Aug 20, 2023Liked by John Botica

Just excellent! Exactly what I am thinking.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by John Botica

Well you’ve nailed a few facts here that’s for sure.

We as a species are now no different than any of the animal species on earth. If you look at any one of these species you will notice they have leaders that the rest obey. They live their entire life gathering food to stay alive. The smarter ones see new opportunities and the rest blindly follow. Hunting and farming and indeed just sitting in the park feeding the ducks all show you this.

Very few humans now see the opportunity to change or indeed are not brave enough to leave their comfort zone.

The days when our forebears would risk life and limb in search of a better life has all but dried up.

Even the illegal immigrants are only following the freebies thrown to the masses. Just the same way as we trap animals.

Over population No.

Everything is over controlled. We are no different to fish in a tank or cows in a pasture.

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Aldous Huxley was inexplicably prescient. Though I’m not particularly a religious devotee, I can’t push aside a nagging belief he was a prophet of sorts. He had a mission.

“ Brave New World”, in his own assertion was purely a work of fiction- a brilliant, captivating tale detailing a horrific dystopian future. Of course, there was a moral. Man’s capacity for tyranny and what often begins with a degree of well intent can segue into unfathomable evil-but… for such tyrannical evil to come to fruition,a willingness of the majority must allow for it.

A decade after the 1932 publication of Brave New World, Huxley became increasingly concerned that his work of fiction was indeed, a premonition of what would become reality. He was obsessed- warned of it in chronological, material, psychological detail. Only to be mocked, dismissed or humored in the most patronizing fashion. After all, he was an accomplished living legend. A brilliant mind, such imagination.

Not only was he right, but down to the most minuscule of detail. We are living it and just as he warned, sleepwalking into slavery. Transhumanist. The “ Ultimate Revolution”. “ You will love your servitude”

Klaus Schwab didn’t coin “ You will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy”. The “ Great Reset” was nothing novel.

The WEF, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Rockefeller , Ford Foundations, Carnegie Institute, Kaiser ( Wilhelm) Permanente, Margaret Sanger PP, Bill Gates/Bloomberg/Soros/JP Morgan-, CIA,Chase, IBM,AP,Deutschebank,,Kissinger, Soros,Pharma,War Machine, every tentacle, every bureaucratic agency, installed world leader has been planning the global takeover since the Industrial Revolution.

Brave New World is the playbook. Huxley died in vain.

Huxley aptly named it “Willful Servitude”

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To the psychos Covid is not a lie. They actually believe they are saving the world. They are religious fanatics in which their science is a religion. They are not rational. We have regressed to an earlier era.

The Plandemic Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1692-was-a-very-good-year-new-version

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Short answer: Those who are awake and using their brains are probably the only ones who will be in the nebuchadnezzar, while the rest will be in their little pods, working in a virtual world.

Honestly, screw the nebuchadnezzar, I'm gonna be outside in the world and leave the idiots in the pods.

If they won't listen to us, then they don't deserve to be alive, they are borg drones and belong in the cube.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by John Botica


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Thank you John. Great video at the end about the slaves/us. I cannot understand why people do not see this, why people care about voting.

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...is the task of sharing a world with people so dumbed-down and apathetic, ...

You said the reason you didn't call in was because you'd be blocked - how many others thought the same?

Whatever people say publicly, they are not lining up for the jabs at anything like the roll-out rates - this is a big problem for the Uber capitalists aka. globalists. And, they may be gullible and naïve, but that quickly changes when family members, friends etc. suddenly drop, else come down with a super-weird (terminal) condition that has never been mentioned before, outside of Pfizer's never ending side-effect list. One million marched in London end of May, a large increase over the last anti-jab march. How many more on the next one, after thousands of UK citizens have suffered serious harm or died in between?

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imagine if there was no television....or broad-casting of the masses; most of the zombies would have to face reality; whilst some would still search out ways to get the 'News Updates' from GovCO sponsored 'News Outlets', a great many would rub their eyes, scratch their noggins and wonder what the f$%k is goin' on; there would be no 'health emergency', there would be no 'climate emergency' and many other GovCO sponsored media lies would become glaringly obvious even to the most heavily indoctrinated among us;

then there is dear old aunty as the ABC was once affectionately known as; imagine if those airwaves were turned off as well; imagine if all the radio airwaves returned back to the strictly entertainment voices of years past; imagine if the only 'news' one would hear from the 'wireless' is when genuine and immediate emergency needed to be alerted to the community; imagine if the 'wireless' was returned back to the community and away from Corporate and GovCO sponsored conglomerates....

many so-called sci-fi futuristic 'movies' demonstrated the need for the 'resistance' to take out the 'towers' and shut down the relentless propaganda....

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Why the f does anyone give this psycho a platform??????

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