Spot on, John. You've said the quiet part out loud. They're just going to move on, "nothing to see here". I've tried to have conversations with my vaccinated 'friends'. A funny thing happens: I do all the talking and they just look at me. There's a pause and we move onto the next topic. I can't get any engagement.
Fortunately, there's been a tsunami of analysis, insights, humour and creativity from many writers like yourself - a wonderful foil to isolation and the onslaught of propaganda and AI-bot communication.
We are now the best in our society and our mission is not to go insane from anger, withdraw from sadness or stop yearning for a better life.
Thank you. Yes.. unfortunately we’ve all experienced that creepy blank stare, that ‘ignorantly patronising stare’ from our jabbed friends many many times. If they were ‘real friends’ they’d look at the stuff we’re presenting to them. Makes you wonder how seriously they ever took us? No, it’s mainly down to over two and a half years of high intensity, media propelled, military grade propaganda and mind control techniques. Many have fallen victim to it and will never be the same again. I wake up to every new day and let out a big anguished sigh of despair.
Imagine it being your spouse that gives you the blank stare and eye roll when you try to tell him about what is happening with the shots. It’s infuriating and deeply saddening.
"...once the hypnosis wears off". Honest question: Does hypnosis ever wear off by itself, in time, or is it permanent until the hypnotist snaps his fingers or uses the magic word, or until some powerful intervention of "deprogramming" breaks the spell? I've been wondering about this for a while now. I know that Desmet says we need to keep talking to keep the hypnosis from getting deeper, but has he said anything about how to snap people out of it? (I've watched several interviews with him and don't remember his saying anything on this. I have his book on order and perhaps will find the answer there.)
Yes, even though I suggested above.. "once the hypnosis wears off", to be honest.. I too have wondered about this? When a willing participant in one of those hypnotist shows in Las Vegas (after having totally believed he was a chicken for 30 odd minutes)... when he gets back home, does he have this strange urge to sit on eggs? I don't know? Prof Desmet pretty much says, the 30% who are totally under.. will NEVER come out of it. There's absolutely no reaching them. It's only the 40% fence sitters we have any chance of reaching.
I think I remember him saying in an interview that people won't snap out of it, generally, until they have something new to which to "attach" their anxiety.
If we keep providing plausible alternatives, a few key rational people may slip away as Paul Offit did last week. That would impact the brainwashed if trusted authorities start saying different things. Then they would look for face saving gradualism.
Sorry to hear that your friend is in that situation. Not sure what it will take for people to shake off the hypnosis. Mattias Desmet recommends continuing to speak out which I do when I can. Thank you for your writing and for the encouragement. Many blessings to you and everyone who has taken a stand.
People are chronically dehydrated and therefore very easy to manipulate.
I write about the role of salt restriction and the adrenals in my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
A fright and dehydration trigger the adrenals.
These two modes keep most people in chronic adrenal control.
Adrenal fatigue is chronic fatigue.
T2 diabetes is due to adrenal control.
Chronic anxiety/panic attacks is due to adrenal control.
The adrenals throw us into: FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE. This prevents access to the frontal cortex and prevents strategic analysis. Which is exactly what you need if you want to manipulate people.
We can control hydration by knowing all the symptoms of dehydration and remedying them with SALT as soon as possible.
Hydration equals SALT plus water.
Eg a headache is not a sign to pop a Panadol, its your brain telling you its dehydrated.
Get salty.
read my articles by clicking on my blue icon. I tip over a few sacred cows.
With your article, you hit the nail on the head. I could of course be wrong and deceiving myself. However, I have the feeling that a few years ago I was always taken seriously by the same people who are now "vaccinated". Only after the “vaccination” orgy did I feel ignored by them. That's why I think that micro-thrombosis in the brain could also be a possible cause, and not just propaganda alone.
When I asked a woman next door while taking out the rubbish 3 days ago whether she had read anything from my Substack (she knows what I do all day), she replied: "Not yet, but now I can't talk about it because I'm cooking and have a pot on the stove." Back then, she always took everything I said seriously. The fear of being confronted with reality certainly plays a role too. Someone said to me : "I don't want to know anything about it because I can't change anything anyway." That means that many people don't care about being able to warn their loved ones. This doesn't seem to matter...
Thank you, Suavek. Absolutely exactly the same way I’m treated by many whom I thought knew me, and respected me. Beautifully described!
It’s not only infuriatingly insulting, but also a little scary too… as I can clearly detect an ever so vague tinge of “subdued hatred” being directed toward me by some. And these are people I’d been quite close with for many years.
Thank you for the answer, John. The topic is fascinating. What kind of people are they? If, for example, I always assume that I can never be wrong and that it is always the other people who are stupid, then I cannot adapt my thoughts to the new reality and without realizing it, I myself remain stupid, or even crazy. Do these people have something in common, such as a particularly high opinion of themselves? If so, then their immodesty has been their undoing. In my environment, I notice that the more successful someone is or was in life, the more difficult they have to recognize the changed reality. And on the contrary, people who have not had it easy in life seem to be much more critical and are more likely to remain attentive. Perhaps because they do a reality check often enough? In any case, it would be interesting to find out what common characteristics do the people around you who ignore your words have?
If I don't take this matter too seriously, it's only because we are only temporary tourists in this world. That way I can keep my sense of humour. I don't want to suffer from it every day. But the topic still makes me curious. I found contact with people who ignored me so damaging that I reduced these contacts to the bare minimum. Even special appreciation can be damaging. I have always found encounters on an equal footing (despite the age difference and other differences) to be ideal.
I love your words-- ". . . our mission is not to go insane from anger." That for me is the issue, for all of us, we who keep trying to tell others the truth and yet no truth will they allow themselves to take in. We can't reach them and it's THAT that's unbearable.
Brilliant summation! We must not accept that ours is a lost cause - trying to convince the lemmings that this nonsense is about saving mankind. We must continue to spread all-important findings that prove the 'establishment' (WEF/NWO) means us harm. 'Depopulation' is the real NWO objective. Leaving a few Slaves to carry out tasks robots cannot achieve. 'LIABILITY for medicine makers must be reintroduced. In 1976 Pres. Ford gave a 'TEMPORARY' concession to meds makers to try to stop Swine Flu. After just 50(+) US vax related DEATHS, the program was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS". However, meds makers forgot freedom from 'LIABILITY was ' was 'TEMPORARY' and still pretend it's their right to enjoy their 'Licence to Kill'. Re-establish LIABILITY now, and we're on our way back to freedom in a more sane and stable world. Mick from Hooe (UK). Unjabbed and ready.
I fear you could be right in my heart of hearts. Regardless, we should still keep trying to reach the seemingly unreachable masses. Millions or billions may perish, but we cannot let hope die too.
The irony is that they call us "Trumpists" a death cult. Many of us never liked the man, some no longer support or ever supported him. Trump keeps urging these shots on his listeners.
I have had it with billionaires posing as white knights and the way my fellow populists keep kissing up to them.
But the mindless masses admire Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon too much to pay attention to what is actually being said off the MSM.
Is this stoppable? I don't know. I want there to be a way, I just can't find it.
I like your article and I cannot disprove the theory you propose at all. It looks like this is the path we are heading down to me too. Unfortunately.
Sometimes I wish I was a very talented graffiti artist though. I could leave thought provoking murals all over the country travelling from city to city. But my artistic talent is kindergarten level.
I would love to be a charismatic stand up comedian and draw in huge crowds and then drop bombs at the moment of peak engagement. But honestly. I'm not that funny either.
I just told myself something long ago. That as long as I am able to take a step forward, I would. Because small steps do add up. A marathon is run just one step at a time. And I am still breathing.
I would encourage the use of untraceable decentralized QR codes. I stuck them up all over Bangkok with Robert Malone's speech warning about injecting kids-a translated Thai subtitled version. Print using a4 sticker paper..upload any media link, video, article, VAERS data, whatever you like..insert the QR code into a word document with a clear header describing what it is about. Can print and cut out maybe 4 QR codes per A4 sheet of paper. I will be doing more soon to save the children.. Link to chrome extension (use brave browser)
I'm thoroughly black pilled and I'm afraid you are correct. And Covidmania is just the currently leading piece of the ongoing insanity: transmania and the mutilating of children, Gorebull Warning, the 2020 election fraud and the J6 show trial, wokeness in all its manifestations.
I wonder if there will be a slow attrition in support for the vaxx madness. Not a grand Awakening, but a slow down in support? I think we will see if this is true this fall by the numbers who line up for second (and third?) boosters. Looks like each booster receives less and less support, which should be understood as an awakening of sorts. And remember, they are probably lying about the numbers too...
Also, these psychos aren't gods. Yes, their potions kill, but so have all their wars - for example, 50% of the Serbian male population was annihilated during WW2, but Serbia still stands. They have always under estimated the human will (and physical ability) to survive.
Yes the booster acceptance may gradually decline, There definitely are signs of that. But will there ever be a mass turn around and calls for prosecution of these criminals and all who participated in propelling these atrocities? Will these people ever be held accountable and the truth accepted throughout society as common knowledge?
The key is for us to withdraw consent and participation from everything. When they need us, they would be required to ask us for help, and we would do that with conditions.
"This will silently continue on its current steady course, until billions are dead in the ground... and it will all go on ‘totally unnoticed’ and ‘totally unrecognised’, because the media will NEVER report on it…"
You and I think exactly alike. It will never be fully exposed and no one will be held accountable. And the profession most responsible for this is the legacy/corporate journalists. It would take real investigative journalism to expose all the lies (this would actually be easy to prove or compile all the evidence or connect all the dots) ... but zero journalists in the mainstream media will ever take on this project. So the "watchdog" press is 100-percent captured - all 70,000 mainstream journalists in America. This is surreal but obviously true. I also note that if one or more journalists did break the real story, these journalists would go down in history and become rich and famous for breaking the scandal of all scandals ... but even with this, nobody will go there.
I wouldn't say impossible, John, but QUITE improbable. Daniel and Revelation make it absolutely clear that these things have to be allowed to happen (God won't allow very many people who have a real chance of Truly, Fully and Completely repenting, to be murdered before they've had that opportunity); so, in most cases anyway, the people who are dying, or are going to die, are those who will be destroyed by the lake of fire at God's judgment of the evil people anyway. In other words, God will in most cases only allow those to die from this eugenicide who are irredeemable. But don't misinterpret me, that does NOT mean that we should not non-violently fight for EVERYONE, and seek to not let ANYONE who can be "saved" from this debacle, to die at the hands of it. But God will allow a minority of people who would have Truly, Fully and Completely repented to, because of the fault of Evil and his servants (whether they realize or not that they are his servants), die and lose their souls for all eternity because of this mess. But the people responsible will be held fully accountable in the Day of Judgment for it. The good thing about all this is that it means Jesus the Christ will return even sooner.
That's why repentance should not be put off, because any of us could be killed, or die, at any moment; and, because we put off True, Full and Complete repentance, we lose our souls for all eternity. No time like the present to repent before it's very soon too late.
"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
Ah...John I see it differently, I look forward to seeing the return of our beloved Savior. Dead or alive, He is my hope. Not to live longer..just to be in His presence. I’ve loved Him my whole entire life. Yes, fell off the wagon younger but thank Y-h..He took me for my word that requesting He never let me go. I so wish others knew Him. But you sure do suffer if you drink of His cup.
Throughout human history a small group of awakened souls have carried the torch for enlightened thought. The outliers will always be considered malcontents or crtics of the status quo. This has been the norm for thousands of years. For those who choose the road less traveled, take heart in the knowledge that you are the fortunate ones to see beyond the veil of illusion. And we are not alone. [Swami Shankaranda said during a sermon that "99% of the human population are sleep walking". And also: All One --Alone.]
One fascinating detail re the mega Psyop inflicted upon the world was the deliberate creation of the lockdowns coupled with "social distancing." What better way to enforce the Divide&Conquer playbook upon the masses?
The other thing that makes it a perfect plan for genocide is the saline shipped to certain areas. From what I’ve read, on a per vax basis, the Northeast has a lower vax injury rate than the rest of the country as well as fewer excess deaths in all cause mortality.
The perpetrators shipped saline to the part of the country that controls the money, the media, and the govt. They protected their own family and friends, kept the people with the ability to shut it down protected, and risked the rest of us.
Now, we wait to die while the true believers who could stop it think we’re nuts.
What personally robs me of hope that this runaway train can still be stopped is the fact that not a single one of these criminals has yet been charged and punished. As for Desmet's theory of mass formation, I do not believe that this took place - as Desmet describes - before the totalitarians got to work. The masses did not have to form, they have always been a flock of stupid sheep, which is a thankful task for every propagandist to put into fear - as history has shown all too often.
Yes, you're right, true..."they have always been a flock of stupid sheep"... only now, they've got a shepherd... in the form of a multi-trillion dollar media fed global mass-mind controlling propaganda unit keeping them in line.
I feel the same way about global warming. The masses believe this crap, and there is no way they are gonna unbelieve it. Everything they think they know is not true. But it will continue to roll out, we will move forward into ESG tyranny, and it will be psychiatric hospitals for those of us who do not believe in the CO2 Theory of Climate Change.
Yep. The bozos (most often progressive liberal academic types) just continue to lap up the nonsense sold in the glossy brochures of Klaus' World Economic Forum!
Communism is a one way to despair and in our case global despair and it is becoming self-inflicted geocide. Look at what all the leftists have been doing for the last 75 years. Its always dividing countries, destroying history and heros and families and in place of all the blessing of God, the communists promote perversity which is solely "eat, drink for tomorrow we die." The end result in demoralization of a lot of the globe. Take away the law and liberty that God in Christ brings and what is left is gigantic yawning abyss. Billions of people are throwing themselves headlong into the abyss and have intentionally stopped caring about their lives or their futures. For those of us left, be prepared for Jesus return.
I have been advertising that I provide treatment for Covid Phenomenon Mass Formation on the largest psychotherapy advertising site, Psychology Today for several months. A bit ago they took down my listing and removed my ability to log in to edit. When one searches "Kevin Kervick Psychology Today" there are still search strings coming up but no site to link to. Try it. I disappeared. I was never notified by Sussex Directories, the organization that manages these listings, that I was being removed. I emailed them twice last week and called them this week. I left a voicemail. I received a "received" confirmation from the emails. No response. I checked my credit card statement and indeed they did not charge the monthly fee on August 31. Likely somebody complained about me or some woke person at Sussex Directories got rid of me with corporate backing, or perhaps a third party authority is involved.
Okay, this is not really a solution, but these measures could chip away at the cover up:
1. Bumper stickers with message: " I no longer believe in the Covid vaccine"; '"My friend died/is paralized/other after getting vaxxed"; "I used to believe - until the vaccine made me ill"; "A lot of people have died from Covid. More have died from the vaccine". "Big pharma owns the government - and your is not only expensive but it stinks"; " the Covid vaccine is about making money (XX billion for Phizer!) not making you health" And on and on.
2. Can anyone afford to have an advertising banner pulled by an airplane, perhaps stating one of the above messages.
3. Letters to the editors of local papers (forget the MSM) with very reasoned arguments about the vaccine and where and why people can look for more information. Each letter should have: "I used to believe...but now I don't because (List). or, "not everyone is dying or damaged from the vaccines, but according to reliable insurance company data, there are over XXXmillion unexplained deaths (beyond what would normally occur) in the population aged 10 to whatever. Why does the CDC and FDA not recognize this?
4. Message: "Do you know that the Congress took away your right to sue the Pharma companies if you - or your kids - get damaged from a vaccine (millions have" " Our government protects the big Pharma companies - and screws you! "
Spot on, John. You've said the quiet part out loud. They're just going to move on, "nothing to see here". I've tried to have conversations with my vaccinated 'friends'. A funny thing happens: I do all the talking and they just look at me. There's a pause and we move onto the next topic. I can't get any engagement.
Fortunately, there's been a tsunami of analysis, insights, humour and creativity from many writers like yourself - a wonderful foil to isolation and the onslaught of propaganda and AI-bot communication.
We are now the best in our society and our mission is not to go insane from anger, withdraw from sadness or stop yearning for a better life.
Thank you. Yes.. unfortunately we’ve all experienced that creepy blank stare, that ‘ignorantly patronising stare’ from our jabbed friends many many times. If they were ‘real friends’ they’d look at the stuff we’re presenting to them. Makes you wonder how seriously they ever took us? No, it’s mainly down to over two and a half years of high intensity, media propelled, military grade propaganda and mind control techniques. Many have fallen victim to it and will never be the same again. I wake up to every new day and let out a big anguished sigh of despair.
Imagine it being your spouse that gives you the blank stare and eye roll when you try to tell him about what is happening with the shots. It’s infuriating and deeply saddening.
Yes, terrible. I have a good few friends who are in precisely that situation. One in fact has had pretty much his entire family turn against him. Hopefully we will all be vindicated once the hypnosis wears off. Hopefully. Stay strong!
"...once the hypnosis wears off". Honest question: Does hypnosis ever wear off by itself, in time, or is it permanent until the hypnotist snaps his fingers or uses the magic word, or until some powerful intervention of "deprogramming" breaks the spell? I've been wondering about this for a while now. I know that Desmet says we need to keep talking to keep the hypnosis from getting deeper, but has he said anything about how to snap people out of it? (I've watched several interviews with him and don't remember his saying anything on this. I have his book on order and perhaps will find the answer there.)
Yes, even though I suggested above.. "once the hypnosis wears off", to be honest.. I too have wondered about this? When a willing participant in one of those hypnotist shows in Las Vegas (after having totally believed he was a chicken for 30 odd minutes)... when he gets back home, does he have this strange urge to sit on eggs? I don't know? Prof Desmet pretty much says, the 30% who are totally under.. will NEVER come out of it. There's absolutely no reaching them. It's only the 40% fence sitters we have any chance of reaching.
I think I remember him saying in an interview that people won't snap out of it, generally, until they have something new to which to "attach" their anxiety.
Were Rachel Maddow to tell the truth, that would change things.
Yep! And pigs would be flying over Manhattan.
If we keep providing plausible alternatives, a few key rational people may slip away as Paul Offit did last week. That would impact the brainwashed if trusted authorities start saying different things. Then they would look for face saving gradualism.
Sorry to hear that your friend is in that situation. Not sure what it will take for people to shake off the hypnosis. Mattias Desmet recommends continuing to speak out which I do when I can. Thank you for your writing and for the encouragement. Many blessings to you and everyone who has taken a stand.
People are chronically dehydrated and therefore very easy to manipulate.
I write about the role of salt restriction and the adrenals in my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
A fright and dehydration trigger the adrenals.
These two modes keep most people in chronic adrenal control.
Adrenal fatigue is chronic fatigue.
T2 diabetes is due to adrenal control.
Chronic anxiety/panic attacks is due to adrenal control.
The adrenals throw us into: FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE. This prevents access to the frontal cortex and prevents strategic analysis. Which is exactly what you need if you want to manipulate people.
We can control hydration by knowing all the symptoms of dehydration and remedying them with SALT as soon as possible.
Hydration equals SALT plus water.
Eg a headache is not a sign to pop a Panadol, its your brain telling you its dehydrated.
Get salty.
read my articles by clicking on my blue icon. I tip over a few sacred cows.
Oh my God
You too!
Hi John,
With your article, you hit the nail on the head. I could of course be wrong and deceiving myself. However, I have the feeling that a few years ago I was always taken seriously by the same people who are now "vaccinated". Only after the “vaccination” orgy did I feel ignored by them. That's why I think that micro-thrombosis in the brain could also be a possible cause, and not just propaganda alone.
When I asked a woman next door while taking out the rubbish 3 days ago whether she had read anything from my Substack (she knows what I do all day), she replied: "Not yet, but now I can't talk about it because I'm cooking and have a pot on the stove." Back then, she always took everything I said seriously. The fear of being confronted with reality certainly plays a role too. Someone said to me : "I don't want to know anything about it because I can't change anything anyway." That means that many people don't care about being able to warn their loved ones. This doesn't seem to matter...
All the best,
Suavek (from Germany).
Thank you, Suavek. Absolutely exactly the same way I’m treated by many whom I thought knew me, and respected me. Beautifully described!
It’s not only infuriatingly insulting, but also a little scary too… as I can clearly detect an ever so vague tinge of “subdued hatred” being directed toward me by some. And these are people I’d been quite close with for many years.
Thank you for the answer, John. The topic is fascinating. What kind of people are they? If, for example, I always assume that I can never be wrong and that it is always the other people who are stupid, then I cannot adapt my thoughts to the new reality and without realizing it, I myself remain stupid, or even crazy. Do these people have something in common, such as a particularly high opinion of themselves? If so, then their immodesty has been their undoing. In my environment, I notice that the more successful someone is or was in life, the more difficult they have to recognize the changed reality. And on the contrary, people who have not had it easy in life seem to be much more critical and are more likely to remain attentive. Perhaps because they do a reality check often enough? In any case, it would be interesting to find out what common characteristics do the people around you who ignore your words have?
If I don't take this matter too seriously, it's only because we are only temporary tourists in this world. That way I can keep my sense of humour. I don't want to suffer from it every day. But the topic still makes me curious. I found contact with people who ignored me so damaging that I reduced these contacts to the bare minimum. Even special appreciation can be damaging. I have always found encounters on an equal footing (despite the age difference and other differences) to be ideal.
I love your words-- ". . . our mission is not to go insane from anger." That for me is the issue, for all of us, we who keep trying to tell others the truth and yet no truth will they allow themselves to take in. We can't reach them and it's THAT that's unbearable.
Brilliant summation! We must not accept that ours is a lost cause - trying to convince the lemmings that this nonsense is about saving mankind. We must continue to spread all-important findings that prove the 'establishment' (WEF/NWO) means us harm. 'Depopulation' is the real NWO objective. Leaving a few Slaves to carry out tasks robots cannot achieve. 'LIABILITY for medicine makers must be reintroduced. In 1976 Pres. Ford gave a 'TEMPORARY' concession to meds makers to try to stop Swine Flu. After just 50(+) US vax related DEATHS, the program was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS". However, meds makers forgot freedom from 'LIABILITY was ' was 'TEMPORARY' and still pretend it's their right to enjoy their 'Licence to Kill'. Re-establish LIABILITY now, and we're on our way back to freedom in a more sane and stable world. Mick from Hooe (UK). Unjabbed and ready.
I fear you could be right in my heart of hearts. Regardless, we should still keep trying to reach the seemingly unreachable masses. Millions or billions may perish, but we cannot let hope die too.
Most of the Jonestown cultists never woke up.
The irony is that they call us "Trumpists" a death cult. Many of us never liked the man, some no longer support or ever supported him. Trump keeps urging these shots on his listeners.
I have had it with billionaires posing as white knights and the way my fellow populists keep kissing up to them.
But the mindless masses admire Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon too much to pay attention to what is actually being said off the MSM.
Is this stoppable? I don't know. I want there to be a way, I just can't find it.
I like your article and I cannot disprove the theory you propose at all. It looks like this is the path we are heading down to me too. Unfortunately.
Sometimes I wish I was a very talented graffiti artist though. I could leave thought provoking murals all over the country travelling from city to city. But my artistic talent is kindergarten level.
I would love to be a charismatic stand up comedian and draw in huge crowds and then drop bombs at the moment of peak engagement. But honestly. I'm not that funny either.
I just told myself something long ago. That as long as I am able to take a step forward, I would. Because small steps do add up. A marathon is run just one step at a time. And I am still breathing.
We all make a difference regardless of our own individual limitations. Truth is unstoppable!
I would encourage the use of untraceable decentralized QR codes. I stuck them up all over Bangkok with Robert Malone's speech warning about injecting kids-a translated Thai subtitled version. Print using a4 sticker paper..upload any media link, video, article, VAERS data, whatever you like..insert the QR code into a word document with a clear header describing what it is about. Can print and cut out maybe 4 QR codes per A4 sheet of paper. I will be doing more soon to save the children.. Link to chrome extension (use brave browser)
I'm thoroughly black pilled and I'm afraid you are correct. And Covidmania is just the currently leading piece of the ongoing insanity: transmania and the mutilating of children, Gorebull Warning, the 2020 election fraud and the J6 show trial, wokeness in all its manifestations.
We are truly, deeply fucked.
I wonder if there will be a slow attrition in support for the vaxx madness. Not a grand Awakening, but a slow down in support? I think we will see if this is true this fall by the numbers who line up for second (and third?) boosters. Looks like each booster receives less and less support, which should be understood as an awakening of sorts. And remember, they are probably lying about the numbers too...
Also, these psychos aren't gods. Yes, their potions kill, but so have all their wars - for example, 50% of the Serbian male population was annihilated during WW2, but Serbia still stands. They have always under estimated the human will (and physical ability) to survive.
Yes the booster acceptance may gradually decline, There definitely are signs of that. But will there ever be a mass turn around and calls for prosecution of these criminals and all who participated in propelling these atrocities? Will these people ever be held accountable and the truth accepted throughout society as common knowledge?
No, there won't. I fear you are right. I too feel it in my heart. I am trying to hold on to hope. I don't want to be nihilistic.
The key is for us to withdraw consent and participation from everything. When they need us, they would be required to ask us for help, and we would do that with conditions.
Doing my best. This is challenging in the health care field. I would like to give them all the middle finger.
"This will silently continue on its current steady course, until billions are dead in the ground... and it will all go on ‘totally unnoticed’ and ‘totally unrecognised’, because the media will NEVER report on it…"
You and I think exactly alike. It will never be fully exposed and no one will be held accountable. And the profession most responsible for this is the legacy/corporate journalists. It would take real investigative journalism to expose all the lies (this would actually be easy to prove or compile all the evidence or connect all the dots) ... but zero journalists in the mainstream media will ever take on this project. So the "watchdog" press is 100-percent captured - all 70,000 mainstream journalists in America. This is surreal but obviously true. I also note that if one or more journalists did break the real story, these journalists would go down in history and become rich and famous for breaking the scandal of all scandals ... but even with this, nobody will go there.
Some have tried, like Laura Logan, but she was promptly marginalized and though not silent, it’s like winking in the dark. No one knows.
Team Evil holds the power over the media behemoths.
I wouldn't say impossible, John, but QUITE improbable. Daniel and Revelation make it absolutely clear that these things have to be allowed to happen (God won't allow very many people who have a real chance of Truly, Fully and Completely repenting, to be murdered before they've had that opportunity); so, in most cases anyway, the people who are dying, or are going to die, are those who will be destroyed by the lake of fire at God's judgment of the evil people anyway. In other words, God will in most cases only allow those to die from this eugenicide who are irredeemable. But don't misinterpret me, that does NOT mean that we should not non-violently fight for EVERYONE, and seek to not let ANYONE who can be "saved" from this debacle, to die at the hands of it. But God will allow a minority of people who would have Truly, Fully and Completely repented to, because of the fault of Evil and his servants (whether they realize or not that they are his servants), die and lose their souls for all eternity because of this mess. But the people responsible will be held fully accountable in the Day of Judgment for it. The good thing about all this is that it means Jesus the Christ will return even sooner.
That's why repentance should not be put off, because any of us could be killed, or die, at any moment; and, because we put off True, Full and Complete repentance, we lose our souls for all eternity. No time like the present to repent before it's very soon too late.
"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
Thank you, my sentiments exactly.
It's a pity we're in agreement on such a grim topic.
Ah...John I see it differently, I look forward to seeing the return of our beloved Savior. Dead or alive, He is my hope. Not to live longer..just to be in His presence. I’ve loved Him my whole entire life. Yes, fell off the wagon younger but thank Y-h..He took me for my word that requesting He never let me go. I so wish others knew Him. But you sure do suffer if you drink of His cup.
Throughout human history a small group of awakened souls have carried the torch for enlightened thought. The outliers will always be considered malcontents or crtics of the status quo. This has been the norm for thousands of years. For those who choose the road less traveled, take heart in the knowledge that you are the fortunate ones to see beyond the veil of illusion. And we are not alone. [Swami Shankaranda said during a sermon that "99% of the human population are sleep walking". And also: All One --Alone.]
Beautifully said!
We outliers must stand together! pax!
'Standing together' is the only real chance we have. As you've probably deduced.. I'm not exactly one for false hope.
One fascinating detail re the mega Psyop inflicted upon the world was the deliberate creation of the lockdowns coupled with "social distancing." What better way to enforce the Divide&Conquer playbook upon the masses?
Thank you.
The other thing that makes it a perfect plan for genocide is the saline shipped to certain areas. From what I’ve read, on a per vax basis, the Northeast has a lower vax injury rate than the rest of the country as well as fewer excess deaths in all cause mortality.
The perpetrators shipped saline to the part of the country that controls the money, the media, and the govt. They protected their own family and friends, kept the people with the ability to shut it down protected, and risked the rest of us.
Now, we wait to die while the true believers who could stop it think we’re nuts.
What personally robs me of hope that this runaway train can still be stopped is the fact that not a single one of these criminals has yet been charged and punished. As for Desmet's theory of mass formation, I do not believe that this took place - as Desmet describes - before the totalitarians got to work. The masses did not have to form, they have always been a flock of stupid sheep, which is a thankful task for every propagandist to put into fear - as history has shown all too often.
Yes, you're right, true..."they have always been a flock of stupid sheep"... only now, they've got a shepherd... in the form of a multi-trillion dollar media fed global mass-mind controlling propaganda unit keeping them in line.
I feel the same way about global warming. The masses believe this crap, and there is no way they are gonna unbelieve it. Everything they think they know is not true. But it will continue to roll out, we will move forward into ESG tyranny, and it will be psychiatric hospitals for those of us who do not believe in the CO2 Theory of Climate Change.
Yep. The bozos (most often progressive liberal academic types) just continue to lap up the nonsense sold in the glossy brochures of Klaus' World Economic Forum!
Communism is a one way to despair and in our case global despair and it is becoming self-inflicted geocide. Look at what all the leftists have been doing for the last 75 years. Its always dividing countries, destroying history and heros and families and in place of all the blessing of God, the communists promote perversity which is solely "eat, drink for tomorrow we die." The end result in demoralization of a lot of the globe. Take away the law and liberty that God in Christ brings and what is left is gigantic yawning abyss. Billions of people are throwing themselves headlong into the abyss and have intentionally stopped caring about their lives or their futures. For those of us left, be prepared for Jesus return.
I have been advertising that I provide treatment for Covid Phenomenon Mass Formation on the largest psychotherapy advertising site, Psychology Today for several months. A bit ago they took down my listing and removed my ability to log in to edit. When one searches "Kevin Kervick Psychology Today" there are still search strings coming up but no site to link to. Try it. I disappeared. I was never notified by Sussex Directories, the organization that manages these listings, that I was being removed. I emailed them twice last week and called them this week. I left a voicemail. I received a "received" confirmation from the emails. No response. I checked my credit card statement and indeed they did not charge the monthly fee on August 31. Likely somebody complained about me or some woke person at Sussex Directories got rid of me with corporate backing, or perhaps a third party authority is involved.
That’s terrible. Simply appalling. It’s the way of the world now… the “new normal”.
I have been cancelled many times on many forums since 2017. I am over the target.
Okay, this is not really a solution, but these measures could chip away at the cover up:
1. Bumper stickers with message: " I no longer believe in the Covid vaccine"; '"My friend died/is paralized/other after getting vaxxed"; "I used to believe - until the vaccine made me ill"; "A lot of people have died from Covid. More have died from the vaccine". "Big pharma owns the government - and your is not only expensive but it stinks"; " the Covid vaccine is about making money (XX billion for Phizer!) not making you health" And on and on.
2. Can anyone afford to have an advertising banner pulled by an airplane, perhaps stating one of the above messages.
3. Letters to the editors of local papers (forget the MSM) with very reasoned arguments about the vaccine and where and why people can look for more information. Each letter should have: "I used to believe...but now I don't because (List). or, "not everyone is dying or damaged from the vaccines, but according to reliable insurance company data, there are over XXXmillion unexplained deaths (beyond what would normally occur) in the population aged 10 to whatever. Why does the CDC and FDA not recognize this?
4. Message: "Do you know that the Congress took away your right to sue the Pharma companies if you - or your kids - get damaged from a vaccine (millions have" " Our government protects the big Pharma companies - and screws you! "
Or....Alex Jones was right.
It seems like that to us because the mainstream media is still lobbing the same balls over the nets in sync with each other across the place we live.
What would happen if THEY didn't get the 5am instructions and synched talking points?
THEY would fall off THEIR narrative wagon.
Wouldn't that be a happy event to see?
More people will off rail and seek alternative media as this happens. THEY have already lost audiences with what has been said and done.
THEY only look strong because THEIR narrative is co-ordinated and aligned with the puppets in power.
I look forward to seeing THEM casting about making sounds that have little meaning.