Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Botica

I totally get it. Gallows humour is a relief valve from going totally bonkers and/or sinking into despair and/or lethargy.

Keep it up!

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Author

100%. It’s a little like a drunk spouting off at the bar. Blowing off a bit of steam.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Botica

I'm here for some light relief, thanks John and contributors. My feeling is that anyone walking around in 40-degree heat wearing a mask and wiping down shopping trolleys with disinfectant before they touch everything else with their bare hands has simply escaped from the asylum.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Botica

Surely that Airport picture is some sort of "shove the ridiculousness in their face" type of humour?????

No one could possibly be That Indoctrinated can they?

Oh hang on, what about that guy alone his car beside you wearing his face nappy? Or that woman at the table opposite you pulling her face diaper down every time she has a sip of her coffee? Or that "family" out for a stroll on a perfectly clear sunny morning all wearing puffer jackets, beanies and of course the mandatory face masks?; Or those pretend health care "professionals" insisting you wear a face mask as you attempt to get in to see a dentist?; Or Those "people" sitting in the crowded waiting room of the dentist all wearing oxygen deprivation devices while they wait for someone to do a deep dive with their fingers into the very orifice they are covering; Or the way those very "people" look at you when you tell the manager that they are breaking the Law and you will not comply with the stupidity? Or the stares ya get when you walk out instead of depriving yourself of dignity and oxygen while what is left of that broken tooth screams at ya for being so righteous?

Are "people" really That Indoctrinated?

Bring on the show i say John; Maybe this culling is desperately needed; Stop the STUPID from breeding any more STUPID

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Ha! we gotta nation'a McSchnookles--great name, great dee-script-shun, graphic to a tee! (ha, if they could only fit in one, XXXL !)... not everyone here of course, but way way too many--they gobble fauxvid news like their teevee dinners--I think runnin' inta them is (regrettably) unavoidable...

BUT it does make fer a good laugh seein' these fools, all masked up, buyin' their jumbo colas.... an' it's a laugh we've earned (worth it--as long as they don't dent yer car!)--oh my golly, don't let me git started on the be-jabbed drivers that un-learned how to drive--and park!

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I just LOVE this article. Thank you. I LOVE your blunt honesty and your use of exclamation points!

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Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed my article… “however”—SOmeTiMES… I THINK i MaY OVerdo the TExTuAL DRAMATICS!!!! .)

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I'm a theatre person!!! I love the drama. It's funny as hell!! 👏

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by John Botica

Love your sense of humour John. It is gloriously wicked !

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I’m not sure if people that work in hospitals have to wear that mask like the airport lady but I have seen it at the hospital. And there’s also a lady at Costco that been using a respirator all this time ... wonder if they ever take them off 💭

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Airport lady? I see a bearded guy in passenger transit?

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"women" can and do have beards John....Evolution my Friend;

Men can get pregnant and give birth; Women can also have a penis; Men can have a Vagina; 6 year olds can consent to anal sex with an adult; Boys can have their genitals removed at 15 so they can be the girl they KNOW they are meant to be; Girls as young as 12 can have the breasts removed and start "hormone therapy" to be the boy they ALWAYS knew they were; Kids control their parents UNLESS they don't want another Injection of Gates's wonder drugs;

All White folk are Privileged; Truth is the enemy and Lies are religion.........

Evolution of the species John; Evolution comes from diversity don't ya know

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"Men can have a Vagina"

Heck, we've known that even before the Wuhan Kung Fluey took over the galaxy.

Yes folks, the Couf is intergalactic!

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Botica

🤣🤣 my bad I didn’t noticed the beard 🙈🤣🤣 now I’m not sure if the one I saw at the hospital was a man or woman 🧐😆

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Botica

Vancouver airport March 11 picture I’m not sure if you took the picture or somebody else but I believe was on twtr also

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I didn’t take it. It’s been shared around everywhere.

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