Mar 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

My once friends, hundreds of people from 3 country clubs some whom I have known for 30 years of golf games and cards games dinners , shows, weddings, holidays for myself,husband and son, are all true believers of trusting the government and doctors to the end of their lives (however short or long it might be). Their children some of whom are doctors and lawyers rabbis and successful businessmen and grandchildren are jabbed but they all still share dinners at restaurants every week some every day plays cards, and golf etc. and are happy go lucky in their lives as far as surface value goes. They are all working or traveling and have their needed proof of whatever they need to enter or leave countries at the farthest corners of the earth..with happiness and not a care in the world. I kid you not! However, my family is left out of their card games, dinners, birthdays, holidays, golf games and even phone calls have ceased. Why? We dont agree with their politics or health regiments. They stick together and commiserate how they are doingwell feeling fine and play golf at noon.

It’s a lonely world for us who live our lives without following the herd. It’s an enlightening game to see who your friends really were. It’s a crazy world that gives permission to hate someone you liked just two years ago. Hate may be a harsh word but its a harsh world. I hate them for their dismissal of me and my choices....but they persist in their happy lives without a thought to their behavior. It’s gratifying to read your understanding of the world as it is. It’s similar to mine and other readers here. In NY the crowd is tough and self centered and being a New Yorker myself I understand and even though I dont agree with a lot of their choices in life we have always met on common ground but since Covid and the -games our government plays---all is lost. Common sense and common ground is all gone.

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There are a lot of awake people in NYC. That guy who owned the gym went through a lot. I loved your post - thanks.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by John Botica

As we all know we are a little isolated out here in AU, so as a captive audience (read censored) the status quo does not change. Covid, covid, covid.

I sometimes think that a few may be catching on but having gone so far down the rabbit hole if they back out now their rear end will be exposed. Having taken such extreme stances against the unvaxxed it is a matter of retaining pride over actual reality.

They, most of the vaxxed, as you say go about their day as if nothing has changed but they are living in the world of the movie or video game. They don't realise that when you switch off the computer or tv it doesn't all go away for them to start again tomorrow. It is there in your arm like the glowing little bit of luciferase that it is.

The government for one, cannot back out or they are going to be sued into oblivion for the damage done to us as a whole. And there would be a hell of a lot of super mad people. So we still covid !

There is nothing more they can do to me. My son, the one pride and joy in my life was vaccinated by mandate. My hopes for him to have a beautiful life are over so I sit in numbness. I was 45 when he was born and is my life's greatest achievement and I believe these monsters have taken that from him and me.

Yes Cat is right, common sense is all gone along with decency, morality, honesty and empathy.

And yes Susan getting out in the garden wit the shovel alleviates a little of the stress.

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If your son was forced to get the jab just keep in mind there are some that will not be affected due to LUCK OF THE DRAW so I will pray he is safe and has a long long healthy life. God watches us all. We are never alone even in the darkness. Pray every day and never give up or give in to this dark world. Someday all this will change and we will be living in a world that is filled with light and joy. You and your family will be together and happy.

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My condolences to you. They got both my beautiful sons too. It tears your heart to ribbons. 😢 🙏🙏🙏

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Shouting back at you! Yeah, it’s been a painful exercise in honing my character assessments. Sooo many ‘friends’ far and wide, ones I always thought were intelligent. Oh well - no words could reach into their reality boxes of comfort and frivolity, so I’ve stopped trying to get any of them to see what is in plain sight. Hang in there, I had a great quiet day working outside with a shovel turning the garden dirt and the compost pile. Tonight- weary, exhausted and relaxed. It’s a tactic for frustration busting, healthier than tequila 😉

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by John Botica

Oh dear - I too vent and heal in the garden. But I take the bottle with me now. 🤣

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You go girl, a spot o red wine afterwards does help thaw the tired muscles and angst😎

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

I read the Australian Actuaries Institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group’s analysis explaining away almost 20,000 excess deaths in 2022 which was published this week.

They are jokers and liars, propping up the TGA's line "nothing to see here". At one point in the report they state "Australia had negative mortality displacement (i.e. fewer deaths than expected) in the first year or so of the pandemic, resulting from the absence of many respiratory diseases." Apparently Australia caught up with the deaths later, although there's no clear reason why. According to the report, the impact of vaccine-related deaths was 'negligible'.

The last time we had a crisis in mortality was when 40,000 Australians died during WWII. We are living in a real catastrophe and the media's nowhere to be found. Where are the historians, demographers and health professionals sounding the alarm?


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Yep. It's certainly looking bleak.

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Australia is actually on track to exceed WWI deaths. I have been keeping track since the beginning using their own data and I update it every month. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/why-did-so-many-australians-die-in

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by John Botica

Good on you. We must all keep records to keep the b******* honest.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by John Botica

🤣 Are you being sarcastic John 🤣

'Keep the b******* honest' 🤣.

No - these beings of true darkness don't know the meaning of the word. Deception IS their honesty.

We must keep the records to h**g the b*******. 😉

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It wasn’t my comment Sue… I just gave it 👍. But you’re right… these bastards have never been honest, nor do they even know the meaning of honesty. It’s a bit of a loose phrase that one when you think about it.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

They can blame it on what they want in the press. In a Court of Law it will not go so well for them since histological tests at autopsy prove only the spike is present. If it were a 'natural' infection then nucleocapsid should also be found, since the virus produces far more nucleocapsid than spike. Yet, they come back negative for nucleocapsid. How can they explain that away?

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They won't have to explain anything away... they'll just ignore everything. Don't know if you've read this previous post. https://johnbotica.substack.com/p/the-tragic-reality-of-where-we-actually

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Another great post John, thanks. I wonder if there will ever be any sort of reveal over what is happening. The J6 situation coming out of the US is interesting - innocent people have been sitting in prison for a long time and the tide is turning on that. Will we ever see the vaccinated rise up or will they just continue to die quietly while doctors are 'baffled'?

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by John Botica

The media will carry the water for the perp(s) til 2 billion are dead. Progress must move forward [especially while their bread is buttered on both sides by Big pHarma + gvrnmnt]

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Your post is excellent. Yes these people are incredibly weak. Some are very sadistic.

I write songs describing these people. Check some of them out.

The Plandemic Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1692-was-a-very-good-year

Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

No more internment camps for the unvaccinated? Don’t be so sure! Watch Turfseer’s Music Video THE COMMANDANT. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-commandant

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

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