Just excellent! Exactly what I am thinking.

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Well you’ve nailed a few facts here that’s for sure.

We as a species are now no different than any of the animal species on earth. If you look at any one of these species you will notice they have leaders that the rest obey. They live their entire life gathering food to stay alive. The smarter ones see new opportunities and the rest blindly follow. Hunting and farming and indeed just sitting in the park feeding the ducks all show you this.

Very few humans now see the opportunity to change or indeed are not brave enough to leave their comfort zone.

The days when our forebears would risk life and limb in search of a better life has all but dried up.

Even the illegal immigrants are only following the freebies thrown to the masses. Just the same way as we trap animals.

Over population No.

Everything is over controlled. We are no different to fish in a tank or cows in a pasture.

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free-spirited and free-willed individuals have apparently left the building in great numbers; far greater numbers than what i ever thought; i never did hold the majority of the masses in any great regard but this 'new world' has surprised even i with it's level of servitude and mass compliance;

the 'brave' of this 'new world' gather on the High Streets, sippin' lattes and showing off the latest sex attire under a rainbow umbrella....cocks n frocks abound and if one is to demonstrate their disgust, then one should be bludgeoned by the nearest group of armed thugs in corporation uniforms, dragged away to an underground cage somewhere and rationed everything until one can be presented to the corporates court where punishment will be metered out for daring to speak ones mind;

even if that speaking of the disgusted mind is done in a public school or public library while some pervert in a mini-skirt and fake bosoms reads a depraved sex filled book to children with their legs spread as wide as possible, one will still find themself at the wrong end of the corporates thugs baton;

you see, the perverted are the new brave and the corporates minions are the brave soldiers that will come to the rescue of the persecuted pervert;

yep, just like the fish in a bowl, we are to just swim and observe, eat what we are given and be happy that the morality of the bowl no longer matters; don't swim against the tide and one will be safe from capture and removal from the fish bowl.

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Speak for yourself.

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Aldous Huxley was inexplicably prescient. Though I’m not particularly a religious devotee, I can’t push aside a nagging belief he was a prophet of sorts. He had a mission.

“ Brave New World”, in his own assertion was purely a work of fiction- a brilliant, captivating tale detailing a horrific dystopian future. Of course, there was a moral. Man’s capacity for tyranny and what often begins with a degree of well intent can segue into unfathomable evil-but… for such tyrannical evil to come to fruition,a willingness of the majority must allow for it.

A decade after the 1932 publication of Brave New World, Huxley became increasingly concerned that his work of fiction was indeed, a premonition of what would become reality. He was obsessed- warned of it in chronological, material, psychological detail. Only to be mocked, dismissed or humored in the most patronizing fashion. After all, he was an accomplished living legend. A brilliant mind, such imagination.

Not only was he right, but down to the most minuscule of detail. We are living it and just as he warned, sleepwalking into slavery. Transhumanist. The “ Ultimate Revolution”. “ You will love your servitude”

Klaus Schwab didn’t coin “ You will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy”. The “ Great Reset” was nothing novel.

The WEF, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Rockefeller , Ford Foundations, Carnegie Institute, Kaiser ( Wilhelm) Permanente, Margaret Sanger PP, Bill Gates/Bloomberg/Soros/JP Morgan-, CIA,Chase, IBM,AP,Deutschebank,,Kissinger, Soros,Pharma,War Machine, every tentacle, every bureaucratic agency, installed world leader has been planning the global takeover since the Industrial Revolution.

Brave New World is the playbook. Huxley died in vain.

Huxley aptly named it “Willful Servitude”

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Huxley and Orwell; Orwell and Huxley... both men who apparently had the insight and wisdom of fortuity to know what the future was going to bring unto all of man; as it turns out, they both somehow knew the futures playbook, right down to the intricate mechanisms that would be used to plunder the compliant masses into the realm of the useless eater;

me thinks that whom-ever controls Gates-of-hell, Anal Schwab and TeddyBoy has more than likely read the written works of Huxley and Orwell and has in some ways paraphrased their words, with their own spin thrown in, and formulated zee plans for zee future based on Huxley's and Orwell's dystopian writings;

perhaps there were enough common people who purchased and approved of Huxley's and Orwell's books that the cra-crays could see a path of acceptance to their New World if they formulated zee plans based closely on Huxley's and Orwell's writings;

if Nostradamus is to be considered a genuine prophet, then Huxley and Orwell must also be of the same ilk unless of course Huxley and Orwell actually cheated and had insiders knowledge and their writings were born as thinly veiled, 33rd degree classified documents;

there's only so many times that coincidences can be considered to be a coincidence.

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There is no such thing as coincidence. None. Call it what you will, karma, serendipity, Chaos Theory, Butterfly Effect, What goes around, comes around- so long as everything is orbital- ie planets and stars, atoms and molecules, the DNA double helix, Fibonacci Sequence, circulatory system, tidal ebb and flow, matter and anti-matter…. Until Atlas Shrugs, literally, coincidence is nothing more than a construct.

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you know that; i know that; but sadly many do not know that most 'coincidences' are born from created circumstance(s);

two people yawning at the same time, two people speaking the same thought at the same time, two people farting at the same time....coincidence? possibly; or is it closer to the truth that we are all, as living beings, inner-connected by a force greater than us all?

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Everything we are experiencing, whether the bs mantra of the corporate media, Fox included, the “ Climate Catastrophes”, “ Pandemics”, global conflicts, inflation, forced experimental “ vaccines”, border insurgency, “ migrant crisis”, housing crisis, business closures, fearmongering, LGBTQXYZTransactivism,” Covid death count, mass shootings, prosecutorial abuse, mob violence, crime waves , low birth rate, what we don’t hear about, what we’re not allowed to talk about, the political divide, heinous trans-species hybrid chimeric research, explosions, fires, train derailments with toxic spillage…. Every fucking thing is deliberate! Every freedom forfeited and very few appear to care and those who are hyper-motivated in their “ caring” support the decimation of everything once held dear.

Ironic that the chest beating “ Pro-Life”, “ That’s not who we are”, law abiding “ Conservatives have uttered nary a peep about Agenda 2039, Event 201, the WEF Great Reset, geoengineering, Bill Gates, Bloomberg, Schwab, Gergen, FISA, farm confiscation, CAIR, Kleptocorporate multinationalism, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Biden’s Transhumanism EO, global crises and overthrown duly elected leaders of sovereign nations with borders…. Not a single effing thing. But they’re the “ Party of Freedom”.

I’ve lost any and all faith in what I believed America represented. Certainly not “ We The People”.

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America is leading the (western) world down the proverbial shit chute and has been since not long after WWII;

i honestly thought that Americans (the common people) were made of sterner stuff than what they have proven over the last 4 years in particular; if ever there was an obvious, in ya face, we don't give a fuck about you or your rights 'government', then US.inc would be it...with a bullet;

and Americans seem to still love their politicians; they love the divide of red vs. blue even when it should be blatantly obvious that there is only One colour and there always has only ever been one colour;

the theatre that is US Congress and the SCOTUS would be a joke if it were not so harmful to the common man and woman;

Land of the Brave and Home of the Free my arse! more like Land of the Weak and Home of the Indoctrinated;

if i had a dollar for every time i had some American telling me how wonderful they are because they still have a gun (or ten) and the beloved 2nd amendment while they tell me how cowardly Aussies are for giving up their guns, i'd have a decent stash of dollars;

yet, the only time i hear or read about guns being used in America is about people shooting people, neighbour killing neighbour; nothing about using the enshrined 2nd amendment to take down 'enemies both domestic and foreign' even while it is obvious that America is being attacked from within;

air, land and water are all being systematically poisoned; food supply and production is under constant attack; No water, no life; No food, no life and yet not a boo from the 2nd amendment lovers or Congress;

Australia is no better; Parliament is a comedy theatre and yet the masses are enthralled by it and hang on every word as if some 'brave and courageous' politician is going to save them from their misery;

they all get fed from the same spoon for rowing the same boat even while a few shout out about which way to go;

i've lost faith in man to be perfectly honest; the good among us seem to be very few and very far between;

i'd dearly love to be pleasantly proven wrong but i don't think that will happen any time in the near future;

i think those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear are on our own and the sooner we wake up to this fact, the sooner we might be able to join together and become a force to be reckoned with.

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Look no further than to Sir Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous, biologist, ethologist, and (of course) humanist, who infamously stated: “The lowest strata [of society] are reproducing too fast. Therefore (…) they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilisation.”

With beliefs like that and as an outspoken globalist, darwinist, socialist, agnostic, eugenicist he was destined to become the first Director-General of UNESCO, where he popularized birth control, abortion, and other measures of eugenics. His mission statement for UNESCO (Sir Julian Huxley, UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy, 1946) reads as follows: “At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic, and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exist in the human species will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

I’m sure, today he’d be called a philanthropist too, totally in league with the likes of Gates, Schwab, Harakiri (or what’s his name), Kissinger, Soros, and other assorted scum of the earth.

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To the psychos Covid is not a lie. They actually believe they are saving the world. They are religious fanatics in which their science is a religion. They are not rational. We have regressed to an earlier era.

The Plandemic Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1692-was-a-very-good-year-new-version

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Short answer: Those who are awake and using their brains are probably the only ones who will be in the nebuchadnezzar, while the rest will be in their little pods, working in a virtual world.

Honestly, screw the nebuchadnezzar, I'm gonna be outside in the world and leave the idiots in the pods.

If they won't listen to us, then they don't deserve to be alive, they are borg drones and belong in the cube.

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Thank you John. Great video at the end about the slaves/us. I cannot understand why people do not see this, why people care about voting.

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...is the task of sharing a world with people so dumbed-down and apathetic, ...

You said the reason you didn't call in was because you'd be blocked - how many others thought the same?

Whatever people say publicly, they are not lining up for the jabs at anything like the roll-out rates - this is a big problem for the Uber capitalists aka. globalists. And, they may be gullible and naïve, but that quickly changes when family members, friends etc. suddenly drop, else come down with a super-weird (terminal) condition that has never been mentioned before, outside of Pfizer's never ending side-effect list. One million marched in London end of May, a large increase over the last anti-jab march. How many more on the next one, after thousands of UK citizens have suffered serious harm or died in between?

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POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


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imagine if there was no television....or broad-casting of the masses; most of the zombies would have to face reality; whilst some would still search out ways to get the 'News Updates' from GovCO sponsored 'News Outlets', a great many would rub their eyes, scratch their noggins and wonder what the f$%k is goin' on; there would be no 'health emergency', there would be no 'climate emergency' and many other GovCO sponsored media lies would become glaringly obvious even to the most heavily indoctrinated among us;

then there is dear old aunty as the ABC was once affectionately known as; imagine if those airwaves were turned off as well; imagine if all the radio airwaves returned back to the strictly entertainment voices of years past; imagine if the only 'news' one would hear from the 'wireless' is when genuine and immediate emergency needed to be alerted to the community; imagine if the 'wireless' was returned back to the community and away from Corporate and GovCO sponsored conglomerates....

many so-called sci-fi futuristic 'movies' demonstrated the need for the 'resistance' to take out the 'towers' and shut down the relentless propaganda....

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Why the f does anyone give this psycho a platform??????

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Aug 21, 2023
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no tyrant or dictator in all of history has ever listened to reasoning or pleading from the masses;

every-time the masses tried to negotiate their way out of tyranny, the tyrants only got more tyrannical to the point of being increasingly vengeful on those who continued to cry out for their freedom;

the only way to stop a bully from stealing your lunch money or sandwiches every day is to stand up and punch him in the face; running to the teacher for help only gets you another flogging from the bully on the weekend or after school.

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