surrounded by mad, blood-lust crazed half human zombies and the bodies of those we built our memories with, unhappily emitting their Bluetooth 'address' from the grave. Then I shall give up and vacate.

Until then, I'll give up wasting my time trying to wake them up, and keep pushing and praying for justice. 🙏. Also praying the hemp rope industry survives... it'll be needed far more than exploding, fire bomb, remote control vehicles which are built by child slaves, to kidnap awake adults and deliver to gas chambers....

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Jan 18Liked by John Botica

I am afraid you are right. God help us all.

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