Once seemingly intelligent writers on Substack are now drowning in hopium... What happened?

Well, possibly the selection of orange man just slows down the demise of civilization, so we can be tortured by each other's impotence and stupidity for longer?

I have unsubscribed from a lot of people I respected over the last few days.

Yes John, it doesn't matter what it's called. Names are just a claim of ownership... I get along pretty well grunting, rolling my eyes and using words like thingermebob, whatumacallit and my favourite- NO..

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I hear ya Justin...now pass me another thingermajig before I throw a whatsy at the screen

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So well-put! one order'a "scrambled eggs on totalitarian toast " -- oh an' "pin a rose onnit!" (in diner speak that means serve with an onion which, by any other name...i.e. "rose" -- it still stinks!) An' that's 'bout where we are now. Totally normalized service-with-that-f-bomb-smile the waitress gives ya knowin' yer gettin' a sunny-side-up servin' of fear / quarantine camps/ bioweapons / directed energy weapons... an' more 'er less a heapin' side of bullshart on the plate to boot...

My hopium got left in the cup with the ol' tea bag but I'll take a sip of Trumpian Orange Fan-ta as if it was a 24 hour aspirin--it gits ridda' the pain fer a brief time--enuf ta ketch my breath... yup, a welcome relief from Princess Cackleberry but it's really only a matter of which ring, same circus (we got Elephants dancin' with the Donkeys).

Anywhoo the way it's goin' here on Fantasy Island is they're tellin' us Princess Cackleberry is gonna be installed anywayz as they're cookin' up some kinda swill ta feed down our throats next by callin' the (s)election stolen...

(what goes around....) so many narratives but only a few ringmasters... even so I just cain't keep up! (which, of course, is how they want it--they could care less if the waitress gits a tip! she's already paid fer the show...)

Loved the Ivor Cummins clip--well done (kinda like that totalitarian toast...burnt just for us.... yup, some kinda..."offerin' " indeed!) They soitenly want us ta git used to it, don't they? (I think even the contested (s)election game is bein' normalized..)

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Well said, John! In the end, only two words remain that define the ultimate goal of the servants of the GloboCap system in this New Normal world: TOTAL CONTROL.

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There's another word that comes to mind whenever all the ism's are brandied about like a definitive label must be ordained before we know what is truly going on...

Jism; yep you read correctly; jism, jism, jism

Spent man seed; Wasted man seed; Man seed without purpose; Man's life producing seed cast into a baron chamber or an inappropriate orifice without any real purpose

And at the end of the day what is left but a useless mess to clean up?

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Unlike communists, the fascists didn't declare war on their own people. Australian government is therefore more communist than fascist. Names may not matter? - but control of language is part of the communist playbook - along with endless lies of course.

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"control of language is part of the communist playbook"... Yes, they're using "that part" of the communistic playbook, as well as the most crushing aspects of the 'fascistic playbook'. That was the basic point of my article. They're using everything! But, here we are (as is so often the case), doing exactly what I suggested in my article that we stop doing! It just goes round and round.... this endless debating over... well, pointless semantics!

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I was having a discussion couple weeks back about the distinction between full collective control of production (communism) versus centralized control of each/all means of production (fascism) - my contending that in the end it’s de facto totalitarianism either way. So that the classic diagram with communism on the extreme left and fascism on the extreme right, while Democratic republics vary on where they each lay along that spectrum, is fallacious - with individual freedom to engage in whatever society each deems optimal on one end, and all those other isms falling somewhere along that spectrum toward its ever-limiting freedom on the other end. Such a diagram seems much more pertinent to understanding comparative systems.

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Well, at the end of the day... those on the "extreme left," and those on the "extreme right," pretty much meet in the same place... it's only the clothes that are different.

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Agree, had told my ‘debater’ that if he wished to keep it on a circle image like an analog clock-face, then maximum individual liberty could be viewed at 6 o’clock - with 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock being moderate levels of classical conservative and liberal practices, converging at the 12 o’clock complete statist power (whether an autocrat or politburo).

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oh fark me... are you for real?

No matter which ism you want to plant your flag with, it all amounts to same outcome and is orchestrated by the same tiny hat arseholes who love to use all the isms as another tool of division.

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Mark. To answer your question - yes I am for real. To your insult - no, I'm not planting a flag. I am not a flag waver.

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