Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

That weasel from AHPRA needs to be [redacted].

October 14: Voice referendum

October 15: Australia is afraid of covid again

December 1: Blackrock burns Australia to the ground.

Excess deaths continue to be ignored as our families continue to be murdered by the state.

It's all so tiresome.

Edit: oh I forgot, we are all called Nazis by people literally wearing black uniforms in the streets and beating us and taking away our rights.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Every. Word. You. Wrote.

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Yes, John, the attack is global, but it seems to be specially timed, and the methods of mass manipulation are also expanding:


It has become harder and harder to find uncompromising voices like yours. I wish you published more.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

I was reading the Russell Brand smear-attack-hack job in some internet article yesterday and considered exactly what you express in your articile. And, as you also observe, Maui is a suspicious well-timed event [and evidence of DEW-please see my reiteration of Prather/Favis's analyis:https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/maui-dew-dynamics-and-recent-kinetic] In the words of Yogi Berra: "It ain't over til it's over." Berra's quote is not hopium. We have to fortify our will to succeed with rigourous intentionality. We cannot afford to buy into the Cabal's program,i.e. "They have all the power-money-control and thus we are doomed." They want us to accept their omnipresent god-power as the truth, when the fact of the matter is that we possess a power much greater as long as we reclaim our collective will to win this war. The bigger problem I see has to do with how many people live in denial, and avoid looking at the events at hand as indicative of a war against We the People. Elite classism is the root of evil--and they control us via fear of poverty and lack consciousness. We are now in an action phase, and those who are present to the realities of the 'war to end all wars' must engage in dialog and organized efforts to disengage from THEIR gridlock. Pax

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Top article as usual and love your fuck you passion John BUT Not gonna cry for Brand he’s a Cabal shill so it’s probably a psyop by the Satanic andrenachrome supping scum to deflect attention from what other shite the flogs are up to!

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Author

Thanks Peter. Yes, Brand has always been a bit of a strange one, there's no denying that. I also think there's little doubt that he's a free mason. But could it be, that he's a free mason who, since having grown up a little, has gotten out of line, to the point of becoming problematic to them?

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Agreed and bless you for putting it all out there. I've been on the fence about RB and it's just getting too obvious how they're finding rapists 20yrs after the fact but NO CHILD MOLESTERS like FJB whose own daughter has accused him of abuse not to mention he's been caught on video. We've all seen the video of OVOMIT and Clooney on a boat getting BJ's from an Asian child WHY AREN'T THEY ARRESTED??? Give me a friggin break already. I'm not so quick to judge RB. ps Clapton still God, bless him too!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Yes agree a Freemason and WEF bitch too! That’s a good point about him maybe going rogue not doing what he was told and his handlers deciding to cut him loose.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Author

He’s most definitely been on the outer for some time now. He’s been all but totally ostracised by his former Hollywood peers for his anti-establishment covid opinions, and hasn’t had an industry backed role in ages. Personally… I think the guy has truly had a turn around. But, that’s just my opinion.

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Russell Brand a Freemason? You're losing me, dude.

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He’s got a huge 33 tattooed on his inner wrist. Personally, I don’t really put too much into whether he is or not. There’s a few mini docos out there that make a pretty good case about his mason connections… but I don’t really care.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by John Botica

Russell Brand a "Cabal shill"???

Have you ever watched Russell Brand's nightly shows on Rumble? He only does the first 15 minutes on YouTube, then advises viewers to switch to Rumble, where he denounces COVID mandates, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex fueling America's proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, and Biden's corruption. He is informative & hilarious & I can't wait to see him back on the air.

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Shill 100% no argument

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Author

I’d just like to jump in here quickly to make couple of points. Firstly: Regarding the suggestion that he’s a globalist shill— “controlled opposition”, whatever! Personally, even if he was, I don’t particularly care! As long as what he’s been saying about what’s been going on over the last three and a half years, might spark a little cognitive awareness in the minds of the hypnotised sheep, I couldn’t care less!

Secondly: I think at the height of Brand’s international fame, (when he was much younger) there’s little doubt that he was a pretty crass and sexually perverse human being. His ego and overall sense of self-importance got way way out of control! Everyone in the perverse Hollyweird entertainment industry and gossip pages, was telling him he was absolutely fabulous! BUT, I think there’s little doubt that he has since undergone a major seismic shift in his character, and now greatly regrets the ways of his past— knowing full well that it may one day come back to be used against him. Which it has! My gut feeling (and due to particular evidence that has since come to light)… is that what these women are saying, is very likely true. However, the timing of this is extremely convenient for “certain people.” The only reason we’re most likely even hearing about this, is because he’s been stepping on some very powerful toes. You don’t go speaking too much truth about the major sponsor of pretty much every major network on planet earth and expect to get away with it! You don’t speak out against this new global tyranny! Not when you’ve got a past like his. It should be as obvious as daylight… they are making an example of him.

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Prove it.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Yes I’ve been wondering about the absents of personnel attacks. I was starting to doubt the authentic side of things

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by John Botica

Followed a link from Sasha's Substack. Great article!

I tend to be a bit more optimistic, in that more & more folks are waking up to reality, already balking at hints of returning mask mandates. Russell Brand has gained quite a few new followers on Rumble, many of whom have also joined his Locals account, just to show support. I feel like things are looking up.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Thank you for your work! It’s good to know there are others out there who aren’t brainwashed zombies waiting for their next jab to feel safe again.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Botica

Russell Brand, I think is trying to help in his over the top way. Just a bit too much theatrics.

Nothing will change until the first shot but no-one is willing to sacrifice themselves.

I understand that but where are the warriors to defend the normal people (and us abnormal people.....you know....the ones with a brain) of this world?

Not a word about the incineration of a whole town. What an abomination. This will happen everywhere. DEWs left right and centre.

They are simply not afraid of us and won't be until we demonstrate in a really serious way we have had enough ! Tell me again America what was your second amendment for ?

As ExcessDeathsAU says it is all so tiresome.

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I note that nearly everything I write is misery so I would just like to add something that is not misery.

Today was a beautiful day with a semi blue sky and the sun quite warm so I decided to go to another town about an hour away just to go for a drive.

I love driving my sleek black car as it is very luxurious and very comfortable. It is just starting to age a tiny bit but that does not take away from the pure pleasure of driving it. It was the very top of the range and with every possible amenity and very expensive when new. I would never be able to afford anything like this again.

It is my one and my only luxury apart from a few nicknacks bought when keeping up with the Jone's was important in my life.....oh so silly thirties ! Now 40 years on I cannot believe sometimes how I wasted money on trivialities of life. Although those nicknacks are worth a bit of money now so go figure.

But we go through life not seeing the wood for the trees when we are young. It seems life will go on forever.

So today put the sunroof back and drove with pure unadulterated pleasure with the sun beating down, along the rivers edge and going by all the wildflowers that are out and simply enjoyed "just being".

If we have but a short time we had better enjoy what we can while we can. I very rarely leave the farm but I will be going out a bit more to take in the smells and sights for memory. I think I will sleep well tonight.

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