as Solzhenitsyn pointed out in Live Not By Lies, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!

And this is the way to break out of the imaginary encirclement of our inertness, the easiest way for us and the most devastating for the lies. For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.

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This is projection.

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Or predictive programming? Many of these folks are quite repulsive and have helped flush our republic down the crapper.

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I'm no Trump fan or statist, but maybe these people who are so worried should stop raping kids and stealing elections.

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Trump is a rapist, too.

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You misspelled Biden.

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Really…? How so?

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Read his daughter's diary for starters. In case you're still confused that would be BIDEN'S daughter.

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I was talking about this supposed misspelling of BIDEN!!!

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What am I confused about? What on earth are you talking about? I know about Biden’s daughter’s molestation accusations about her father. How on earth are you figuring I’m some kind of Biden supporter? What are you going on about?! Did you even read my spiel beneath the video? Or, did you just watch the video and figure that's my viewpoint? Just in case you missed it, here's what I wrote....


All these Davos/World Economic Forum brainwashed Hollywood celebrities and their leftwing media talking head heroes who’ve been frantically waving pitchforks and flaming torches in rapturous support for the Pelosi/Biden led Donald Trump witch-hunt—whilst at the same time cruelly mocking; ridiculing; belittling and labelling his supporters as mindless barbarians and lowlife working class gutter-scum for the best part of the last eight years—are now absolutely shitting themselves they’re going to be hunted down by a pro-Trump military and tortured and executed in Guantanamo Bay type prison camps!

Their paranoiac desperation is going off the rails! Just goes to show what little value and belief they place in the protective powers of their own constitution! But thankfully, the near comical irony in all this has not escaped all of us.

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What the heck are those rabid hysterical hypocrites foaming at the mouth about? Gibberish, fever dreams, demented, delusional, hallucinatory nonsense.

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yup, seems ta be the "I know you are but what am I" skoolyard bully's disease--name-call 'em an' pick the epithets that best describe yourself but deflect blame away from yerself by pointin' the finger at the other party (usually the one not ta blame!) PeeWee lays it out on the silver screen:


Hilarious--'cept it's the United State gubbamint an' the profilgate debased Me-Dia (bowin' ta the god of Me me me!) that engage in such verbal fisticuffs

Ah, I would like ta see them all git a dose of their own "Medi-Sin" but I don't think that justice will be served (even cold). That said, I hope they at least creep away quietly to die in their bunkers!

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Yep, they’re just like a bunch of trained monkeys… and all munchin’ on the same peanuts too. Gotta agree with you… justice will most likely never be served. The upside down narrative is pretty much set in stone at this point.

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Sorry, but if you really believe that the usual hyperbole, exaggerations and hysterical defamation are signs that "they are desperate" - you haven't understood anything.

It's their division strategy, they are hyping up people all across the spectrum, they are pouring oil on the fire, and they are certainly pulling the strings on both sides.

Donald Trump is one of their puppets, a mind-controlled slave just Iike Biden and Schwab and Gates.

Otherwise he never would have been President, he never would have become a candidate again.

So far, everything is going according to the plan.

If you really think that elections have any importance apart from making people believe in the illusion of "democracy", you are naive. The entire theatre around parties and election campaigns is just a distraction for the masses, so they never find out who's really pulling the strings.

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I don’t think it’s quite that simple. But I know what you mean.

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Where's your proof, Koolaid drinking, cognitive dissonant, leftist liberal?

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Ah. So a bunch of quatrillionaire big pharma 5G Zionist families will lose everything because they have no way of stopping one big pharma billionaire 5G Zionist.

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A circular firing squad is something all Americans could support.

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Can't get the video to stream in the UK.

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That’s odd? I’d hate think it’s platform censorship.

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Can get it in Australia.

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Perhaps try a different browser?

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Works fine in Chrome but still does not work in my Adblock browser. Emergency over. It is visible without ad blocking despite no ads in it.

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