When people are slow in facing reality, reality becomes hell on earth.
So, here we are, almost four years in—still desperately trying to awaken our friends and families to the fact that… well, to the fact they’re being systematically killed and maimed under the guise of a global health initiative.
But of course… they just think we’re being hysterical. We’re just being, really silly!
See how beautifully this has all been planned and orchestrated?
They’ve thought of every conceivable angle!
Every single dynamic of human behaviour and psychology — every single possible situation and outcome has been carefully considered, work-shopped and factored into this plan. They’ve left absolutely nothing to chance!
You just have to admit, this has turned out to be one hell of a stunning success on their part. All beautifully worked out with Swiss watch precision!
If ever you find yourself noodling with the idea of carrying out a mass genocide, well… “democide” to be more precise, but hey, let’s not be splitting hairs shall we— but anyway… if ever you do find yourself thinking of committing an historic atrocity of brobdingnagian proportions— be sure to consider enlisting the services and well formulated expertise of those who’re carrying out this current atrocity! Because when it comes to public assisted covert mass kill operations—they’re the absolute f*cking A-grade masters!
And who better to oversee the smooth operation of this newly found globalised insane asylum we find ourselves in, but a multi-corporate funded communist technocratic eugenics indoctrinated and influenced network of delusional woke liberals with nary a skerrick of commonsense, nor a functioning brain between them?
But what about those who still aren’t catching on?
What of them?!
The much anticipated 2021-22 Chickens of Covid Compliance, are finally coming home to roost!
The dumbest of the dumbest blind dominoes, all firmly set in place—standing there, all in a row, one behind the other— unknowingly ready to take the sacrificial fall!
If we can’t awaken these people to the so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS GLARING FACT, that many of their friends and ‘OWN FAMILY MEMBERS’ have fallen victim to CORPORATE SPONSORED DEBILITATION AND MURDER…. what on earth’s chances have we of awakening them to ANYTHING?!
Que: Greta Thunberg… “HOW DARE YOU!!
Whilst average Aussies reach for the boring Milk Arrowroot biscuits over the Monte Carlos - the cheap gristly mince over the high quality premium - struggle to keep on top of their energy bills, rents, loans and mortgages— Whilst farmers lose their lands and family businesses continue to fold left right and centre— Commonwealth Bank turns a record breaking $10.2 billion profit!
But it’s OK! The “experts” assure us this is a great sign of a strong economy! And for that, we should all be eternally grateful!
And with a brand new Covid variant just been announced — $billions being pilfered via a foreign proxy war - in a world nearing boiling point and melting fast, causing people of all ages to suddenly and unexpectedly keel over by the hundreds of thousands!— Don’t forget!— “WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!”
Who could have possibly seen this coming?!!
It’s a laugh a minute!!
But fear not!
Not all is lost!
Yes!! Seems the “BIG REVEAL” could be but a stone’s throw away!
Checkout this desperate attempt at some Aussie mainstream media back-peddling!
It's been nearly four years, but finally there does appear to be a faint glimmer of light emanating from the end of the tunnel!
It’s perfectly evident that every single major news network in the world are in the midst of 11th hour crisis talks. All the way from the top line execs, right down to the newsroom floor.
They are perfectly aware that the wolves of justice are fast closing in on them—and therefore, are firmly engaged in the process of ‘ever so carefully, sneakily and deceptively, trying to back out and distance themselves from the scene of the crime, and the massive part they played in it!’
Here’s what we.. HAVE TO DO!
We CAN NOT— under any circumstances— allow these spineless mugs in the media to be forgotten!
We’ve got to collectively keep these sellout mongrels in the spotlight and never EVER take the pressure off them!
We’ve got to hound these criminally complicit scumbags, to the point of literally driving them insane with guilt!
We’ve got to mentally DESTROY THEM!
Before you know it— they’ll be turning on one another—selling each other out!—doing anything possible in order to save their miserable sorry skins from the wrath they know awaits them!
I truly feel the end is nigh for these tyrants. They've had a good run... but it's all going to be over for them soon.
We truth tellers; freedom fighters; victims and the innocent dead (all of us), have played a vital role in this. We've suffered a lot, had to roll with the punches and absorb a lot of humiliation in order to get the truth out there.
We're like little individual pieces of the same giant jigsaw puzzle... the picture of which everyone now is beginning to see.
And that picture is one of ABJECT HORROR, THE PURSUIT OF JUSTICE and ultimately, REVENGE!
Anyway… thanks for reading!
I’ll leave the last word to Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts. A man of honesty, integrity and COURAGE!
A man of the PEOPLE!
A man who “SHOULD BE” Australian prime minister!
A man who is unfortunately being TOTALLY IGNORED!
i wonder just how many of the lab rats disguised as people will watch AND listen to M Roberts on youtube? hopefully many of the 'youtube research' types, media talking heads and 'fact checkers' will stumble onto his speech and have a firing of electrical sparks inside their mostly neuron-free craniums; when all of the frontal cortex region of the brain awakens in these creatures, me thinks there will be much ado on the streets of Australian cities;
then it will be time for us 'conspiracy theorists' to sit back with the proverbial bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show;
we did our bit from the very beginning of the ConVid1984 show and tried our best to warn all and sundry about the in-coming, man-made death protocols of the GovCO and PharmaCO alliance and the remedy juice that will give them back their 'freedoms';
time for us to laugh and jeer as the pharma trial participants gather at GovCo buildings and get pummeled by 'police' and shot at by foreign military forces as they sing a merry song into the deaf ears of GovCO employees;
we can call out to 'zee useless eaters' from the safety of our homes that they should go home so we can have our streets back and walk without fear that some over inoculated retard doesn't shed their contaminants onto us radical- free-thinking-crazy-nut-job-loony-bin types;
ah the irony; he who laughs last laughs the loudest.
Good reporting.
Add this, for a sardonic smile. Get free, stay safe.
KAUFMAN INSTITUTE FOR COINCIDENCE. The Glorious American, Jan 11, 2023. 1:59
“Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical coincidence? You want proper medical care, but you don’t want people sniffing around asking a whole bunch of questions about what might be causing your problem. At the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence we won’t look into the cause of your heart or other problem, we’ll just fix it. That’s right, we promise to only look at your symptoms. We won’t get all curious looking for causes, because that could get your employer, or your doctor, into some legal hot water. And nobody wants that! At Kaufman, we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death. And if we want to operate at the speed of science, there’s no time for looking for causes. That’s right, no pesky questions about drugs or vaccines you might have been given. At Kaufman, we specialize in the effects and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists. And let’s be honest, we know the cause anyway. It was a coincidence, right? For each new patient, Kaufman’s talented team of doctors strap on their blinders and look directly at the problem area, usually the heart, just like the CDC recommends. Our main campus now treats the following coincidences: -myocarditis -blood clots -heart arrhythmia -stroke -heart attack -magnetic skin -difficulty breathing -full body blisters and burning -convulsions -kidney failure -memory loss -cancer -sudden death -and much much more”