Awesome post. I have a personal vendetta for Grohl - along with former denizens of that Hell called LA. He is infamous for buying the board right out of one of the best studios in town. Cobain was a brilliant songwriter and musician despite his troubled life. Nothing today remotely like the 1950's to 1980 in music. The stick it to the establishment types have gone full Western.

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Sorry John, but while I agree with the overall content of your message, I have to contest your admiration for the 'un-music' that surfaced in the 80's and ran for a few sad years. I'm a 77 year old ex-Mod from S. London who till can't get enough Funk Soul R'B. I loathed PUNK!

UK Government have just voted to accept this Culling of babies.

CRIMINAL! To inject babies (or anyone) with a dangerous experimental substance that is killing or maiming 1000s every day to achieve ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

The only motivation for agreeing with this murderous stupidity must be financial!

How can an unqualified wealthy individual be given credence for such a serious and complex - even dangerous subject as HUMAN HEALTH? Absolute nonsense - but obviously a 'sales opportunity' to re-double Gates's wealth!

This meeting and it's ideas and conclusions must be scrutinised before the Golden Goose is reloaded by Gates & CO.

We the people hereby reject, in its entirety, the determinations and decisions made by the unacceptable and self-appointed 'representatives' of our nation/s. These ridiculous assertions are made by unscrupulous, super-wealthy individuals that are influenced by the WEF (New World Order) NOT BY SOVEREIGN NATIONS! Our decision is irreversible!

Covid & DEADLY Vax both part of The WEF Depopulation program. 'RETRIBUTION' = Severe and incessant. 'Forgiveness' = NEVER!

Great to see the truth coming out after an interminable THREE YEARS???

The most egregious and inexplicable element of the VAX DEATH ARGUMENT? 'NO LIABILITY' for the makers of this DEADLY DEPOPULATION CONCOCTION! Unbelievable nonsense!

LIABILITY must be reinstated - NOW! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots and realised the deadly farce!

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Some of my absolute all time fav bands were/are.. the Small Faces... the WHO... the Kinks.

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Johnny Rotten's been a good egg caregiver fer his wife Nora fer well over a decade, seems like it's a full time job-- Bizarrely, Nora started de-terioratin' with some early / odd version've Altzheimers an' instead've dumpin' her (like Roald Dahl did Pat Neal, similar scenario...) he's been the best mate possible fer her (she duz have some lucid moments at least). Gawd, awful situation--so he's been rarely in the public eye.

But yup, he spoke out about pedo-Jimmy back in the day... I'm a big Sex Pistol's fan here me-self! (I also pulled out the God Save the Queen lyrics in some comment somwhar'z back in early Fall when Her Highness kicked the proverbial royal bucket--'er wuz bumped off fer NOT dyin' soon 'nuf!)

I'd say by 'bout 1984 it all went ta pot--a few exceptions 'long the way and a' course some outliers that just kept pluggin' away and turnin' out the occasional diamond (and a lotta cow pies) along the way... Lou Reed (+Cale), Bob Dylan (tho' some'a his really bad stuff gits points fer bein' funny...) an' sum' others...

ps I warn't ever a Nirvana fan but Cobain did not off his-self and let's jus' say that reinvented military brat-wifey'a hiz wasn't all 'bout Love... all very laurel-canyon-y 27 clubby stuff... a deep dive fer sure but a fascinatin' one that hails back all the way ta the 60's an' MI5/MI6/MKUltra spooks--UK bands all in the same mire with this stuff too.... Jimmy Saville was only the scum on the surface of that fetid bog....

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I just kept it to a simple…”blew his head off” for uncluttered consistency for the main point of the post.

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Yep, Johnny Lydon’s a good man. Always had time for him. He’s tops in my book. Also yes… fully aware of what “really happened” to poor ole Kurt. I’m guessing you probably know that info put out by Eldon Hoke from the Mentors etc? Not to forget what happened to him shortly thereafter?! That really threw a “Wrench” into matters.

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No real Talent foul mouthed Grohl is an idiot.

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He’s not a bad drummer (bit of a metronomic slammer)… but that’s about where it ends. The guy’s proven himself to be a dill on too many occasions.

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Where the fuck are the meaningful musicians today? Few and far between. Despite his so called "grumpiness" I have always loved Van Morrison. Sticks to his guns. This cancel culture bullshit is so not what I was raised to believe. Picked up this vinyl for a dollar the other day. It's not Quicksilver Messenger Service but I'd listen to anything Richie Havens sang about.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UztdWm4W1YA

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Johnny Rotten mainly lives in the USA now caring for his wife Nora who has dementia and his step-ggrandchildren as their mother (Nora's daughter) died of cancer.

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He’s a good man ole Johnny.

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Did you know that on the 21 December 1988 Johnny and Nora had a big argument about packing suitcases for their flight to the USA that day?

They got to Heathrow late for their flight and were denied boarding for the flight.

The flight they were booked on was Pan-Am 103.

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Yes, I knew that. Incredible! In fact, I myself... flew the "exact same route" just the day before it happened. I know quite a bit about John Lydon... read many books, and listened pretty much to every interview he's ever given.

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Oh yes, I read about you on your Substack and have realised that although you are Australian you were living here in the late 1980s.

I hear Australia is a bit of a nightmare right now just like the UK and the other Five-Eyes and EU countries.

It really does feel like the end of days.

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We'll be right. It'll all work out in the end. Lot of people unfortunately will be dead... but it'll all work out.

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I agree 100%

All these "modern" bands seem to think of is being accepted by the masses; ie, make money;

there is one exception i have heard a little bit of; Amyl and the Sniffers; Very punk like with a tone of grunge thrown in

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Yup! It all comes flooding back now! The Don Arden regime restricted the SF's to Pop in UK! Did you know Steve M was the Artful Dodger in some West End theatre production when he was in his early teens!

I worked in West Hill Wandsworth in the early 60's and bumped into The Moody Blues in 1964 just before Go Now rocket them to fame. They were doing as gig in a Balham ballroom (Court Ballroom - I think?)

It seems we might have a lot in common (geographically at least). My Wife lived in Putney and Wimbledon and worked on Putney High Street in a toy shop. That was in the late 60's.

I used to work in the motor trade (Wholesale motor parts) based in Balham then Wandsworth so our haunts might have been similar. Albeit decades apart?

Eventually, we moved to Sussex and had a house neighbouring Roger Daultry's trout lakes & home.

Mick from Hooe.

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I'm actually an Aussie... but lived in the east end of London throughout 1989. Justin Hayward is one of my all time fav guitar players, and the Moody's 'Seventh Sojourn' has been getting a whirl on my turntable at least twice a year for the last 40 years. Yes, Steve told me all about his Artful Dodger days... (although I already knew about it)... I must have asked him for some stories. He spoke a lot about his younger days in the east end.

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I wish I had that opportunity. Steve was very underestimated and the Small Faces manager (forget his name now) kept making them make 'Pop' which was not their intended style. In spite of being somewhat shackled Steve's SOUL comes out in Tin Soldier and Watcha gonna do bout it. I did see them at The Celler (small dance hall in Kingston) in 1965. Keep on rocking! Mick.

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Don Arden was his name. A total gangster! He kept them at home, denying a big crack at the US market… which of course, the later ‘Faces’ took full advantage of and that’s pretty much what really launched Rod Stewart’s career. Of course Steve had Humble Pie… but in my opinion, they weren’t a patch on the Small Faces! Of course I never told him that, otherwise he may well have smacked me in the mouth! Wish I could have caught them in their hey day! But I did get to see him perform with his band the DT’s at the Half Moon Putney in London. He was on fire! He was a great guitar player too!

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Ain't nothin wrong with a bit of punk in the music player; The 'pistols, while openly admitting that they were not musicians, made a small fortune out of sticking it to the establishment and pissing it all up the wall;

"God save the queen....a fascist regime.....that made you a moron.....a potential H bomb"....... All the while floating down the Thames right under their filthy Pedo noses screaming right into their faces;

The Clash; Joy Division; Who; Kinks; all timeless bands with unique sounds;

Where are the unique bands now? Just about every "new band" i hear these days all sound the friggin same........trying hard to sound "natural" while being of the biscuit cutter elk

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All the bands pretty much of the last twenty years, sound as though they recorded in the exact same studio… with the exact same people… and turned out sound tracks for Disney commercials. You could swap members between all of the bands and no one would even notice. Loved Joy Division.

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Where are all the rebels? I think the rise of Woke consumerism from 2008 saw all creative endeavours plummet - music, movies, art, theatre, comedy, all washed with rancid virtue signalling. Originality is being sapped by AI cannibalising any creative work being uploaded to the Cloud. What do we get now? Bands like the Pfizer Chiefs joining forces with Big Pharma to push the poison onto their fans. If Ed Sheerin, Katy Perry, Coldplay and the Foo Fighters are the best we can do today, then it truly is the decline of the West.

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I get your point. Always liked the sex pistols, joy division and the crass. My question is, are there extenuating circumstances for some of the contemporary musicians you mention?

eg. how many childhood jabs did Grohl and cohort get compared to Johnny?

how many grams of glyphosate have they eaten?

how much micro plastics?

how much non-ionising radiation?

how much polyunsaturated acids, and how little saturated fats/cholesterol?

The list is nearly endless; however, it cannot be expected that all these poisons do not also have an effect on the brain. And it is our generation that stood by and let it all happen.

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Wow! You must be a closet Mod?

I had the pleasure of seeing Small Faces, Moody Blues, Who, etc, in The Locarno (then Cats Whiskers) back in 1965'ish. Never saw the Kinks but have seen Geno Washington & the Ram Jam Band (in Acton Town Hall). Incredibly, Geno is still doing the rounds and have seen him several times down here in Sussex. I now live near Bexhill and have seen the following in our local theatre (The Delawarr Pavilion);

Within the past 5 years = Zombies, Pretty Things, Chas n' Dave, Toots & the Maytals (Reggae) , some like Chas & Toots have recently died (RIP) but I thank them all for the memories.

Regards! Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed to live longer)

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I was fortunate enough to have shared a few drinks with Stevie Marriott back in the late 80’s. RIP the legendary Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane & Ian McLagan!

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People interested in this question should check out some of my work for our stack. See my collection of links to my pieces in this piece that headlines Five Times August. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-new-five-times-august-lp/comments I have lots on Van Morrison, including on the song which asks precisely the quesiton you are--also epic post on how X-Ray Spex songs apply today. Since that collection I also did something on a Weyes Blood song that has a thoughtful approach to the situation, without being a resistance song per se. As for the longer decline of popular music, see Martha Bayles' Hole in Our Soul.

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OK! Agreed. Have you heard Jan Ackerman of Brainbox = 'Down man' = Dutch psych pop from late 60's. Great guitarist. Also, closer to home for you (NZ) and slightly more recent = OMC - 'Right on'? My kinda stuff. Mick.

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Sorry to seem argumentative, but I thought the original Moody Blues singer, Denny Laine (born Brian Frederick Arthur Hines, 29 October 1944, in Birmingham, England) was a better singer. Listen to 'Say you don't mind' by 'Denny Laine'! Also covered by Colin Blunstone (Zombies) with an even better voice. Colin's still doing the rounds and incredibly, at 78 still sounds as good - Saw the Zombies in Bexhill (Local) about 4 years ago! Mick.

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I was purely talking about Justin's guitar playing. Ya see... I'm a guitar picker me'self. Denny Laine's a pretty handy guitarist as well! Loved his work with Wings.

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