i wonder just how many of the lab rats disguised as people will watch AND listen to M Roberts on youtube? hopefully many of the 'youtube research' types, media talking heads and 'fact checkers' will stumble onto his speech and have a firing of electrical sparks inside their mostly neuron-free craniums; when all of the frontal cortex region of the brain awakens in these creatures, me thinks there will be much ado on the streets of Australian cities;
then it will be time for us 'conspiracy theorists' to sit back with the proverbial bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show;
we did our bit from the very beginning of the ConVid1984 show and tried our best to warn all and sundry about the in-coming, man-made death protocols of the GovCO and PharmaCO alliance and the remedy juice that will give them back their 'freedoms';
time for us to laugh and jeer as the pharma trial participants gather at GovCo buildings and get pummeled by 'police' and shot at by foreign military forces as they sing a merry song into the deaf ears of GovCO employees;
we can call out to 'zee useless eaters' from the safety of our homes that they should go home so we can have our streets back and walk without fear that some over inoculated retard doesn't shed their contaminants onto us radical- free-thinking-crazy-nut-job-loony-bin types;
ah the irony; he who laughs last laughs the loudest.
Yep! I truly feel the end is nigh for these tyrants. They've had a good run... but it's all going to be over for them soon.
We truth tellers; freedom fighters; victims and the dead (all of us), have played a vital role in this. We've suffered a lot, had to roll with the punches and absorb a lot of humiliation in order to get the truth out there! We're like little individual pieces of the same giant jigsaw puzzle... the picture of which, everyone now is beginning to see!
And that picture, is one of HORROR, JUSTICE and ultimately, REVENGE!
The great news is that Malcolm Roberts and the other gunslingers of Australian democracy - Rennick, Antic, Canavan - are having their Senate sessions with Pfizer and the other pharma gangsters retweeted around the world by influencial journalists. Keep going!
i will watch with steely eyes as the culprits are rounded up by the poisoned, injured and maimed masses;
i will let them do some 'dirty work' as they fight for THEIR rights and THEIR idea of justice, even if they are about 3 years too late;
i will NOT be joining them; i will watch, point, laugh and jeer in their general direction;
i am now the uncaring-'bout-them by-product of their vile virtue-signaling hatred against what i (many) stood for....trying to free ALL from GOVCO sponsored carnage and bondage;
many of us have already been to battle for ALL of OUR rights and freedoms; many of us are still fighting and coping blow after blow from Unlawful minions of their Unlawful and corrupted overlords pretending to be Parliaments; many of us will carry both the visible and invisible scars from those battles for the rest of our days;
now, pass me a beer....i see (soon) there are massive fights going on between the coppers and the vax damaged idiots who have finally come to the party.
we owe it to mankind to save lives...particularly those with the ability to think for themselves;
no more rolling up of sleeves and facing off against the enemy of free-will required; no more sweat; no more blood; no more ridicule and shunning from life's conveniences;
Yes we are worn out and uncaring (with society) and it is exactly the way to describe our current existence. Whereas most of my life I denied much of what I wanted just to be careful with the budget I now buy what I want. I am talking cheesecakes, champagne and chocolate here ! Going out with a bang and a pair of broken scales !
i'm not worn out just yet....just a bit battered n bruised; can't say i'm uncaring either; i just don't care about 'the dance' that will eventuate between GovCO employees and their flock of (former) obedient mindless slaves whom they poisoned with intent to kill;
i'm actually looking forward to the show; both sides will get the merciless flogging they deserve and i will feel no obligation to help either;
there is much i care about still and that includes, but not limited to, helping to rid this country of the Corporate Filth pretending to be Parliament(s) and holding the treasonous bastards to account for the harms they have caused this once great nation of (mostly) peaceful people;
once we have conquered them and returned this land and people back into the de-jure Constitutional arrangement we all thrived under, then i can fully rest.
i feel no misery...that was beaten out of i long ago; i feel utter contempt and disregard for those that perpetrated this (ongoing) evil plan and total disregard for those that are still in compliance with the 'overlords' closing in on our happy-go-lucky former way of life;
i laugh loud with the Kookaburras; i laugh loud with the trees; i laugh loud with nature; i am far from alone;
misery will find no company with i; misery can piss off and go next door.....perhaps it might find company there.
You must be lucky enough to have all you know unvaccinated. I, on the other hand have a family, friends and acquaintances of over 150 who were ALL vaccinated. I stand alone. Having always been a bit of a loner anyway that is not what phases me. It will be the total loss of all I have loved dearly.
But the way it is going now is that they are planning to get us one way or another by putting the poison into all we eat, drink and do. As John said their planning has been absolutely all encompassing.
But all those minions who believe they are part of the NWO are about to get a surprise when they find out they are now the useful idiots and will be eliminated as fast as they helped to eliminate our society. All for the almighty dollar. What fools.
I also feel like I am not sure I wish to participate in this new world when it comes. My family have always called me "weird Aunty P" because of my outlook on the world. But to look and see how so many fell for the narrative and still do is disheartening. It tells me I wasn't "weird Aunty P" but the most awake all along way before Covid interrupted our lives and not so weird after all just a bit more observant than most.
Just how could so many so called smart people be so dumb ! It is all too late now.
It is mind blowing and there I find misery. Our beautiful world has gone and won't be coming back short of a miracle and they are in very short supply. We already had Eden in our lives but have been slowly letting it be ruined. I am lucky where I live on a beautiful property so I am making the most of my small Eden while I can. My family asks why I am putting in new fruit trees at my age. Because I can and I am actually forever the optimist, really. I think about the ones who may escape to start society anew.
And yes John I do sometimes think about inappropriate atrocities even though I am an old woman. I think there sometimes comes a time in your life when you can think about things that would have bought about horror to your mind in better times.
i think all is only lost when we give ourselves up to negativity;
i've not had what most people would call a 'normal' happy life; i grew up in an abusive home and was estranged from (most) family at a very young age;
my grandfather was pretty much the only one who ever reached out to me and he left this earth long ago...on my birthday while i was visiting him i might add;
i've always been an outcast; i've always looked at things 'differently' then those "friends" i used to have; i've always stood up for myself; i've always rolled with the punches and got up for more when all i really wanted to do was lay down and not wake up;
a lot of people have died from far lesser 'things' than what i have had to stand face to face with throughout my life; i've inadvertently walked into some very dark and dangerous places and actually welcomed the dance when i found myself staring into the face of evil that wanted to cause me serious harm for no reason other than me just being there; and there's the car and motorbike accidents that i've walked away from....
someone was looking out for me; not to keep me safe from harm, but to keep me alive; i've often wondered why;
but now that i (finally) live in peace with myself, i have to face this trial that all of us are facing; no thinking man or woman can ignore what is being forced unto us all; there is nowhere to hide or nowhere to seek safe shelter;
the only safe harbour i have is my home (wife and dogs) and my mind; i am thankful that i at least have a home but even that has been 'raided' by the enemies of freedom for no reason other than me Lawfully standing up against the tyrants and denying that i am a slave to the system;
many among us have nothing; absolutely nothing; many are destitute through no real fault of their own; i think of all those people and what this 'new world' must be like for them; i had my time on the streets as a younger man but at least there were some compassionate people willing to offer a feed or a bed back then; it's not easy being cast out of 'society' yet those poor souls still find the will to fight on even though each and every day is the same old struggle;
the point i am trying to make is that there are always worse circumstances we could quite easily find ourselves in and we should be thankful for what we have; sure, life might of been easier, less stressful, less worrying, less 'crowded' or dictated to; it might of even been joyful and peaceful for a while, but all good things come to end apparently;
look around you and be thankful for what you still have that brings you joy and peace and may you find solitude in that place;
'they' may take our bodies, but they will never take our spirit;
maybe i am lucky that i grew up alone and had to fight my way to get where i am today...i have the intestinal fortitude to stand up against thy enemy and be happy that i have the ability to do so;
may God keep a watchful eye over you and may he give us all the strength to see us right.
Add this, for a sardonic smile. Get free, stay safe.
KAUFMAN INSTITUTE FOR COINCIDENCE. The Glorious American, Jan 11, 2023. 1:59
“Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical coincidence? You want proper medical care, but you don’t want people sniffing around asking a whole bunch of questions about what might be causing your problem. At the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence we won’t look into the cause of your heart or other problem, we’ll just fix it. That’s right, we promise to only look at your symptoms. We won’t get all curious looking for causes, because that could get your employer, or your doctor, into some legal hot water. And nobody wants that! At Kaufman, we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death. And if we want to operate at the speed of science, there’s no time for looking for causes. That’s right, no pesky questions about drugs or vaccines you might have been given. At Kaufman, we specialize in the effects and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists. And let’s be honest, we know the cause anyway. It was a coincidence, right? For each new patient, Kaufman’s talented team of doctors strap on their blinders and look directly at the problem area, usually the heart, just like the CDC recommends. Our main campus now treats the following coincidences: -myocarditis -blood clots -heart arrhythmia -stroke -heart attack -magnetic skin -difficulty breathing -full body blisters and burning -convulsions -kidney failure -memory loss -cancer -sudden death -and much much more”
God Bless the 3,000 Qld health workers who held the line.
That is what I mean when I say 'the people are the stopping condition.' Absolute nerves of steel.
McClown folded in a few months when the iron ore workers stood down - no media coverage. Here is the timeline of events if anyone is interested. The fluoro lay-down was Dec 1, 2021, and everything just collapsed in a sort of clownworld singularity. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/full-spectrum-dominance-western-australias
brilliant as alwayz--such an astute (with an' "ass-toot" fer them leader-hosen/ hose bags!) commentary on both the mass-turd-minds of this apocalyptic life-on-earth as we find it now an' on the brain dead zombies with meltin' car wax between the ears... Yup, the MSM here too is "agonizin' " (ha!) over rehirin' nurses (tho' they ain't yet been rehired). The new "fad" here when hoss-spit-alls 're too full (cuz all the staff that refused the jabs wuz fired...an' all the other nurses that stayed "went" dead 'er are out on disability) is ta DUMP 'EM on the streets! Yup, patient dumpin'--a crime with no fines (like garbage dumpin' but human "trash" is worth less, eh?). Ain't kiddin' ya--I seen viddeoys of a few facilities that just rolled out the patients, tipped 'em outta the wheelchairs, an' LEFT 'EM exposed to the elements! (the uninsured 'specially get the nice treatment like that).
I agree them mockin'birds must be held feet to the fire ('fore their fired!). Mandates still in place here'bouts too--guess that band "Nurse with Wound" had more goin' fer it than I thought! (the musi-cull version've burstin' blood vessels..). Too many lost ta the jabs--the rest already mentally flatlined!
i wonder just how many of the lab rats disguised as people will watch AND listen to M Roberts on youtube? hopefully many of the 'youtube research' types, media talking heads and 'fact checkers' will stumble onto his speech and have a firing of electrical sparks inside their mostly neuron-free craniums; when all of the frontal cortex region of the brain awakens in these creatures, me thinks there will be much ado on the streets of Australian cities;
then it will be time for us 'conspiracy theorists' to sit back with the proverbial bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show;
we did our bit from the very beginning of the ConVid1984 show and tried our best to warn all and sundry about the in-coming, man-made death protocols of the GovCO and PharmaCO alliance and the remedy juice that will give them back their 'freedoms';
time for us to laugh and jeer as the pharma trial participants gather at GovCo buildings and get pummeled by 'police' and shot at by foreign military forces as they sing a merry song into the deaf ears of GovCO employees;
we can call out to 'zee useless eaters' from the safety of our homes that they should go home so we can have our streets back and walk without fear that some over inoculated retard doesn't shed their contaminants onto us radical- free-thinking-crazy-nut-job-loony-bin types;
ah the irony; he who laughs last laughs the loudest.
Yep! I truly feel the end is nigh for these tyrants. They've had a good run... but it's all going to be over for them soon.
We truth tellers; freedom fighters; victims and the dead (all of us), have played a vital role in this. We've suffered a lot, had to roll with the punches and absorb a lot of humiliation in order to get the truth out there! We're like little individual pieces of the same giant jigsaw puzzle... the picture of which, everyone now is beginning to see!
And that picture, is one of HORROR, JUSTICE and ultimately, REVENGE!
The great news is that Malcolm Roberts and the other gunslingers of Australian democracy - Rennick, Antic, Canavan - are having their Senate sessions with Pfizer and the other pharma gangsters retweeted around the world by influencial journalists. Keep going!
Yep! Malcolm Roberts especially, he's really starting to get some legs... internationally!
i will watch with steely eyes as the culprits are rounded up by the poisoned, injured and maimed masses;
i will let them do some 'dirty work' as they fight for THEIR rights and THEIR idea of justice, even if they are about 3 years too late;
i will NOT be joining them; i will watch, point, laugh and jeer in their general direction;
i am now the uncaring-'bout-them by-product of their vile virtue-signaling hatred against what i (many) stood for....trying to free ALL from GOVCO sponsored carnage and bondage;
many of us have already been to battle for ALL of OUR rights and freedoms; many of us are still fighting and coping blow after blow from Unlawful minions of their Unlawful and corrupted overlords pretending to be Parliaments; many of us will carry both the visible and invisible scars from those battles for the rest of our days;
now, pass me a beer....i see (soon) there are massive fights going on between the coppers and the vax damaged idiots who have finally come to the party.
This is the absolute correct way to proceed. Super impressed mate.
This time around, I shall be staying home and saving lives (mine). BRAVO
we owe it to mankind to save lives...particularly those with the ability to think for themselves;
no more rolling up of sleeves and facing off against the enemy of free-will required; no more sweat; no more blood; no more ridicule and shunning from life's conveniences;
time to enjoy the show!
Yes we are worn out and uncaring (with society) and it is exactly the way to describe our current existence. Whereas most of my life I denied much of what I wanted just to be careful with the budget I now buy what I want. I am talking cheesecakes, champagne and chocolate here ! Going out with a bang and a pair of broken scales !
i'm not worn out just yet....just a bit battered n bruised; can't say i'm uncaring either; i just don't care about 'the dance' that will eventuate between GovCO employees and their flock of (former) obedient mindless slaves whom they poisoned with intent to kill;
i'm actually looking forward to the show; both sides will get the merciless flogging they deserve and i will feel no obligation to help either;
there is much i care about still and that includes, but not limited to, helping to rid this country of the Corporate Filth pretending to be Parliament(s) and holding the treasonous bastards to account for the harms they have caused this once great nation of (mostly) peaceful people;
once we have conquered them and returned this land and people back into the de-jure Constitutional arrangement we all thrived under, then i can fully rest.
He laughs loudest but unfortunately he laughs practically alone as all we loved are dead.
He laughs into an echo chamber of misery.
i feel no misery...that was beaten out of i long ago; i feel utter contempt and disregard for those that perpetrated this (ongoing) evil plan and total disregard for those that are still in compliance with the 'overlords' closing in on our happy-go-lucky former way of life;
i laugh loud with the Kookaburras; i laugh loud with the trees; i laugh loud with nature; i am far from alone;
misery will find no company with i; misery can piss off and go next door.....perhaps it might find company there.
You must be lucky enough to have all you know unvaccinated. I, on the other hand have a family, friends and acquaintances of over 150 who were ALL vaccinated. I stand alone. Having always been a bit of a loner anyway that is not what phases me. It will be the total loss of all I have loved dearly.
But the way it is going now is that they are planning to get us one way or another by putting the poison into all we eat, drink and do. As John said their planning has been absolutely all encompassing.
But all those minions who believe they are part of the NWO are about to get a surprise when they find out they are now the useful idiots and will be eliminated as fast as they helped to eliminate our society. All for the almighty dollar. What fools.
I also feel like I am not sure I wish to participate in this new world when it comes. My family have always called me "weird Aunty P" because of my outlook on the world. But to look and see how so many fell for the narrative and still do is disheartening. It tells me I wasn't "weird Aunty P" but the most awake all along way before Covid interrupted our lives and not so weird after all just a bit more observant than most.
Just how could so many so called smart people be so dumb ! It is all too late now.
It is mind blowing and there I find misery. Our beautiful world has gone and won't be coming back short of a miracle and they are in very short supply. We already had Eden in our lives but have been slowly letting it be ruined. I am lucky where I live on a beautiful property so I am making the most of my small Eden while I can. My family asks why I am putting in new fruit trees at my age. Because I can and I am actually forever the optimist, really. I think about the ones who may escape to start society anew.
And yes John I do sometimes think about inappropriate atrocities even though I am an old woman. I think there sometimes comes a time in your life when you can think about things that would have bought about horror to your mind in better times.
It comes down to injustice.
Well said!
i think all is only lost when we give ourselves up to negativity;
i've not had what most people would call a 'normal' happy life; i grew up in an abusive home and was estranged from (most) family at a very young age;
my grandfather was pretty much the only one who ever reached out to me and he left this earth long ago...on my birthday while i was visiting him i might add;
i've always been an outcast; i've always looked at things 'differently' then those "friends" i used to have; i've always stood up for myself; i've always rolled with the punches and got up for more when all i really wanted to do was lay down and not wake up;
a lot of people have died from far lesser 'things' than what i have had to stand face to face with throughout my life; i've inadvertently walked into some very dark and dangerous places and actually welcomed the dance when i found myself staring into the face of evil that wanted to cause me serious harm for no reason other than me just being there; and there's the car and motorbike accidents that i've walked away from....
someone was looking out for me; not to keep me safe from harm, but to keep me alive; i've often wondered why;
but now that i (finally) live in peace with myself, i have to face this trial that all of us are facing; no thinking man or woman can ignore what is being forced unto us all; there is nowhere to hide or nowhere to seek safe shelter;
the only safe harbour i have is my home (wife and dogs) and my mind; i am thankful that i at least have a home but even that has been 'raided' by the enemies of freedom for no reason other than me Lawfully standing up against the tyrants and denying that i am a slave to the system;
many among us have nothing; absolutely nothing; many are destitute through no real fault of their own; i think of all those people and what this 'new world' must be like for them; i had my time on the streets as a younger man but at least there were some compassionate people willing to offer a feed or a bed back then; it's not easy being cast out of 'society' yet those poor souls still find the will to fight on even though each and every day is the same old struggle;
the point i am trying to make is that there are always worse circumstances we could quite easily find ourselves in and we should be thankful for what we have; sure, life might of been easier, less stressful, less worrying, less 'crowded' or dictated to; it might of even been joyful and peaceful for a while, but all good things come to end apparently;
look around you and be thankful for what you still have that brings you joy and peace and may you find solitude in that place;
'they' may take our bodies, but they will never take our spirit;
maybe i am lucky that i grew up alone and had to fight my way to get where i am today...i have the intestinal fortitude to stand up against thy enemy and be happy that i have the ability to do so;
may God keep a watchful eye over you and may he give us all the strength to see us right.
Good reporting.
Add this, for a sardonic smile. Get free, stay safe.
KAUFMAN INSTITUTE FOR COINCIDENCE. The Glorious American, Jan 11, 2023. 1:59
“Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical coincidence? You want proper medical care, but you don’t want people sniffing around asking a whole bunch of questions about what might be causing your problem. At the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence we won’t look into the cause of your heart or other problem, we’ll just fix it. That’s right, we promise to only look at your symptoms. We won’t get all curious looking for causes, because that could get your employer, or your doctor, into some legal hot water. And nobody wants that! At Kaufman, we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death. And if we want to operate at the speed of science, there’s no time for looking for causes. That’s right, no pesky questions about drugs or vaccines you might have been given. At Kaufman, we specialize in the effects and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists. And let’s be honest, we know the cause anyway. It was a coincidence, right? For each new patient, Kaufman’s talented team of doctors strap on their blinders and look directly at the problem area, usually the heart, just like the CDC recommends. Our main campus now treats the following coincidences: -myocarditis -blood clots -heart arrhythmia -stroke -heart attack -magnetic skin -difficulty breathing -full body blisters and burning -convulsions -kidney failure -memory loss -cancer -sudden death -and much much more”
God Bless the 3,000 Qld health workers who held the line.
That is what I mean when I say 'the people are the stopping condition.' Absolute nerves of steel.
McClown folded in a few months when the iron ore workers stood down - no media coverage. Here is the timeline of events if anyone is interested. The fluoro lay-down was Dec 1, 2021, and everything just collapsed in a sort of clownworld singularity. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/full-spectrum-dominance-western-australias
The Fauci Wuhan Xpress.
A Canadian Nurse is fired for refusing to take the jab. Listen to Turfseer’s new protest song A GOOD NURSE: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/a-good-nurse
brilliant as alwayz--such an astute (with an' "ass-toot" fer them leader-hosen/ hose bags!) commentary on both the mass-turd-minds of this apocalyptic life-on-earth as we find it now an' on the brain dead zombies with meltin' car wax between the ears... Yup, the MSM here too is "agonizin' " (ha!) over rehirin' nurses (tho' they ain't yet been rehired). The new "fad" here when hoss-spit-alls 're too full (cuz all the staff that refused the jabs wuz fired...an' all the other nurses that stayed "went" dead 'er are out on disability) is ta DUMP 'EM on the streets! Yup, patient dumpin'--a crime with no fines (like garbage dumpin' but human "trash" is worth less, eh?). Ain't kiddin' ya--I seen viddeoys of a few facilities that just rolled out the patients, tipped 'em outta the wheelchairs, an' LEFT 'EM exposed to the elements! (the uninsured 'specially get the nice treatment like that).
I agree them mockin'birds must be held feet to the fire ('fore their fired!). Mandates still in place here'bouts too--guess that band "Nurse with Wound" had more goin' fer it than I thought! (the musi-cull version've burstin' blood vessels..). Too many lost ta the jabs--the rest already mentally flatlined!