May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Author

As has become so usual with my latest posts— I’ve once again successfully managed to lose more subscribers than I’ve gained!

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May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

The hell with 'em if they can't see the truth staring them right in their face!

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May 7, 2023Liked by John Botica

You're over the target, John. Keep it going. There's a remnant out there.

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May 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

John, I do not believe that!

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by John Botica

I lost a paid subscriber recently and wondered why. The economy is really bad but I wish they would have at least told me. I recently culled my free subscriptions because I found that most of them just repeat the same stuff and don't have unique take on the world, or seem to be schizophrenic and just pump out crap. I think you have a unique take and I support my unjabbed Aussies.

I also like to see what's happening over east. It's quite amazing how two substackers from Perth (Dystopian Down Under and I) are holding down the fort with international subscriptions. I'm read in 53 countries which is insane and Rebekah probably has double the number of total subscriptions.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Author

The fact we "Aussie writers" have readers all over the globe, and given the particular point of subject matter we deal in... just goes to show what a global issue this is and the similarities in what we've all gone through and what we face! 57% of my subscribers are from the US, followed by Australia at 17% - Canada and UK both at 7%... followed by Germany at 5 %. I'm surprised how little I have in NZ. I wish I had more, because I've written some interesting stuff about Jacinda Ardern. I've actually got two subscribers from Switzerland.. sometimes I wonder who they may be?

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That's interesting. 50% of my subscribers are from Australia, then the US, then the UK/Canada and NZ. Five Eyes represent!

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May 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

This is great to hear! You both are doing excellent job, thank you.

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May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

Big sigh....

Hi Dear John,

As l have tried to discuss our world situation with non-aware people l often am told by them that world events always go in "cycles" & there's good times & there's bad times. They tell me "Don't worry. Things will improve". When l try to explain "No, there are not going to be any humans left except maybe a few glassy-eyed zombie slaves for the transhumanist elite"!....they roll their eyes & laugh at me. So l have essentially given up on those who refuse to recognize what is going on.

But l wonder, when eventually 8 out of 10 suburban homes are empty on an average neighborhood street because their vaxxed owners have died or 80-90% of apartments in a rental facility are vacant because the vaxxed renters have died.....will we who are still alive receive recognition from any remaining living blue-pilled ignorant individuals? Not that we want recognition (l'm struggling for words here)....l wondering if people will still be in denial at that point. Surely they will need to open their minds at that time! Surely they will recognize the genocide!

I guess it doesn't matter. I am reading more & more projections that all who have taken the bioweapon injection will be dead in 5-10 years.

It is going to be a very lonely, empty, dark, dystopian world for any of us that survive. I am praying there will be enough young, pureblood, resilient folks that manage to enable humanity to move forward far from the influence of the evil elite. And l pray the evil elite are totally wiped out.

Out of my 4 children 3 have been vaxxed & (as l shared with you) my adult vaxxed 44 y/o son died "suddenly" in March. No autopsy results yet. My 2 girls seem to be okay so far. My 29 y/o son is unvaxxed & l remind him often that it is he & others like him that are the ONLY hope for mankind. I may not survive to see it but l sure hope he finds a pureblood young lady & is able to bring a few children into the world. Of course, there will be the HUGE clean-up task that survivors will have to deal with. Our physical environment is so toxic l'm not even sure human survivors could raise relatively healthy children at this point. And politically, psychologically & spiritually....who knows?

Enough. I am rambling. But l totally feel your frustration at being unable to make others realize how bad things are. I used to be an optimist but no more. I hate to say it but the future looks bleak.

Stay well dear man.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

Oh no dear Laurie...we are about to let over 5 MM unvaxxed people over the border, next week, who will be happy to take over the houses, etc.....and that is just next week!!! By the end of the year, 1 out of every 2 people you see will not be native born....we will have a population bigger than South Carolina here on a monthly basis. to replace everyone. Of course, you and I will have to pay for them.

And if they like your house or car better...they will just take it.

But agree with you on the physical environment...and how bad it is going to get.

And I don't think you are being pessimistic...I think you see clearly what is coming. Except for no people...there will be people, but they will not share our values, culture or constitution. The country is over. Now is the time for cartels...if I have any hope the elite get theirs, it won't be because of the desecration of our environment or their bodies...they didn't take the jabs....but I would like to see Gill Bates & Co try and defend his houses and planes from the cartels....who do they think they will be able to trust as bodyguards?

I am so sorry for your loss...but good on your son. Make sure he marries a pureblood.

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May 7, 2023Liked by John Botica

Hi Duchess,

Thank-you so much for your words in your reply to my comment. I never thought about the immigrants pouring in across the border....wow. What a scary thing to contemplate! I am on the central east coast of Florida & so far haven't noticed too many of them in my area. But you make an extremely valid point. Again, wow.

I used to be such an average middle-class American. Obviously very naive. But these last 3 years have REALLY pulled the scales off my eyes as l've read & researched on a daily basis. I am so very grateful l trusted my gut & didn't get the bioweapen injection! As a retired nurse it never made sense to me right from the beginning.

And I agree with you....our country is lost never to return. l often ponder why there has not yet been any assassination attempts against the psychotic narcissists that are doing everything in their power to destroy us. If l were not so old & frail l would try myself & be happy to die trying (obviously just a fantasy. Kind of).

And l remember gritting my teeth when l read in several sources how Billy Boy & his then wife adamantly refused to get themselves vaxxed or allow their 3 kids to get vaxxed. Dear Lord, the arrogance!

I pray you're right & there will someday be a cartel group who will eventually do what needs to be done. Or even some well-trained patriots who can sneak in under the radar & take care of business. This topic was being discussed on another Substack recently & folks were commenting on the void that would be left if certain elite were removed & how would we prevent someone even worse sliding in to take their place. It's a complex problem & l sure don't have the answers.

I am grateful for Substack & people like you that make this current horror a bit easier to cope with. John (this Substack's author) is so real & genuine. He speaks truth for sure. The Anger/Grief we all share seems to be increasing everyday. I try to find intermittent solace in my garden & my dog & 2 silly cats.

Again, thank-you for your condolences & sharing your thoughts.

Be well Duchess.

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Hi Laurie, you're already ahead of the curve in not having had the lethal injections. Always a smart move! As for the question of the "void that would be left if certain elite were removed & others sliding in to take their place"... nah, it took decades for the current lot to gain the trust and control over our governments. Nothing would happen over night, that's for sure. Thanks also for your vote of confidence! JB

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May 7, 2023Liked by John Botica

Thank-you John. You are an inspiration & l am grateful for your Substack.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by John Botica

"when eventually 8 out of 10 suburban homes are empty on an average neighborhood street because their vaxxed owners have died or 80-90% of apartments in a rental facility are vacant because the vaxxed renters have died.."

I think about this a lot as well. I walk a lot at night and wonder what it will be like when it's REALLY quiet. Will we go through a period of anarchy first? Warlords? Or just a slow, sad decline. Or will we at all? The excess deaths in Australia are so high yet we are importing people to make up for it that the rental market is very, very tight. People are living in tents for lack of accommodation.

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The controlling forces of propaganda have the masses convinced this is all down to normal fluctuations in the financial market and that things will..(as per usual) stabilise given the necessary and carefully selected and implemented precautionary fiscal corrections! You would think the fact they constantly speak in terms of “Pre- and post-Covid” would be enough to at least arouse suspicions.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by John Botica

I'm very sorry to hear about your son, Laurie. I have close family and friends who have been grievously injured by this "vaccine," and it breaks my heart to hear stories from fellow free-thinkers like yourself who have had people close to them pay the ultimate price because of the sociopaths running the show.

Unfortunately, to your first point, I believe that those of us who tried to warn others of what was occurring will not only never be recognized or acknowledged for our efforts by the brainwashed cultists; worse yet they will go their graves hating us as mad hatters, "anti-this-or-thatters," and stupid, sick, dirty, selfish, rube conspiracy theorists. As Maajid Nawaz pointed out, this was military-grade psy-op we suffered under for years. I'm sorry to say I don't see many who fell victim to it making it back. The best we can do, as I believe you and perhaps John are suggesting, is to move on the best we can in sprucing up the little bubbles of sanity we are able to create for ourselves along with likeminded individuals, while--and perhaps I'm being a bit naive in this part--continue our sedulous attempts to awaken as many poor souls as we can along the way.

If you'll forgive a bit of pretentious sentimentality haha, this situation really does remind me of a famous passage from ol' Alex Pope's "An Essay on Man":

Atoms or systems into ruin hurled,

And now a bubble burst, and now a world.

Hope humbly, then; with trembling pinions soar;

Wait the great teacher Death; and God adore.

What future bliss, He gives not thee to know,

But gives that hope to be thy blessing now.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast:

Man never is, but always to be blest:

The soul, uneasy and confined from home,

Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

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May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

This I have to save....thank you for writing it. Thanks for being angry and expressing it so well...I am angry also (have been since March 2020)....but I have learned a lot from your essay and other peoples comments...and I have to do something about getting rid of my Anger/Grief.

I have had a hard time living with the elephant in the room.

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I’m thinking as we have to continue in this sick game, a wise friend told me when I asked how you can work outside with out your hands freezing off with no gloves (this was while gathering maple sap a few months ago) he calmly and simply responded, I don’t give it my attention.

Great essay you included John on forgiveness. It is a lovely and necessary selfish act. 💕

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

I'm at the stage where if an 'expert' says there's a zombie apocalypse, I'd say "Prove it". Keep going John. Noticed more swearing than usual but if people can't handle it, well...

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May 6, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Author

Hey! I was considerate enough to place a * in the word FUCK! :)

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May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

John, your swearing was elegant, eminently descriptive (and deserved) and much appreciated.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Author

I'm actually beginning to believe we do indeed have a "zombie apocalypse" on our hands. I've noticed certain people no longer appear to be the conversationalists they once were. And I swear there's a kind of strange and vacant aura about their being. It could just be that they think I'm a nut... I'm not entirely sure..?

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May 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

Maybe I'm a nut too but I agree with you, the "old" conversational vibrancy is gone, all seem apathetic. Whether it's a consequence of you know what, or a sign that they're know what's going on and are seriously worried (?) Idk. But it is noticeable even on a very shallow, superficial level of conversation. I hope it's the latter.

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I decided a while ago that the only thing we can do is endure. We definitely cannot expect the vaccinated/jabbed/psyopped to solve 'this' because they let us into this in the first place. There are also a lot of psyopped people on our 'side' as well - they believe in incredible lies and fairy tales because their world view is shattered. They are just as stupid and dangerous.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Author

Yes, I agree. Those that actually STILL believe that Trump’s underground white hat forces are diligently working away behind the scenes… secretly hunting down the villains and arresting the likes of Hillary Clinton, then cleverly replacing them with body doubles so as not to alert suspicion! They’re the ones I wish weren’t on our side.

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May 7, 2023Liked by John Botica

I watched the panel of Aussies speaking with Dr. Wolfe. Then I watched part 2 of 2. It was astounding. I would not have known about it without JB posting it here. I'm writing my first book, a memoir, which covers my life living 32 years and 4 children, with someone who once was a man but caved to the establishment's lies. The information I gained from this panel discussion is invaluable to me as a writer.

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May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

People are happy with comfortable lies...

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Truth hurts, especially when you would have to admit you fell for the bullshit.

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May 6, 2023Liked by John Botica

My friends, you described them perfectly.

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Isn't it just amazing that Piled Higher and Deeper degree holders can't be bothered to learn anything outside their wheelhouse? That's okay, because some of the More Shit and Bullshit Degree holders are the same way.

The more "educated" a person is, the less they use their common sense.

My grandfather, god rest his soul, used to say, "I'm not the world's smartest man, but .... "

That's when I knew it was time to sit back and listen, because he would drop well-deep thoughts of enlightenment that I'm still pondering.

The same meatheads that you spoke of, think they will be allowed to thrive if the Marxists take over, not realizing that they'll be lined up against the wall and shot.

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The following quote is one of my favorites:

"You cannot bring light into the darkness; you have to take the darkness into the light."

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That’s pretty much it Ray.

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You are one of the last few who are still on the tracks. :)

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Speak for yourself Ray! :)

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It makes me feel like cr*p more often than not, but one must stay the course.

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Yes… still we try.

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I wonder how much longer we'll be allowed.

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