Just been sitting here thinking to myself..? When was it that everything started to turn to crap? When was it exactly, that free society started turning into a big flaccid soft-ass rule ridden nanny state built purely upon conformist hypocrisy?
I figure (in a pop culture sense at least) it was around about the late 80s—early 90s… you know, when all that grunge stuff started to take off.
I mean really… I didn’t mind Nirvana, but most of these grunge guys today like to think of themselves as being real bad ass cutting edge rebel rousers! Real “stick it to the establishment” types—like the British punks of the late 70s.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Most of these dudes today are just hip looking tattoo display units with a guitar slung across their back and a multi-million dollar corporate sponsorship deal.
Just look at that wanker Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters! Who could be more—“All the way with the man!”—than that guy?!
He insisted that all his band, audience and road crew be “good little authoritarian worshipping—fully masked jabbed and boosted—all the way with the corporate-pharma dictatorship new normal plebs!”
He’s forever crawling up the backsides of the old school rockers— forever saying those “acceptable things”— Kurt Cobain would never have done that! No wonder he blew his head off! He could see where it was all headed with that sellout plonker bashing away on the skins behind him!
It took John Lydon (Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols/PIL) a little time… but I knew he’d eventually get it! He now sees through this corporatised, Big Pharma media propelled covid scam like glass! He was calling out Jimmy Savile way back in 1978!—completely to fall upon deaf ears! In fact, it wasn’t until years later that the British public finally came to understand what Johnny was saying—was indeed, completely TRUE! Doesn’t surprise me… he’s a smart guy and he’s got heart! He’s got class! And most importantly, he’s got the balls to speak his mind! Unlike these pretenders we’ve got today.
Always loved the Pistols! Loved their in your face attitude! Take no prisoners! Tell em exactly how it is and hang the consequences!
Would Dave Grohl have ever had the balls to say something like that? I don’t think so… And keep in mind—Johnny was screaming that out at the top of his lungs when he was already viewed as England’s Public Enemy Number One!
The Sex Pistols would have blown those fake-ass Foo’s right off their plastic corporatised stage! Kicked em right square in their backside!!
We need fearless heroes!—We need Johnny Rotten!
Awesome post. I have a personal vendetta for Grohl - along with former denizens of that Hell called LA. He is infamous for buying the board right out of one of the best studios in town. Cobain was a brilliant songwriter and musician despite his troubled life. Nothing today remotely like the 1950's to 1980 in music. The stick it to the establishment types have gone full Western.
Sorry John, but while I agree with the overall content of your message, I have to contest your admiration for the 'un-music' that surfaced in the 80's and ran for a few sad years. I'm a 77 year old ex-Mod from S. London who till can't get enough Funk Soul R'B. I loathed PUNK!
UK Government have just voted to accept this Culling of babies.
CRIMINAL! To inject babies (or anyone) with a dangerous experimental substance that is killing or maiming 1000s every day to achieve ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
The only motivation for agreeing with this murderous stupidity must be financial!
How can an unqualified wealthy individual be given credence for such a serious and complex - even dangerous subject as HUMAN HEALTH? Absolute nonsense - but obviously a 'sales opportunity' to re-double Gates's wealth!
This meeting and it's ideas and conclusions must be scrutinised before the Golden Goose is reloaded by Gates & CO.
We the people hereby reject, in its entirety, the determinations and decisions made by the unacceptable and self-appointed 'representatives' of our nation/s. These ridiculous assertions are made by unscrupulous, super-wealthy individuals that are influenced by the WEF (New World Order) NOT BY SOVEREIGN NATIONS! Our decision is irreversible!
Covid & DEADLY Vax both part of The WEF Depopulation program. 'RETRIBUTION' = Severe and incessant. 'Forgiveness' = NEVER!
Great to see the truth coming out after an interminable THREE YEARS???
The most egregious and inexplicable element of the VAX DEATH ARGUMENT? 'NO LIABILITY' for the makers of this DEADLY DEPOPULATION CONCOCTION! Unbelievable nonsense!
LIABILITY must be reinstated - NOW! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots and realised the deadly farce!