Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Botica

That’s the stuff John! Infuriating but spot on.

I’ve decided to just enjoy the whatever’s next. Storm clouds are on the near horizon.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by John Botica

Shouting with you John! Love your honest writing :-D

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Botica

On the money John! Can't wait to see all these complicit bastards ( media, politicians, etc. ) trying to cover their asses.

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The Earth shakes. Seatbelts as these folks try to do the cover ups.

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You got it spot on John! Great analysis regarding the Brain-dead 'vax believers'.

And an accurate description for reaching determinations regarding 'Excess Deaths and Vax program roll-outs, but I just assume that all excess SUDDEN deaths, SADS, SIDS, etc, that occur after the DEADLY JAB!

Ridiculously, Big Pharma have enjoyed a temporary concession of NO LIABILITY introduced in 1976 for Swine Flu. That 'Experiment killed 50 + US citizens and they stopped the Experimental jabs. This time, there's no stopping although the FDA and all other mediating Health bodies know MILLIONS have died world wide POST VAX! The 50 US DEATHS POST VAX in 1979 were enough for that disaster of a Vaccine to be determined as "TOO DANGEROUS". Swine flu faded away as will the Man Enhanced Corona virus. Covid would not have been such a serious health issue if pre-existing SAFE anti-viral meds like IVERMECTIN were not 'hidden' by Big Pharma in collusion with the FDA, CDC and other supposedly responsible overseers of public health and well-being. But Big Pharma could not have obtained an 'Emergency Use Authorisation' (EUA) if proven pre-existing meds were acknowledged by the FDA! "Nothing to see here"! The FDA's EUA Approval for Coronavirus injections Stinks?

DEADLY Unwarranted Injections (with absolutely No LIABILITY) from manufacturers that bare no consequence for what ever SHIT they decide top put in the next batch.

No LIABILITY = No consequences, no Qaulity Control, No standards to meet and more gross profit because Pfizer et al, are only in it for greed. No LIABILITY = LICENCE to KILL. What happened to Common Sense?

That doesn't preclude any 'special contents' the Elite may have dictated to be added to test human endurance and reaction to (5G) radio frequency harms that could eventually be used instead of Water Cannon, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets and militia with batons! That might be the reason scientists are finding sinister materials like Graphene Oxide, Lead, Zinc and Mercury within Covid vials. None are medicinal, but have proven to react to radio frequencies. Perhaps the new Suppression and Control methods to be rolled out in the anticipated events of Unrest, uprising and riots that are imminent.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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