Jun 3Liked by John Botica

Didn't Van Morrison and Eric Clapton attempt to exert pressure to end lockdowns? They were subjected to the derision and furious attacks that were so commonly directed at anyone who stepped out of line.

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Yep! Van and Eric... two good men, swimming in a sea of absolute mental derangement!

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Eric had the jabs and suffered for it. Van saw the BS for what it was. Van got sued for defamation by the Health Minister (Robin Swann) for his trouble - Van is the Real Deal !

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Jun 3Liked by John Botica

there were and are a few 'alternative' muso's who stood and shouted about the sheer lunacy of the scamdemic; Tom McDonald is well worth seeking out; he's the 'rapper' kind of muso but with clear and comprehendable lyrics; Boatrawker is another; he does 'covers' infused with his own lyrics; here at home there is Kelly-Anne Wordsmith...and she is a wordsmith;

there are a few American 'country rockers' who came out with some great tunes as well; sorry but i can't think of their names right now but one of them is a blind guy who plays a steel six string with the slide; good stuff.

'alternative'? yep, in that they are not signed 'recording industry' clones.

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When the Foo Jabbers came to Perth I was absolutely disgusted that people went to see them. Revolting.

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Fancy going to see a band that insists on screening your private medical records! What a bunch of losers!

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by John Botica

again John, i simply cannot get my head around the mindset of these morons; they are lost my friend; empty vessels just wandering around without a care in the world beyond what they see in the mirror.

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Jun 4Liked by John Botica

those same morons will be the first to sign up for a Digital 'wallet' as well; and they will wear it with more pride than ElbowSleazy dancing and cheering his way along Oxford Street with all of his rainbow infused friends;

these 'people' are going down fast and they are taking the rest of us with them as they dutifully comply with every demand made of them by 'the system' and label the rest of us as every kind of crazy imaginable for standing our ground and saying "No, stick your rules where the sun don't shine" and denying 'the system' ITS self-deemed right to rule over every aspect of our lives;

seems the Jabberwockies don't value life as much as they do being GRANTED permissions from their rulers.

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Apparently 50% of Australians have already signed up for myGov digital ID lmao.

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shit...really? is it just more 'case numbers' or is there some substance to this claim?

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>Australian Government figures show that more than 10.5 million Australians have already created an account with the Federal Government’s Digital ID system, myGovID, to access more than 130 government services.


Also the cash for digital ID in WA was extremely successful


There are only 250,000 unvaccinated adults left in Australia. I actually believe these numbers. I only know a few unjabbed adults in my circle and I self-select my company. https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-may-2024.pdf

Mark, we are in an echo chamber.

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wow....you may know that i am not usually lost for words but WoW is all i can come out with.

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Mate the NPC situation in Australia is really serious.

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Jun 3Liked by John Botica

“You’re all a bunch of slaves… let people tell you what to do. How long are you going to let them push you around? What are going to do about it? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?”.

Mob rule is " the people" ... If you want to call them that... Goyim does seems a more appropriate term at this stage of the game.

" Democracy is the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people" Oscar Wilde

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Jun 3Liked by John Botica

i don't comprehend the mindset of these 'people' who chose to get injected with 'the worlds largest vaccine trial" which is what Greg Hunt told us all on MSM 'news' not long after the very same news had told everyone that the best way to kill the 'virus' was with fresh air and sunshine; it went something like: "there is no need to panic, studies have shown that sunlight and fresh air kill the 'virus' droplets as soon as they are exposed".....

we can call it coercion, blackmail, duress and many other mindfuckery tools but at the end of the day, 'people' chose to get poisoned with the experimental synthetic drug for many 'material' reasons; "i want to go to the pub again"...."i want My freedoms back"...i want to travel overseas".....i want to see My mum"....i need My job"..."i need to have money"....and on it went; keywords to note there are 'i' and 'my'; these 'people' weren't thinking anything of 'the greater good' or "saving granny next door" or "keeping everyone safe";

nope, they were "rolling up the sleeve" for their own selfish reasons and those of us that were indeed thinking of all, acting with the bigger picture in mind and for the greater good of mankind went through more mindfuckery than any of the willing and dutiful Lab Rats ever did;

this is why i put 'people' in quotations; they are no longer people; they are a collective of I's and sadly, frustratingly and infuriatingly, even with all the evidence of the harms and deaths caused, they are still acting for the I's;

if i were of the above variety of 'people', i would be dead-set out for blood; one way or another, i would get my fill and quench thy appetite for righteous revenge; again, i cannot comprehend the mindset of these Lab Rats;

anyway, on a brighter note, have a look at this on my 'chute channel: "a message to thy unvaxxed brethren...well worth revisiting": https://www.bitchute.com/video/RNbIrGikmSIC/

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Yep, can’t disagree with too much of that Mark. Love that clip too! Saw it a long time ago… it’s even more powerful now.

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i thought that reloading the message to the unvaxxed is a good time to remind everyone that we of the steadfast variety are not alone and that together, we can find the strength to fight against all the crap coming at us from every direction; be it from PO-LICE or AusGovCO, our right to peace and civility are under direct attack; every aspect of our right to freedom is getting hammered on a near daily basis and we must do what we can to deny and defy 'the system' and ITS minions of Tyranny and Thuggery;

it should be obvious Our Democracy has been bludgeoned to death by Polly Ticks and we are now facing Dictatorial Fascism head-on;

Deny; Defy; and Do Not Comply.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 5Liked by John Botica

John they would be compelled to come to grips that the medical system that they trusted in has been transformed into an authoritarian for-profit enterprise that is willing to release products that maim and kill and are refusing to take any responsibility or remorse over this.

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yup, disappearin' clot shots were a thing--but I've heard "trickles" positive 'bout a few lawsuits against the makers of the "invisibled" products... it'll be interestin' to see if those folks git compensated--surely years in the courts (sigh)

an' indeedy it's been a sorry sight ta see the rockers cave so EASILY... or worse like Neil an' Joni absurdly take "stands" against anyone who questions the "reich" of proty-culls (pullin' outta spotify due to Rogan's interviews)

I agree in no Amnesty (nobuddy has asked to be forgiven anyway--they just wanna move right on)--but "beware" the Polly Wants a Cracker--she's been "outed" herself as purdy spooky:


put on yer wellies now--it's a REAL minefield as just when ya think someone's trustworthy--at least those with bigger voices--they git blown up an' their alliances / allegiances revealed... sigh... an' like a magic trick with these folks not unlike some (some) of the jabs that got pulled--first they are "there" then gone--presto! (but we won't fergit will we? no sirree!)

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Yes, certain aspects of our so called “freedom movement,” do appear to be getting somewhat awry, I must admit. Shortly after having posted that video of Polly denouncing calls for an amnesty… (whilst checking out some of her other videos), I stumbled across this issue with her supposedly being attacked by TWC and affiliates. I thought to myself… “wow, that’s strange?” I was always meaning to look further into it, but admittedly, never actually got around to it. Anyway… thankfully, I can’t disagree with too much of what she presented in the particular video that I posted. Therefore, I figure it can only serve to shine a much needed light on the particular topic of which it was concerned. Thanks for the links and feedback!

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my pleasure John--that's the thing--we're drawn inta trustin' folks that seem ta make sense--then suddenly we find there's sumthin' shady goin' on--leavin' us to distrust our own instincts (which, of course, was the intention)... like I said--it's a landmine (I think rubber shoes help with lightenin' but nothin' helps avoid hidden explosives...)

Re Polly--she attacked TWC, many others balked, then a few dug deep an' found her spooky connections and a viddeo of her doxxin' folks an' goin' off the deep end--like Regan from the Exorcist! (It may be near the end of that link I sent--I sawr it an' my jaw dropped ta my sneakers!) TWC (an' the many decent folks promotin' it) fought back. That said, there are some "iffy connections" with TWC---so, is it "both sides now?!" (illusions on both sides too)

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